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Spring 2008 Graduate Calendar
All courses listed will not necessarily be offered in any given year. Some courses are restricted to students in the Clinical Program.
46-501. Historical and Philosophical Foundations of Psychology
The origin of modern psychology as a science and profession and the philosophy of science underlying psychology. (3 hours a week.)
46-502. Applied Metacognition
Models of human cognition and metacognition will be discussed, with an emphasis upon applied factors (ie., interviewing, accuracy of memory, misinformation, decision making). Manners in which these processes are involved in real world phenomena (ie., educational outcomes, legal proceedings, psychotherapy) will be discussed. Topics to be covered include memory, meta-memory, reality monitoring, and decision making. Current research on these and other topics will be reviewed and discussed in a seminar format. (Prerequisite: Any two of the following undergraduate courses or their equivalents from other universities: 46-358, 46-335 or 46-337.)
(3 hours a week.)
46-503. Biological Bases of Behaviour
Basic brain/behaviour relationships are explored in the context of neuro-anatomical and neurotransmitter systems. Traditional theories of brain function are reviewed and current brain modelling techniques are introduced. Individual student presentations or projects based on reviews of specialized brain systems are required.(Prerequisite: Any two of the following undergraduate courses or their equivalents from other universities: 46-353, 46-358 or 46-336.)
(3 hours a week.)
46-505. Cognitive Bases of Behaviour
Systems and methodologies in areas such as attention, perception, learning, memory and thinking. (3 hours a week.)
46-511. Statistics for Graduate Study in Psychology I
Overview of the general linear model (univariate case) covering statistical analyses used to analyze data from experiments as well as to analyze observational data. Topics will include analysis of variance including between subjects and repeated measures factorial designs, random effects and various mixed designs. Both linear and logistic regression techniques will be covered including vector coding and continuous variable interactions, as well as other extensions. (3 lecture hours, 1 laboratory hour a week.)
46-512. Statistics for Graduate Study in Psychology II
Overview of the general linear model (multivariate case) including classical methods such as canonical correlation analysis, discriminant analysis, multivariate analysis of variance, and exploratory factor analysis. Other topics may include methods of addressing missing data, loglinear modeling, and confirmatory factor analysis. (Prerequisite: 46-511.) (3 lecture hours, 1 laboratory hour a week.)
46-513. Advanced Multivariate Analysis
Topics covered: path analysis; structural equation modeling, including confirmatory analysis; and, clustering methods. Other topics may include hierarchical linear modeling and latent growth modeling; multidimensional scaling, latent partition analysis and other related nonparametric techniques. (Prerequisite: 46-512 or consent of instructor.) (3 hours a week.)
46-514. Research Methods in Clinical Psychology
Review of research values and issues in clinical psychology; survey and evaluation of common research designs and strategies in psychopathology, personality, and psychotherapy. (Prerequisite: 46-512.) (3 hours a week.)
46-516. Applied Psychological Measurement
The basic principles of measurement and how they are applied in the construction and evaluation of surveys, tests, and scales will be covered. Also examined will be special problems characteristic of various approaches to measurement, such as the role of sampling in survey work. (Prerequisite: 46-512.) (3 hours a week.)
46-517. Qualitative Methods
This course examines the theory, methods, and inference of qualitative inquiry and includes practical application. Topics to be covered include the historical and theoretical roots of qualitative inquiry, ethics and a range of specific methods which may include interviewing, biography and case study, ethnography, grounded theory, archival and historical methods, and Q-Methodology. (3 seminar hours a week.)
46-519. Advanced Developmental Theory and Research Methods
Provides an overview of research designs and methodological issues in the context of contemporary child psychology research and developmental theories. Students conduct a literature review and design a research project in preparation for fulfilling the programs's thesis and dissertation requirements (Prerequisite: enrollment in the Clinical Program.) (3 hours a week.)
46-529. Structure and Function of the Brain
An in-depth study of selected neuro-anatomical and biochemical systems. (3 hours a week.)
46-530. Neuropathology and Neurological Diagnosis
A critical survey of research findings in neuropathology, emphasizing the diagnostic significance of such data. (Prerequisite: 46-529.) (3 hours a week.)
46-540. Developmental Psychopathology
Review and analysis of developmental theories and research describing normal and abnormal development across the life course. (3 seminar hours a week.)
