Spring 2009 Graduate Calendar


All courses listed will not necessarily be offered in every term. Courses are normally three hours a week.

41-501. Microeconomics
An intensive review of the theory of the firm and consumer theory.

41-502. Macroeconomics
An intensive review of theories of the determination of aggregate output, employment and price level.

41-503. Microeconomic Theory II
Additional topics in microeconomic theory.

41-504. Macroeconomic Theory II
Additional topics in macroeconomic theory.

41-510. Theory of International Economics
An introduction to the problem of international trade of goods and services, and the related issues of exchange rate determination and balance of payment; Domestic policies under alternative exchange rate regimes; Money and exchange rates in models with sticky or flexible prices.

41-516. Labour Economics I
The demand and supply analysis; human capital; trade unions and collective bargaining; wage structures; labour mobility.

41-531. Industrial Organization
A theoretical and empirical analysis of firms and markets.

41-541. Econometric Theory I
The general linear model, selected single equation problems, and an introduction to simultaneous equations methods.

41-542. Econometric Theory II
Additional topics in econometric theory (Prerequisite: 41-541.)

41-543. Applied Econometrics
The specification, estimation and testing of economic models. Emphasis will be on the classical linear regression model, the implications or violations of its basic assumptions and diagnostic testing. (This course is not intended for students who take 41-541.)

41-550. Monetary Theory
A survey of recent developments in the theory of money and monetary control of an economy, in addition to selected topics.

41-580. Models of Strategic Behaviour
A review of game theory showing how strategic reasoning can be used as a tool in decision theory. Topics include solution concepts for Normal form and Extensive form games, plus applications.

41-581. Mathematical Economics
The formal properties of selected economic models. Includes an examination of the problems of existence, uniqueness and stability of solutions.

41-582. Selected Topics in Advanced Theory
An examination of the most recent literature on one or two selected topics in theory.

41-590. Regional Economics
Theoretical and policy issues relating to large regions, including, for example, distribution of wealth, distribution of productive resources, and migration.

41-591. Urban Economics
Theoretical and policy issues relating to urban areas, including, for example, urban growth and land use.

41-594. Special Studies in Economics
Research and reading course in a selected field approved by the Department.

41-796. Major Paper