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Admission Requirements
Graduates of the University of Windsor or of other recognized colleges or universities may be admitted to programs leading to the Master's degree. A student with an honours Bachelor's degree or equivalent with adequate specialization in Computer Science and with at least B standing in the major subject may be admitted to a minimum one-year Master's program (II Master's Candidate). A student with an honours Bachelor's degree in a related subject and with at least B standing in the major subject may be admitted to a minimum two-year Master's program (I Master's Qualifying followed by II Master's Candidate) or to a minimum two-year II Master's Candidate program depending upon prior qualifications.
Students with deficiencies in some areas of Computer Science may be required to make up those deficiencies by registering in undergraduate courses prior to or as part of their graduate program or by following a program of supervised reading.
Students eligible to participate in the proposed co-op education will have successfully completed at least one semester of full-time study at the Master’s level in the School of Computer Science at the University of Windsor, which includes fulfilling the requirement of attending regular departmental seminars.
Program Requirements (Major Requirements)
1) The requirements for the degree of Master of Science will be satisfied by pursuing a program of studies consisting of five approved courses and a thesis. (A thesis is a major research project which must involve substantial innovative work generally culminating in original results.)
2) In addition to the above course work, students must attend regular departmental seminars throughout their M.Sc. studies, as a fulfilment of this requirement.
3) With prior approval of the graduate coordinator, candidates may be permitted to include graduate courses offered by other departments in their program.
4) No student will be allowed to include in his or her program a course which substantially overlaps a course previously taken.
5) All candidates' programs are subject to approval by the Computer Science program graduate committee.
6) Students must maintain a minimum overall average of B-, and obtain a passing grade in all courses to remain in good standing in the program. A grade of less than B- in a graduate course will be considered as a failure for that course.
7) A student who fails to maintain the minimum overall average of B- will be automatically placed on probation in the following term.
8) A student who obtains a grade of F or less in any course will be automatically placed on probation in the following term.
9) A student who fails to achieve satisfactory performance in any aspect of the program (course work, thesis or major paper) may be required to withdraw.
The Master's thesis committee is chosen in the manner described under the section titled, The Program Requirements for the Master's Degree. The final examination will take the form of an open seminar in the presence of the Master's committee. The examination will be open to the public.
Each student must obtain approval of his or her program, in writing, from the graduate coordinator within three weeks of registration. Subsequent changes require written approval from the graduate coordinator.
Co-op Program Requirements
In addition to the Program Requirements for the Master of Science Degree, students participating in the co-op option must satisfy the following conditions:
1) Have been a full-time student in the Master’s program in Computer Science;
2) Have successfully completed a minimum of one study term;
3) Have at least one semester remaining in a maximum of three years in the Master’s program;
4) Have obtained written permission from the academic supervisor/co-supervisors;
5) Have their placement(s) confirmed by the Centre for Career Education
6) Are not planning to take courses during the work terms.