46-541. Cognitive Development
Review and comparison of major theoretical positions in cognitive development and a consideration of research generated from these theories. (3 hours a week.)
46-542. Emotional Development
An examination of emotional development from infancy through the adult years. Topics include an overview of cognitive-affective theories and research on developmental change in emotions and self-regulation strategies, and cultural variations in displays of emotional expression and control in families. (3 seminar hours a week.)
46-543. Social Development
An examination of theories of the socialization process and research findings concerning social development in children. (3 hours a week.)
46-557. Comparative Cognition
Evidence of general and specialized cognitive processes in human and non-human organisms will be investigated. Topics to be covered include perception, attention, and memory, concept formation, ecological and evolutionary bases of cognitive processes. Current research on these and other topics will be reviewed and discussed in a seminar format. (Prerequisite: Any two of the following undergraduate courses or their equivalents from other universities: 46-353, 46-358 or46-335.) (Also offered as 55-557; cross-listed with 46-457)
46-560. Theory and Research in Social Psychology
A review of research design and methodology in social psychology, in the context of social psychology theory. Students will develop proposals for research projects. (3 seminar hours a week.)
46-566. Program Evaluation
An examination of theory, research, and analytical methods appropriate to the planning, design, implementation, and utilization of program evaluation in education, social, business and other organizational settings. (3 hours a week.)
46-572. Personality, Health, and Well-Being
A survey and critical analyses of historical and contemporary theoretical perspectives on the role of personality in physical and psychological well-being. General topics may include the contribution of personality to physical health and illness, the role of personality in stress and coping, the links among personality, health, and well-being across the adult lifespan, and issues related to the assessment of personality and well-being. (3 seminar hours a week.)
46-573. Stress, Coping, and Resilience
A survey of current theory and research on psychosocial stress and coping processes, with a particular focus on factors that contribute to stress resiliency. Topics include personal, social, organizational, and societal sources of stress and their effects on physical and mental well-being, and the intrapersonal, interpersonal, and external resources that individuals and communities draw upon to cope with stress.
46-575. Psychology of Women
A survey of psychological research and theoretical approaches to the study of women past and present. The course will focus on one topic within the field in considerable detail (e.g., violence against women, women and "mental health"), or will cover feminist research and theory in psychology more generally, using a number of topics as exemplars. Inclusion of the perspectives of diverse groups of women is ensured through the course material and discussion. (3 hours a week.)
46-577. Ethical Issues in Applied Psychology
This course will provide an overview of ethics and standards in psychological practice and research. Ethical issues in academic, clinical, community and organizational settings will be examined, and feminist and cross-cultural approaches to ethical issues will be considered. (Antirequisite: 46-581.)
46-580. Psychopathology
Seminar on issues, diagnostic categories, etiological perspectives, and research in psychopathology in adults, adolescents, and children. The laboratory section involves training and role playing in diagnostic interviewing. Issues relevant to the clinical understanding of different groups will be discussed. (3 hours a week.)
46-581. Ethical and Professional Issues in Clinical Psychology
Ethics and standards of psychological practice and research are reviewed. Legislation, privileged communication, confidentiality, informed consent, private practice, patient rights and sexism are among the topics discussed. (Anti-requisite: 46-577.) (3 hours a week.)
46-582. Clinical Assessment I
An introduction to clinical psychological assessment. Emphasis is on the cognitive, achievement, and adaptive functioning of children, adolescents, and adults. Topics and activities include: basic psychometrics; interviewing; the construction, selection, evaluation, and use of ability tests; behavioural observations; case formulation; report writing; and an introduction to neuropsychological assessment. Attention is given to the assessment of individuals from cultural and linguistic minority backgrounds and to the assessment of those with disabilities. Students practice the administration, scoring, and interpretation of tests; practice interviewing; develop basic report writing skills; and conduct at least one cognitive assessment of an adult and a child. (Prerequisite: enrollment in Clinical Psychology program.) (3 seminar, 3 laboratory/practicum hours a week.)
