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Fall 2019 Graduate Calendar
Students may receive credit for more than one offering of a course in Group A provided that the emphasis is sufficiently different. Thus, for example, credit may be received for both "PHIL-8700 Recent German Philosophy: Arendt" and "PHIL-8700 Recent German Philosophy: Habermas" where these are entirely distinct course offerings.
PHIL-8200. Topics in Ethics and Value Theory
PHIL-8210. Topics in Social and Political Philosophy
PHIL-8220. Topics in Environmental Philosophy
The course will focus on the conceptual foundations of the human relationship to the natural and built environment. The course may adopt either an historical or contemporary emphasis depending on the decision of the instructor. (May be repeated for credit if content changes and with permission of the instructor.)
PHIL-8260. Legal Philosophy
The objective of this course is to introduce the student to contemporary issues concerning the philosophy of law. Particular emphasis will be placed upon the presupposed relation of concepts to society. The course will examine such issues as the difference and relation of legitimacy to legality, the relation of legal analysis to social needs, the relation of morality and ethicality to the content of legal rules and legal reasoning (Pre-requisite: Final Year of Honour’s B.A or M.A. Philosophy students only.) (Cross-listed with PHIL-4260)
PHIL-8300. Topics in Gender and Sexuality
The course will focus on the philosophical implications of the impact gender and sexuality have on major epistemological, scientific, normative, and political problems. The specific focus of each year's class will be determined by the instructor. (May be repeated for credit if content changes and with permission of the instructor.)
PHIL-8500. Topics in Mind or Knowledge
PHIL-8600. Movements and Figures in Argumentation Theory and Informal Logic
The course will focus on selected contemporary movements and figures in Argumentation Theory and Informal Logic. The movement and figure studied in any given year will be determined by the latest developments in the field.
PHIL-8610. Problems in Argumentation and Informal Logic
PHIL-8700. Recent German Philosophy
Significant developments in German philosophy in the twentieth century will be examined. Portions of the course may be devoted to Husserl (the founder of the phenomenological school), Heidegger (a seminal figure in existentialism), Gadamer (a key figure in the development of hermeneutics), Critical Theory (a Freudian and Marxist approach to social and economic issues), and second-generation critical theorists such as Habermas. (Prerequisite: PHIL-1120, and one 2000-level or above Philosophy course, and semester 5 or above standing, or permission of instructor.) (Cross-listed with PHIL-4700.)
PHIL-8710. Recent French Philosophy
A study of significant developments in recent French thought as found in Bergson, Sartre, Merleau-Ponty, Bataille, and Levi-Strauss, for example. (Prerequisite: PHIL-1100 or PHIL-1120, at least one 2000-level or above Philosophy course, and semester 5 or above standing, or consent of the instructor.) (Cross-listed with PHIL-4710.)
PHIL-8720. Analytic Philosophy
Advanced study of themes and trends in analytic philosophy, in which logic, language, and scientific evidence play central roles. (Cross-listed with PHIL-4720.)
PHIL-8730. Pragmatist Philosophy
Advanced study of some of the major themes or
figures in pragmatist philosophy, which takes practice, in a broad sense of the term, to have a central role in most if not all philosophical issues. (Cross-listed with PHIL-4730.)
PHIL-8770. Topics in Continental Philosophy
PHIL-8800. to PHIL-8840. Special Topics
The following course must be taken by all M.A. students:
PHIL-8900. Departmental Seminar: The History of Philosophy in Perspective
The aim of the seminar is to deepen students' sensitivity to the history of philosophy and help prepare them for the Master's examination in Philosophy. Each year a specific philosophical theme is traced through a number of key figures in the history of thought.
PHIL-8960. Major Paper
PHIL-8970. Thesis