PhD in Computer Science
The general regulations for the Degree of the Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) at the University of Windsor, as set out in the section titled, The Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, will apply together with the more specific requirements for the degree of Ph.D. in Computer Science given in the following section. For admission, continuation in good standing, and graduation, students must satisfy both the general university regulations and the specific regulations for Computer Science.
Admission Requirements
In order to be considered for admission to the doctoral program in Computer Science, applicants must have completed a thesis-based Master's degree in Computer Science, or, have completed a course-based Master's degree in Computer Science, and have demonstrated to the Admissions Committee, the ability to conduct independent research through the completion of research-oriented project work or appropriate research experience in industry or academia., or have completed an honours undergraduate degree in Computer Science, and a thesis-based Master’s in a closely related field.
International applicants to graduate programs in Computer Science must demonstrate English proficiency by meeting or exceeding an IELTS overall score of 6.5 (or equivalent), with no more than one band scores of 6.0, and no band score below 6.0 (or TOEFL of 92).
Outline of Degree Requirements
All Ph.D. students must fulfill the following graduate academic requirements:
(a)A qualifying examination within four months after entering the program.
(b)No less than two and usually no more than four graduate courses.
(c)A comprehensive examination within two years after entering the program.
(d)A research proposal within two years of entering the program.
(e)Submission of an annual progress report.
(f)Presentation of three seminars, including the research proposal.
(g)A final examination consisting of a Ph.D. dissertation defense (COMP-9980).
Qualifying Examination
The qualifying examination must be taken by all students entering the doctoral program.
The qualifying examination is intended to ensure that the student has a mastery of the fundamentals in Computer Science in order to undertake research. This is a breadth requirement in that it does not require the student to be able to undertake research in each of the fundamental areas. Rather, the student must demonstrate knowledge, in each of the fundamental areas, at a level that would be expected of a graduate from a four-year honours Computer Science university-degree program.
The student must obtain at least an overall grade of 70% in the tests and/or course works done for the qualifying examination.
Graduate Courses
Each student must complete no less than two and usually no more than four graduate Computer Science courses, not including those taken for credit in a Master's degree, and not including seminar or thesis courses. Graduate course selection will be determined by the student's Doctoral Committee. Graduate credit will be given for a grade of 70% or higher in a graduate course.
Comprehensive Examination
The comprehensive examination is one in which the student is asked to demonstrate a reasonable mastery of the field of specialization; it is designed to test the student's command of knowledge and ability to integrate that knowledge, after completion of all or most of the graduate course work. Normally, this examination is completed during the second year of graduate study and is a prerequisite to admission to candidacy.
Admission to Candidacy
A student is admitted to candidacy when the student has passed the qualifying examination, has completed all of the required graduate courses, and has passed the comprehensive examination.