46-583. Clinical Assessment II
Development of knowledge and skills in the assessment of psychopathology and personality in children, adolescents, and adults; evaluation of the clinical utility and psychometric properties of major personality instruments. The focus is on objective personality assessment, with an introduction to projective techniques. Students build on the skills developed in 46-582; practice the administration, scoring, and interpretation of tests, case formulation, and report writing; and conduct at least one clinical evaluation. Attention is given to non-normative aspects of personality and psychopathology assessment of individuals from cultural and linguistic minority backgrounds and to assessment of those with disabilities. (Prerequisite: 46-582.) (3 seminar, 3 laboratory/practicum hours a week.)
46-586. Behavioural Pharmacology
A review and comparison of the major pharmacological agents utilized clinically to affect changes in human behaviour. (3 hours a week.)
46-588. Multicultural Issues in Clinical Practice
An overview of the field of multicultural counseling and psychotherapy and, to a lesser extent, the field of cross-cultural psychology. The course surveys multicultural research, theories, practices, ethical issues, and assessment, and aims to facilitate students’ multicultural competency in terms of cultural awareness, knowledge, and skills. A strong emphasis is placed on students’ self-examination of personal cultural values and identities, and the impact these variables might have on their clinical work with clients or patients. (3 seminar hours a week.)
46-589. Advanced Adult Assessment
Advanced training in the clinical assessment of adults, with an emphasis on projective techniques, assessment integration, case formulation. and evaluation for specific needs (eg., psychotherapy, pharmacological referrals, differential diagnosis, employee assistance, and general consultation and referral). Attention is given to the assessment of individuals from cultural and linguistic minority backgrounds and of those with disabilities. Students develop and discuss comprehensive clinical presentations based on case samples. (Prerequisite: 46-583; Co-requisite: 46-701.)
46-604. Special Projects in Psychological Research
Provides the opportunity for a student to work on an independent research project under the supervision of a faculty member. Requires consent of instructor and Graduate Program Chair. May be taken for a maximum of two terms.
46-606. Special Topics in Psychology
Seminar format provides an opportunity to study in an area not covered in sufficient depth by other courses. May be taken more than once if offered by a different instructor. (3 seminar hours a week.)
46-630. Professional and Practice Issues in Clinical Psychology
A team-taught seminar comprised of modules covering topics in clinical psychology. These topics include, but are not limited to, forensic psychology, child custody and access, clinical health psychology, consultation, program evaluation, private practice, geriatric clinical psychology, and suicide. (3 hours a week.)
46-640. Child Clinical Neuropsychology: Theory and Research
A survey of the literature dealing with brain-behaviour relationships in children. Topics emphasized include: the effect of brain dysfunction on perception, learning, memory, language and thinking; learning disabilities; mental subnormality. Students will receive training in the administration of neuropsychological tests. (Prerequisite or co-requisite: 46-503 or 46-529, or consent or instructor.) (3 seminar, 2 laboratory hours a week.)
46-641. Child Clinical Neuropsychology: Assessment
An examination of neuropsychological tests currently in use for the assessment of brain-behaviour relationships in children. Topics emphasized include: strategies and techniques of assessment; rationales underlying the use of various measures; modes of interpretation; approaches to habilitation and rehabilitation. Students will continue to receive training in the administration of neuropsychological tests. (Prerequisite: 46-640 or consent of instructor.) (3 seminar, 2 laboratory hours a week.)
46-642. Adult Clinical Neuropsychology: Theory and Research
A survey of the literature dealing with brain-behaviour relationships in adults. Topics emphasized include: the effect of brain dysfunction on perception, learning, and thinking; memory disorders; personality disorders associated with cerebral dysfunction. (Prerequisite or co-requisite: 46-503 or 46-529 or consent of instructor.) (3 seminar, 2 laboratory hours a week.)
46-643. Adult Clinical Neuropsychology: Assessment
An examination of neuropsychological test batteries currently in ues for the assessment of brain-behaviour relationships in adults. Topics emphasized include: strategies and techniques of assessment; rationales underlying the use of various measures; modes of interpretation; approaches to rehabilitation. Students will receive training in the administration of neuropsychological tests. (Prerequisite: 46-642 or consent of instructor.) (3 seminar, 2 laboratory hours a week.)
