Not all of the courses listed below will necessarily be offered in any one year.
63.-550. Pathophysiology for Nurse Practitioners
Examine theoretical and practice related concepts in pathophysiology as a basis for advanced nursing practice. Explore alterations in physiological function with an emphasis on age-related, acute, episodic, and chronic conditions found in primary health care practice. (Prerequisite or co-requisite: 63-581.) (3 hours per week.)
63-552. Primary Health Care Nurse Practitioner Roles and Responsibilities
Compare and contrast advanced practice nursing and related frameworks to develop, integrate, sustain, and evaluate the role of the nurse practitioner within primary health care. Critically analyze and develop strategies to implement advanced practice nursing competencies ( research, leadership, collaboration, and health and social policy). (Prerequisites or co-requisites: 63-581and 63-583.) (3 hours per week.)
63-554. Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) for Advanced Practice Nursing (APN)
This course provides students with the knowledge and skills required to identify and use best evidence in advanced practice roles. The course focuses on developing a relevant evidence-based practice question, and searching appropriate evidence resources. Frameworks for the critical appraisal of quantitative and qualitative studies will be critiqued. Issues related to influencing practice and health outcomes through evidence, at the level of the individual practitioner and the health care organization, are addressed.This course will explore paradigms and theories that inform knowledge development and knowledge transfer. The foci of the course are the exploration, critical analysis, and application of concepts. Challenges and strategies related to addressing complex health care system issues through evidence, at the level of the individual practitioner and the health care organization, are addressed. (Prerequisites: 63-581 and 63-583.)
63-556. Research Utilization Project: Evidence Based Decision Making in Health Care: Integrating Knowledge into Advanced Practice
This course provides students with the knowledge and skills required to identify and use best evidence in advanced practice roles. The course focuses on developing a relevant evidence based practice question, and searching appropriate evidence resources. Frameworks for the critical appraisal of quantitative and qualitative studies will be critiqued. Learning is facilitated through seminars, and workshops to address a question emerging from their own practice. Issues related to influencing practice, and health outcomes through evidence, at the level of the individual practitioner and the health care organization are addressed. (Prerequisite: COUPN Primary Health Care Nurse Practitioner Certificate)
63-557. Advanced Health Assessment and Diagnosis I
Differentiate concepts and frameworks essential to advanced health assessment, clinical reasoning, and diagnosis in advanced nursing practice. Apply clinical, theoretical, and scientific knowledge in comprehensive and focused health assessment, including history taking, physical examination, diagnostic reasoning, and interpretation for the individual client’s diagnostic plan of care. (Prerequisites or co-requisites: 63-550 and 63-581.) (3 hours seminar per week; 6 hours clinical per week.)
63-558. Advanced Health Assessment and Diagnosis II
Integrate conceptual frameworks integral to advanced health assessment, clinical reasoning, and diagnosis in advanced nursing practice. Demonstrate substantive initiative, responsibility, and accountability in complex decision making for individual clients, groups, and/or communities within the nurse practitioner scope of practice. (Prerequisites or co-requisites: 63-557 and 63-581.) (3 hours seminar per week; 6 hours clinical per week.)
63-561. Therapeutics in Primary Health Care I
Critically appraise and interpret concepts and frameworks integral to pharmacotherapy, advanced counseling, and complementary therapies for common conditions across the lifespan. Develop, initiate, manage, and evaluate therapeutic plans of care that incorporate client values and acceptability, goals of therapy, analysis of different approaches, pharmacotherapeutic principles. (Prerequisites or co-requisites: 63-557, 63-581 and 63-583.) (3 hours seminar per week; 6 hours clinical per week.)
63-562. Therapeutics in Primary Health Care II
Integrate conceptual frameworks and evidence underlying the study of pharmacotherapy, advanced counseling, and complementary therapies for complex client situations. Demonstrate substantive initiative, responsibility, and accountability in complex decision making. (Prerequisites or co-requisites: 63-558, 63-561, 63-581, 63-582 and 63-583.) (3 hours seminar per week; 6 hours clinical per week.)
63-570. Counselling Process in Nursing
Development and refinement of counselling skills with an emphasis on human relationships and nursing strategies that facilitate health. Experiential learning will be implemented to bring a balance between counselling theory/research and applied counselling knowledge.
63-572. Women and Health
An analysis of health issues of Canadian women from a holistic woman-centered perspective to include geographical, sociocultural and political variables that impact women's health.
63-574. Organizational and Management Theories Relevant to Health Care Organizations
Theories and concepts relating to health care organizations will be studied. The impact of internal and external forces on health care delivery systems will be studied.
63-576. Management of Human Resources in Nursing
A study of concepts, theories, and practices that will assist nurse leaders to develop effective approaches to human resource management in nursing education and service settings.
63-578. Seminar in Current Nursing Issues
An historical and futuristic examination of the critical issues facing the nursing profession and discipline. Considering the practice orientation of nursing, students will explore issues related to education, practice, discipline, and professionalism.
63-580. Selected Readings in Nursing
Intended for students with a special interest in and knowledge of a specialty area in nursing. To explore theory and research related to human responses and adaptations to alterations in health, or health promotion and illness prevention with selected client populations. (To be taken only with permission of the School.)
