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Fall 2019 Graduate Calendar
. Engineering Technical Communications
Engineering Technical Communications will prepare Master of Engineering (MEng) students to communicate technical information clearly and concisely, in written, oral, and graphical form. Students will work through a logical thought process for organizing advanced concepts as well as practice technical writing styles to effectively write and organize advanced technical papers for presentation and publication. Students will also work in teams to prepare written technical papers and will present this information as part of a major project. (Open to Masters of Engineering students, excluding students in the MEng Auto Program. Open to engineering MASc/PhD students on permission of the department/faculty as a qualifying course only. Will not count for credit towards MASc/PhD degree.)
GENG-8010. Engineering Mathematics
The course will cover topics in advanced modern engineering mathematics not addressed in earlier courses and considered to be crucial for more advanced engineering courses at the graduate level. These topics include: Fourier series and Fourier transforms, with applications in the frequency domain modelling, solution of partial differential equations with applications in continuum mechanicals and electromagnetism, solution of integral equations with applications in acoustics and aerodynamics. (Open to Masters of Engineering students, excluding students in the MEng Auto Program. Open to engineering MASc/PhD students on permission of the department/faculty as a qualifying course only. Will not count for credit towards MASc/PhD degree).
. Engineering Project Management
This course will expose students to principles, concepts, and tools utilized in project management activities. This course will include topics such as defining project scope, and time, cost, risk, procurement and stakeholder management. The students will be engaged in working on a major project to develop proficiency in project
management activities and tools. (Open to Masters of Engineering
and Masters of Engineering Management
students, excluding students in the MEng Auto Program. Open to engineering MASc/PhD students on permission of the department/faculty as a qualifying course only. Will not count for credit towards MASc/PhD degree.
GENG-8030. Computational Methods and Modeling for Engineering Applications
This course covers the basics of computational analysis for real-world engineering applications. Students will learn the fundamentals of programming and modeling with MATLAB. Topics include: Computational Methods, Model Building, for Engineering Projects, Hardware for Real-time Testing, Data Acquisition from Sensors. Students will complete a real-world project in the areas of their interests.
GENG-8040. Engineering Management Capstone
This is a jointly instructed and administered course between the Faculty of Engineering and the Odette School of Business. The course is the last course students take in the Masters of Engineering Management program and has mandatory prerequisites. The goal is to allow students to practice all business and management theory they learned in previous courses by completing one of: 1) an engineering management report 2) an engineering feasibility study, or
a new venture business plan. This course is entirely project-based. (Prerequisites: All 6 mandatory core courses within the MEM program)(2 semester, 6.0 credit course) (Cross-listed with Business BUSI-8400)