46-644. Neuropsychology of Developmental Disabilities
An examination of the theories, research, and practice related to the neuropsychological and biological correlates of developmental disorders. Disorders considered may include, but are not restricted to, learning disabilities, ADHD, intellectual impairment, specific language impairment, sensory impairment, disorders of the motor system, and seizure disorders. Each disorder will be examined from the perspectives of assessment, diagnosis, and treatment. (Prerequisites: 46-503 and 46-583, or consent of instructor.) (3 seminar hours a week.)
46-645. Neuropsychological Aspects of Rehabilitation
A study of the literature and the methods currently employed in the treatment of brain-injured adults. Topics to be stressed include epidemiology and societal impact, pathophysiology, clinical presentation and both the theories and practices of rehabilitation. (3 hours a week.)
46-646. Developmental Pediatrics
An examination of neurological, genetic, and other medical/developmental issues in infancy and early childhood. (3 hours a week.)
46-648. Neuropsychology of Aging
A survey of the literature dealing with brain-behaviour relationships across the older adult life span. Emphasis is given to the understanding and assessment of normal and dysfunctional aspects of cognitive and affective development in adulthood and aging. (3 hours a week.)
46-651. Survey of Child Psychotherapies
Introduction to psychotherapy with children with an emphasis on fundamental principles and empirical foundations of effective psychotherapy. Several treatment approaches are studied. (Prerequisite: 46-540.) (3 hours a week.)
46-652. Child Clinical Assessment
Advanced training in selection, evaluation, and use of tests designed for the assessment of children’s abilities, personality, and behaviour. Practicum in administration, interpretation, and communication of results of comprehensive test batteries. (Prerequisite: 46-583 or consent of instructor.) (3 seminar hours a week, plus laboratory and practicum.)
46-655. School Psychology: Assessment, Intervention, and Consultation
Introduction to the practice of school psychology with didactic exploration of the scientific foundation of school psychology, legislation governing the profession, standards of practice, and ethics codes. Supervised practicum in a school setting will involve experience with the diverse roles of the school psychologist, including psycho-educational assessment, multidisciplinary consultation, behavior management, and crisis intervention. (Pre-requisite: 46-652 or consent of instructor.) (3 lecture hours a week, plus practicum.)
46-657. Issues in Cultural Diversity
An examination of issues associated with the negotiation of individual and intergroup relations in a culturally pluralist society, from an explicitly intercultural psychological perspective that focuses primarily upon the social processes occurring when members of different cultural groups interact with one another. Groups considered include, but are not restricted to, those based on ethnicity, gender, and class. Issues to be covered include the search for universals of social behaviour, the determinants, characteristics, and consequences of acculturative stress, and cultural value differences in the definition of self, inter-personal, and inter-group relations. (3 hours a week.)
46-660. Community Psychology
An overview of the field of community psychology, with emphasis on societal and cultural approaches to community well being, social problems, and effecting social change. Issues in theory, research, and practice in community psychology will be presented and discussed. (3 hours a week.)
46-662. Health Psychology
An overview of health psychology, with emphasis on contributions made by psychology to the areas of health promotion, prevention and treatment of illness, modification of unhealthy behaviours, and improvement of health delivery. Application of the biopsychological model to health-related research and practice will be examined. (3 hours a week.)
46-665. Industrial/Organizational Psychology.
An examination of theory, research, and practice in the area of Industrial/Organizational Psychology. Industrial topics include measurement theory, job analysis, criterion development and other areas of personnel decision making. Organizational topics cover leadership, work motivation, team development, organizational development, and other areas of organizational functioning. (3 seminar hours a week.)
46-667. Advanced Topics in Organizational Psychology
This course builds on the organizational psychology topics covered in 46-665. Core topics in the field will be explored in greater depth, supplemented with an examination of current trends in the field. Emphasis will be placed on understanding work behaviour and attitudes and how these affect individuals, groups, and organizations in the work setting. (Prerequisite: 46-665.) (3 seminar hours a week.)
46-668. Advanced Topics in Industrial Psychology
This course builds on the industrial psychology topics covered in 46-665. Core topics will be explored in greater depth, supplemented with an examination of current trends in the field. Emphasis will be placed on a critical analysis of issues related to individual assessments and human resource planning. (Prerequisite: 46-665.) (3 seminar hours a week.)
