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Fall 2019 Graduate Calendar
International Masters in Civil Engineering
(Dual Degree Program)
Graduates of the
dual degree program will receive two degrees:
1) Laurea Magistrale in Civil Engineering
(issued by the
University of Udine in Italy
2) International Master of Applied Science in Civil Engineering
(issued by the University of Windsor).
Areas of Study:
The suggested course choices at each university will be streamed into five key areas: Structural Engineering, Water Resources, and Transportation Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, and Building and Construction Management. Each student will be required to take courses in at least two key areas. In this way, all the graduates of the proposed program will receive a well-rounded education in civil engineering and an opportunity to build a significant level of specialized expertise in an area that is of particular interest to them.
Admission Requirements
Admission will be granted, within the li
mits of program availability (initially 3 students/year) to University of Windsor students possessing a Bachelor of Applied Science degree in Civil Engineering (or equivalent engineering degree) from an accredited Canadian university. Standard admission requirements for entry in the Civil Engineering MASc program will be met. This includes acceptance by a thesis advisor, who must have a plan for the research and coursework approved by the Department Head and the Graduate Coordinator at Windsor, as well as the Udine Head of the Department. The regular admissions process in each of the partner schools will be supplemented by an interview by a panel made up of representatives from the home institution of the student. As is normal practice, applications will be reviewed by the Graduate Coordinator of the Civil Engineering program. Student application files will be forwarded to the Faculty of Graduate Studies, with a request for formal admission of those students approved by the Graduate Coordinator. Accepted students will be enrolled at the University of Windsor with M2 status (Master candidate) in the International Masters in Civil Engineering. For University of Udine students, admission will be granted, within the limits of program availability (initially 3 students/year) to students possessing a Laurea
[Bachelor’s degree]
in Civil Engineering (or equivalent engineering degree) from an accredited European university. Student files will be reviewed by the Course of Studies Coordinator; similar to the University of Windsor process. Accepted students will begin the first year in the Laurea Magistrale in Civil Engineering at the University of Udine.
Degree Requirements
For Windsor students:
3 Windsor graduate courses and 30 ECTS credits in courses in Italy. The total course requirements are equivalent to the weight of study done to complete a Windsor Master of Applied Science degree in Engineering with a thesis (thus making the students eligible to continue their studies at the doctoral level).
For Udine students:
60 ECTS course credits and 3 Windsor graduate courses which makes them eligible for doctoral work in Europe when completed, in conjunction with their major thesis.
(b) Students from both institutions will be required to complete the graduate seminar course while at the University of Windsor.
(c) University of Windsor students must complete at least two of their courses in Term 1 of Year 1, and three no later than Term 2 of Year 1.
(c) Thesis:
Each student will complete a thesis with supervision and advisement by both Windsor faculty and Udine department members. The Windsor students will carry out 58% of their thesis work in Windsor and the remainder in Udine and the Udine students will work on their thesis primarily in Windsor.
For the purposes of the University of Windsor degree, the thesis committee will consist of the principal and co-advisor, an internal program reader, and an external program reader, as per Windsor’s standard requirements for thesis committees. Additional Committee members may be added to meet the requirements of the Udine program. The principal advisor for the Windsor students will be a Windsor faculty member, with a department member from Udine acting as an advisor. Similarly, for Udine students the principal advisor will be a department member from Udine, with an advisor assigned from Windsor faculty. The thesis committee will be formed in the beginning of the first year when students plan their approach to the thesis. The coordination of supervision will be conducted through progress report meetings via tele- or videoconference. Under supervision of the advisors, the thesis will be written and submitted to the committees at both universities in a format that is acceptable to both institutions. An oral defense of the thesis will be accomplished by an in-person examination at the University of Windsor with a video teleconference link to the University of Udine. The student must also give a presentation on the thesis at the University of Udine.