63-581. Theoretical Foundations of Nursing
The focus of this course is theory exploration in nursing. Beginning with the theoretical evolution of the discipline of nursing, students progress to issues related to development of theory in a practice discipline. Analysis, evaluation, and comparison are made of selected nursing conceptual models/theories and their major concepts. The contributions of the conceptual models to practice and research are investigated.
63-582. Advanced Statistics
An advanced course with a focus on multi-variate analysis. Topics include ANOVA, MANOVA, regression analyses, critique of statistical analyses of research articles, and computer data analysis.
63-583. Research Methods in Nursing
Students will examine diverse approaches to scientific inquiry in nursing. Within selected research paradigms, students will explore design, process, and evaluation techniques. Models for research analysis will be explored. Opportunities will be provided for students to develop a research proposal to gain solutions to nursing problems.
63-584. Human Responses and Adaptation to Alterations in Health I
With emphasis on nursing assessment, patterns of coping in life situations involving alterations in health will be explored. Theories, concepts, and research related to normative and situational stressors for the individual and family in interaction with the environment will be studied in relation to healthy coping.
63-586. Human Responses and Adaptation to Alterations in Health II
Emphasis on planning, intervening, and evaluating nursing care strategies for promotion of adaptation/coping for individuals, families, groups, and communities. Needs related to age and special populations will be examined in cultural context. Students will analyze social structure features, for example, politics, economics, values which influence resources for healthy coping and adaptation.
63-588. Health Promotion and Illness Prevention Through the Life Cycle I
Students will examine theories and research related to processes which result in both positive and negative changes in health and well-being for individuals within the context of families and communities. Interactional patterns of nurses and clients in promoting clients' right to health will be explored. The role of the nurse as client advocate will be emphasized.
63-590. Health Promotion and Illness Prevention Through the Life Cycle II
Health promotion and illness prevention for complex populations will be analyzed, with an emphasis on strategies for nursing intervention to facilitate positive health outcomes. Health issues related to gender, life-cycle, and culture will be included, with examination of related theory and research.
63-592. Health of Individuals, Families and Groups
The focus of this course is excellence in health care delivery for individuals, families, and groups across the lifespan. Students will critically appraise conceptual frameworks and the empirical research underlying health promotion, health adaptation and risk reduction for individuals, families, and groups. Students will be prepared to influence client care and participate in research, education and policy activities related to advanced practice nursing and health care for diverse populations
63-594. Community and Population Health
This course will examine the conceptual frameworks and empirical research underlying health promotion, health adaptation and risk reduction for communities and populations. The course engages the student in using advanced problem-solving , critical thought, and research to develop a comprehensive understanding of the determinants of the health of populations and their complex interaction. Students will have the opportunity to appraise the relationships among the determinants of health, decision making, policy, and legislation at local, provincial, national and international levels.
63-595. Integrative Practicum in Primary Health Care
Synthesize competencies essential to advanced practice nursing to provide primary health care for clients across the life span. Demonstrate autonomy in decision-making, and critical analysis of organizational and system issues that influence scope of practice, professional accountability, and outcomes. (Prerequisites: All PHCNP courses; 63-581, 63-582 and 63-583.) (3 hours seminar per week; 32 hours clinical per week.)
63-596. Theoretical Foundations of Leadership
This course will focus on the examination and critical appraisal of concepts and theories of leadership, research, management, and education within the context of nursing and dynamic health care systems. Emphasis will be placed on organizational and change theories, professional practice, decision making and governance models, power and social justice concepts. Strategies for knowledge transmission and information system development will be appraised.
63-597. Innovations in Nursing Leadership
This course focuses on the application of leadership and organizational theories and research that support excellence and innovation in professional nursing practice, education, and workplace environments. Emphasis will be placed on the planning, implementation, and evaluation of health systems, and human resource management. Students will examine issues pertaining to operations management, including finance, quality and risk management, information systems development and policy development. Students will be prepared to formulate innovative strategies to influence current policy and legislation that impact nursing practice, education, health care systems, and the health of Canadians.
63-598. Clinical Project in Nursing Practice
Students will select an area of clinical interest and will develop skills in the application of nursing theories, evaluation and research. Using their expanded theoretical base and appropriate interventions, students will develop a comprehensive project that will benefit individual clients, families, groups, populations and/or communities, which will be implemented in China. (Open only to students in the MN (International Cohort.)
63-599. Clinical Judgment in Nursing Practice
Students will select an area of clinical interest and apply theories and research in a practice setting. Using their expanded theoretical base, students will conduct comprehensive assessments of clients (individuals, families, groups, populations and/or communities) and will implement appropriate intervention strategies and evaluation protocols. Students will validate their conceptual model of nursing care.
63-796. Non-Thesis Option
An expansion and extension of course work in which students working with a faculty advisor will choose a major project/paper. Students must provide evidence of synthesis of previous course work relative to a selected health issue or area such as clinical practice, teaching or administration.
63-797. Thesis Option
Before writing the thesis, the student must meet with the Master's committee to obtain approval of the thesis investigation. Permission will only be granted when the student has shown sufficient preparation and competence to carry out the thesis proposal. Upon completion, each candidate will be required to make a satisfactory oral presentation and defense of the thesis.