46-670. Applied Social Psychology
A survey of theory and research in applied social psychology, with an emphasis on applied research methods. Topics will be chosen from substantive areas such as organizational, health and community psychology, and areas of application such as social change issues, business, education, environment and law. (3 hours a week.)
46-674. Introduction to Psychotherapy
An overview of historical and contemporary models of psychotherapy, common therapeutic factors, and therapy outcome research. Development of basic therapeutic relationship skills and empathic responding through role-playing and other class activities. (Prerequisite: enrollment in Clinical Psychology Program.) (3 hours per week, combined seminar and laboratory.)
Therapy course sequences consist of courses numbered 46-675 through 46-697 as listed below.
Therapy course sequences are taught over two terms. Seminars involve readings, discussion, and presentations on the theory, relevant research, techniques, and processes that are specific to the therapeutic approach under consideration. Practica involve supervised experience appropriate to the therapeutic modality. Students include practicum hours obtained through therapy courses in the total number of practicum hours reported on internship applications.
At least three different therapy course sequences will be offered in each academic year, but offerings will vary from year to year depending upon demand and the availability of qualified instructors.
46-675. Child Psychotherapy I
Examination of the theory, research, and practice of clinical interventions with children and families with an emphasis on fundamental principles and empirical foundations of effective psychotherapy. Issues relevant to the practice of psychotherapy with different groups will be discussed. (Prerequisites: enrollment in Clinical Psychology Program; 46-674; consent of instructor and Director of Clinical Training.) (Prerequisite or co-requisite: 46-581.) (3 seminar hours a week, plus practicum.)
46-676. Child Psychotherapy II
Seminar and supervised practice in clinical interventions with children and families. (Prerequisite: 46-675.) (3 seminar hours a week, plus practicum.)
46-677. Adolescent Clinical Interventions I
Examination of the theory, research, and practice of clinical interventions with adolescents with an emphasis on fundamental principles and empirical foundations of effective psychotherapy. Issues relevant to the practice of psychotherapy with different groups will be discussed. (Prerequisites: enrollment in Clinical Psychology Program; 46-674; consent of instructor and Director of Clinical Training.) (Prerequisite or co-requisite: 46-581.) (3 seminar hours a week, plus practicum.)
46-678. Adolescent Clinical Interventions II
Seminar and supervised practice in clinical interventions with adolescents. (Prerequisite: 46-677.) (3 seminar hours a week, plus practicum.)
46-681. Behaviour Therapy I
Examination of the theory, research, and practice of behavioural interventions, including Applied Behaviour Analysis. Emphasis will be placed on evidence-based practices, operant- and respondent-based procedures and social learning. Issues relevant to the practice of psychotherapy with different groups will be discussed. (Prerequisites: enrollment in Clinical Psychology Program; 46-674; consent of instructor and Director of Clinical Training.)(Prerequisite or co-requisite: 46-581.) (3 seminar hours a week, plus practicum.)
46-682. Behaviour Therapy II
Supervised practicum in the application of behavioural interventions with clients from various populations and their families. Advanced graduate students may also gain experience in supervising undergraduate practicum students. Emphasis will be placed on behavioural assessment, designing behavioural programs, and systematically increasing/decreasing behaviours and teaching new skills through operant (including Applied Behaviour Analysis) and respondent interventions. (Prerequisite: 46-681.) (3 seminar hours a week, plus practicum.)
46-683. Special Topics in Therapy I
This course provides an Introduction to theory, research and therapeutic techniques related to a specific approach to intervention not covered by other therapy course offered in the Clinical Psychology Program (
marital/couples, group, systemic, crisis intervention, interpersonal, existential, dialectical behaviour theapy). Topics will vary from year to year. (Prerequisites: enrollment in Clinical Psychology Program; 46-674; consent of instructor and Director of Clinical Training.) (Prerequisite or co-requisite: 46-581.) (3 seminar hours a week, plus practicum.) (May be repeated for credit if content changes and with permission of the instructor.)
46-684. Special Topics in Therapy II
Supervised practical experience in applying the specific therapeutic theory and techniques introduced in the linked 46-683 offering. (Prerequisite: 46-683.) (3 seminar hours a week, plus practicum.) (May be repeated for credit if content changes and with permission of the instructor.)
