Winter 2010 Graduate Calendar


98-930. Law and Social Work: Advanced Practice Research Methods and Policy Analysis
This course prepares students to use the evidence-based practitioner-researcher model in the analysis of social policy, as it relates to law, in Canada. This model includes problem formulation, qualitative and quantitative research design, data analysis and interpretation, and the dissemination of findings. Additionally, the course focuses on the processes involved in policy formulation, implementation, social change, and advocacy. Students will learn to apply specific analytic frameworks and theories, drawn from law and social work, to issues of Canadian social policy. Particular attention will be given to the implications of social policy for vulnerable and oppressed populations. (Open to MSW/LLB students only, or with the permission of both program areas.)

98-931. Advanced Seminar in the Theory and Practice of Social Work and the Law
This seminar focuses on the intersection of law and social work in theory and practice. It will prepare students to think critically about the interrelationship between law and social work, both as disciplines and professions, and to identify and analyze theoretical and substantive areas of compatibility and tension. The challenges of interdisciplinary practice will be considered, with a particular emphasis on ethical norms and the advancement of social justice. (Open to MSW/LLB students only, or with the permission of both program areas.)