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Fall 2019 Graduate Calendar
[Available to international students.]
The objectives of
all Mast
er of Education programs
are to provide candidates with opportunities to develop:
a commitment to intellectual enquiry and scholarship as a basis for continuing professional growth;
a knowledge of current theory and research relevant to the curriculum and administration of elementary and secondary schools; and
an understanding of, and respect for, the principles of educational research.
In addition to these objectives, the Master of Education (International Cohort) will place an added emphasis on developing research through an internship and on understanding educational theory from a
comparative viewpoint between Canadian education and that of their own country.
Admission Requirements
Preference will
be given to candidates who exceed the minimum requirements as listed below. Applicants should have at least one year of successful professional experience in education. These require
ments are already in line with the minimum requirements for students entering into the other Master of Education programs.
Confirmation of successful completion of a Bachelor of Education (or equivalent) from an academic institution approved the University of Windsor. Applicants with a four year hono
urs degree in related fields may be considered
Evidence of having obtained a cumulative grade point average in the B range overall and at least a B standing in the last two years of your academic studies (when converted to Ontario standards)
Demonstrated English proficiency by meeting or exceeding a 7.0 score in the IELTS test or a TOEFL score of 100 (ibt)
Three letters of reference (should address the applicant’s ability to engage in academic work and scholarly study)
A successful interview with a representative from the University of Windsor
A personal statement discussing why you wish to do graduate studies in the area of educational studies and how it fits into your plan for entry into the workforce as a working professional and / or scholar
The Centre for
English Language Development (CELD) offers an English Language Improvement Program that will be made available to students who are academically qualified but must demonstrate higher English language proficiency prior to the start of their academic program. English language training is at an additional. Students who demonstrate sufficient language proficiency but experience difficulties with language will be referred to CELD which offers additional student support programs in English Pronunciation and English Writing Development. Enrolment is limited
Master of Education (MEd)
Degree Requirements
Candidates will pursue studies in one of three areas of concentration:
(a) Curriculum Studies;
(b) Educational Administration.
(c) Second Language Acquisition, Culture and Society
Curriculum Studies Concentration
Total course: 10 courses and Academic Preparatory Program
Semester 1
EDUC-8150 Comparative and International Education
EDUC-8510 Information and Communication Technologies
EDUC-8240 Curriculum Theory and Development
Semester 2
EDUC-8270 Research in Education
EDUC-8650 Sociological Aspects of Education
EDUC-8300 Qualitative Methods in Educational Research
Semester 3
EDUC-8350 Organizational Behavior in Education Institutions
EDUC-8360 Introduction to Educational Policy Analysis
EDUC-8560 Approaches to Literacy Development
Semester 4
EDUC-8930 Educational Research Internship
Educational Administration Concentration
Total course:
10 courses and Academic Preparatory Program
Semester 1
EDUC-8150 Comparative and International Education
EDUC-8510 Information and Communication Technologies
EDUC-8290 Theories of Educational Administration
Semester 2
EDUC-8270 Research in Education
EDUC-8650 Sociological Aspects of Education
EDUC-8100 Statistics in Education
Semester 3
EDUC-8350 Organizational Behavior in Education Institutions
EDUC-8360 Introduction to Educational Policy Analysis
EDUC-8560 Approaches to Literacy Development
Semester 4
EDUC-8930 Educational Research Internship
Second Language Acquisition, Culture and Society
Total course:
10 courses and Academic Preparatory Program
Degree Requirements:
EDUC-8390 Theories and Approaches in Language Acquisition and Instruction
EDUC-8270 Research in Education
Either EDUC-8100 (Statistics in Education) or EDUC-8300 (Qualitative Methods in Educational Research)
EDUC-8930 Internship
Two of the the following:
EDUC-8400 Language, Culture and Society;
EDUC-8420 Language Systems Analysis;
EDUC-8430 Special Education and Language Acquisition;
EDUC-8910 (Section 32) Special Topics: Language Assessment
Four of the following*:
EDUC-8150 Comparative and International Education
EDUC-8240 Fundamentals of Curriculum Theories and Development
EDUC-8330 Survey Design and Research
EDUC-8340 Individual Reading
EDUC-8400 Language, Culture and Society
EDUC-8420 Language System Analysis
EDUC-8500 Issues in Education
EDUC-8510 Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) for Teaching and Learning
EDUC-8560 Approaches to Literacy Development
EDUC-8570 The English Language Arts
EDUC-8650 Sociological Aspects of Education
EDUC-8910 Special Topics in Education
*It is important to note that with regard to these
courses, SLACS candidates are encouraged to take, as available, the two remaining courses not taken as compulsory courses as part of the list specified for this concentration.
Suggested Sequencing for 2016-2017
Total course:
10 courses and Academic Preparatory Program
Semester 1
EDUC-8390 Theories and Approaches in Language Acquisition and Instruction
EDUC-8150 Comparative and International Education
EDUC-8510 Information and Communication Technologies for Teaching
Semester 2
EDUC-8270 Research in Education
EDUC-8650 Sociological Aspects of Education
EDUC-8100 or EDUC-8300 Statistics in Education or Qualitative Methods
Semester 3
EDUC-8430 Special Education and Language Acquisition
EDUC-8910 (Section 32) Special Topics: Language Assessment
EDUC-8560 Approaches to Literacy Development
Semester 4
EDUC-8930 Internship