46-685. Psychodynamic Therapy I
This course focuses on the acquisition of the knowledge and skills necessary to practice brief psychodynamic therapy. In terms of systems of psychotherapy, students are instructed in one of the main relational approaches such as, but not limited to, the Core Conflictual Relationship Theme method (CCRT). The chosen relational approach is to be specified by the instructor at the time of course selection by students. Readings on theory of personality included elements of classical theory, object relations, and self-psychology. Each student leads on seminar and one class discussion on a selection of tests, and initiates supervised psychotherapy with one or two clients according to the relational approach chosen by the instructor. Issues relevant to the practice of psythotherapy with different groups will be discussed. (Prerequisites: enrollment in Clinical Psychology Program; 46-674; consent of instructor and Director of Clinical Training.) (Prerequisite or co-requisite: 46-581.) (3 seminar hours a week, plus practicum.)
46-686. Psychodynamic Therapy II
Students continue supervised practice according with one or two clients according to the relational approach selected for 46-685. Readings focus on the utilization of interpretations in the therapy process. Issues relevant to the practice of psychotherapy with different groups will be discussed. (Prerequisite: 46-685.) (3 seminar hours a week, plus practicum.)
46-690. Family Therapy I
This course covers the background theory, research, and therapeutic techniques of the major approaches to family therapy. Issues relevant to the practice of psychotherapy with different groups will be discussed. Supervised practica will be arranged with families and/or couples. (Prerequisites: one previous therapy course sequence; consent of instructor and Director of Clinical Training.) (3 seminar hours a week, plus practicum.)
46-691. Family Therapy II
Seminar and supervised practice in family therapy. (Prerequisite: 46-690.) (3 seminar hours a week, plus practicum.)
46-692. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy I
This is the first course in a two-course series that is designed to provide a reasonably comprehensive and practical overview of cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT). The focus in this course is on understanding the basic premises of CBT and on developing assessment, case conceptualization, and basic intervention skills. During the associated practicum, student therapists provide therapy to two clients and attend weekly supervision meetings during which videotaped sessions are reviewed and discussed. (Prerequisites: enrollment in Clinical Psychology Program; 46-674; consent of instructor and Director of Clinical Training.) (Prerequisite or co-requisite: 46-581.) (3 seminar hours a week, plus practicum.)
46-693. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy II
This course focuses on how CBT is applied to a range of common clinical problems, on how CBT may be adapted and modified to meet the needs of diverse populations (
, clients from different ethnic and cultural groups), and on reviewing empirical support for the use of CBT. Issues related to therapist training and supervision are addressed. (Prerequisite: 46-692.) (3 seminar hours a week, plus practicum.)
46-694. Experiential Psychotherapy I
An introduction to humanistic experiential psychotherapy (an introduction of the person-centred, gestalt, experiential, and existential perspectives), with an emphasis on developing one's talents in the nonspecific relationship factors central to all modes of psychotherapy. The humanistic experiential approach emphasizes the development and use of therapist, as well as client, self-awareness, and is presented through didactic and experiential seminars. Students see one therapy client under individual supervision. (Prerequisites: enrollment in Clinical Psychology Program; 46-581; 46-694; consent of instructor and Director of Clinical Training.) (Co-requisite: 46-715.) (4 hours a week, combined seminar and practicum.)
46-695. Experiential Psychotherapy II
Further development of the humanistic experiential approach to psychotherapy, with emphasis on its methods and on its application to particular syndromes, situations, and populations. Focus is placed on therapist understanding and experience of issues relevant to childhood abuse, spirituality, substance abuse, vicarious traumatization, gender, and race. Students see one therapy client under individual supervision. (Prerequisite: 46-694.) (Co-requisite: 46-715.) (4 hours a week, combined seminar and practicum.)
46-696. Emotion Focused Therapy I
EFT is based on current emotion theory and experiential therapy theory and research emphasizing the central role of emotion in functioning and therapeutic change. This course covers the theory, research, and therapeutic techniques used in this treatment model. Students will participate in class discussions, role play exercises, and view videotapes of expert therapists. Supervised practica will begin the end of the first semester. (Prerequisites: enrollment in Clinical Psychology Program; 46-674; consent of instructor and Director of Clinical Training.) (Prerequisite or co-requisite: 46-581.) (3 seminar hours a week, plus practicum.)
46-697. Emotion Focused Therapy II
Special topics related to emotional processes in psychotherapy include the therapeutic relationship, problems with emotion regulation; empathy; emotional processing of trauma memories. Students will present seminars on relevant topics and supervised practica will be arranged. (Prerequisite: 46-696.) (3 seminar hours a week, plus practicum.)
46-701. Clinical Practicum: MA Level
Supervised experience in an approved clinical setting with a focus on the development of basic clinical skills in preparation for practice and/or research, including skills related to interviewing, use of clinical assessment instruments, case formulation, report writing, and intervention. Prior to completion of M.A. requirements, students register for this course for each semester in which they attend a practicum placement. (Prerequisites: 46-583 and consent of Director of Clinical Training.)
46-702. Clinical Practicum: PhD Level
Supervised experience in an approved clinical setting with a focus on the development of basic clinical skills in preparation for practice and/or research. Students register for this course for each semester in which they attend a practicum placement. (Prerequisite: completion of M.A. requirements and consent of the Director of Clinical Training.)
46-706. Predoctoral Clinical Internship
A one-year, full-time (or two-year, half-time) internship in a CPA- or APA-accredited clinical setting. (Prerequisites: completion of all doctoral requirements except for 46-798; acceptance of dissertation proposal at time of application for internship; consent of Director of Clinical Training.)
46-707. Seminar in Clinical Supervision
A review of the purposes, models, and ethics of clinical supervision. Under the supervision of faculty, students will gain experience supervising more junior students conducting clinical interviews, therapy, and/or assessment. This course will include didactic, discussion, and experiential components. (Prerequisites: completion of M.A. requirements; consent of instructor and Director of Clinical Training.) (3 hours a week.)
46-715. Psychological Services Centre Practicum
This intensive practicum focuses on training in psychotherapy theory and practice. Students further develop therapy relationship skills. Emphasis is placed on advanced psychotherapeutic skills applied to various client populations and problems. Although training in individual psychotherapy is the primary focus, students may also be trained in crisis intervention and short-term therapy and in co-therapy with families, groups, or couples. Students explore their own psychological functioning as well as the therapeutic process and thus have the opportunity for personal as well as professional growth. Students are required to register for this practicum for three consecutive terms. Space is limited; preference will be given to students in the Adult Clinical Track for whom 46-715 is required. (Prerequisites: completion of M.A. requirements; completion of two psychotherapy course sequences; enrollment in Clinical Psychology Program and consent of Director of Clinical Training.) (Co-requisites: 46-694 and 46-695.) (16 practicum hours a week.)
46-721. Applied Social Psychology Practicum
Problem solving in work settings, applying methods of community psychology, organizational psychology, and other fields of applied psychology. Students consult and work directly with a group or organization on a project selected for value to the organization and to the student. (Prerequisites: 46-512 and 46-560, or consent of instructor.) (2 class hours biweekly over 2 terms; 100 practicum hours.)
46-722. Organizational Consulting and Intervention Skills
This course provides students with skills for intervention in groups and organizations in community and business settings. Students will develop their consulting and intervention skills through a combination of consulting/ intervention projects, selected readings, and class seminars. Each student will be responsible for undertaking a small, circumscribed consulting project in a community-based, public-sector, or private-sector organizational setting. (Prerequisites: 46-721 or consent of instructor.) (3 hours a week.)
46-731. Applied Social Doctoral Internship I
(500 hours of supervised internship.)
46-732. Applied Social Doctoral Internship II
(500 hours of supervised internship.)
46-741. Comprehensive Examination
Independent study for and completion of the written Comprehensive Examination. Students may register in 46-741 for a maximum of three consecutive terms. (Prerequisite: completion of M.A. requirements.)
46-743. Teaching and Learning in Psychology
General overview of university instruction in the context of a large introductory psychology course. Seminar time is divided between theoretical review/ discussion (1 hour) and practical in-class application (2 hours). Topics include preparing a syllabus, performance evaluation, effective lecturing, facilitating discussions, problem situations, experiential work, collaborative and cooperative learning, problem-based learning, student diversity, ethics. (Prerequisite: consent of instructor.) (This is a non-credit course, and is given over two semesters.)
46-797. M.A. Thesis Research
46-798. Doctoral Dissertation Research