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Graduate Calendar
Spring 2008

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Not all courses will necessarily be offered each year. All 600-level courses are restricted to students in the joint Ph.D. program.

80-510. Statistics in Education
This course will deal with the following: descriptive and inferential statistical procedures; commonly used one- and two-sample tests; an introduction to analysis variance and corresponding research designs. (3 lecture hours a week.)

80-524. Fundamentals of Curriculum Theory and Development
A survey of the major theories of curriculum that have influenced education Canada. An outline of the techniques employed in curriculum development, including sources of influence and control, specification of outcomes, selection and coordination of activities, strategies, resources and evaluation. (3 hours a week.)

80-527. Research in Education
An overview of educational research methods: e.g., the interpretation of research literature, the identification and use of data bases, the design of research proposals and the application of specific methods to research projects. (3 hours a week.)

80-530. Qualitative Methods in Educational Research
This course will examine the concepts and methods involved in carrying out educational research through naturalistic observation, participant observation, case studies, and other qualitative approaches. (3 hours a week.)

80-531. Supervision of the Instructional Process
A practice-oriented course designed to develop administrative competency in the supervision of instruction. The focus will be threefold: (1) awareness and recognition of specific technical skills, (2) the development of competence in interpersonal and group skills, and (3) a general examination of supervisory approaches. (3 hours a week.)

80-534. Individual Reading
The Individual Reading course is intended to permit students with special interests in, and knowledge of, particular areas of education not covered in sufficient depth in available courses to pursue those interests through independent, supervised study. (Permission of an advisor and of a subcommittee of the Graduate Studies Committee is required.)

80-554. Fundamentals of Instructional Design
This course will consider current principles, research, theory and practice in the design, development, implementation and evaluation of instruction within various learning and teaching settings. (3 hours a week.)

80-555. Strategies for the Implementation of Change in Education
Procedures for dissemination, adoption, implementation, and integration of changes for teachers, administrators, and leaders of professional organizations. Attention will be given to theoretical models and their applications, change agency, and modification of organizational climate and structure. (3 hours a week.)

80-591. Special Topics in Education
Selected advanced topics in Education based on new developments in particular areas, special faculty interests, and opportunities afforded by the availability of visiting professors. Special topics are subject to Graduate Committee approval and may be taken more than once provided the topics are different. Current topics include: 1. The Recent History of Education in Ontario; 2. Pervasive Developmental Disorders; 3. Environmental Education, 4. Tertiary Teaching and Learning. (3 hours a week.)

80-602. Core Seminar I: Research, Theories, and Issues
In Core Seminar 1, the history and philosophical foundations of education are examined through the three fields of study. As well, students are introduced to qualitative methods of research in education, encompassing interview, phenomenological, ethnographic, constructivist, and case study approaches to data collection, analysis, and interpretation.

80-604. Core Seminar II: Research, Theories, and Issues
In Core Seminar 2 students examine research, theories, and issues in the fields of study via a specific theme which is identified annually. For example, the theme might be bullying, or caring education, or gender issues. As well, students are introduced to quantitative methods of research in education, encompassing true experiments, quasi experiments, and correlational studies.

80-621. Educational Leadership and Policy Studies
This course introduces students to the origins and intellectual traditions of theories that influence how we organize education. Students develop an understanding of sociological paradigms that have influenced educational systems over time, and develop perspectives that enable them to think critically and creatively about contemporary and future issues in educational leadership, policy, and organizations.

80-631. Socio/Cultural/Political Contexts of Education
This course centres around a critical examination of cultural, historical, and theoretical perspectives in education. Bodies of knowledge related to understanding the complexities of sociocultural influences in education are the main focus. Power relations at play and how they are negotiated in everyday practice are considered. Using the sociocultural framework developed in the course, students also investigate their specific areas of interest (for example, curriculum theory and practice).

80-641. Cognition and Learning
This course provides an analysis of epistemological theories through a critical examination of foundational and current research and a reflection on historical and philosophical orientations as they relate to contemporary issues in cognition and learning.

80-651. The Specialized Elective
The content for this course must relate to the students dissertation topic and field of study. The course may be selected from the graduate studies calendar of courses from one of the participating universities, or it may be taken as a directed study. A directed study takes place under the supervision of a faculty member with appropriate expertise. Usually, the student completes a sustained program of study relating to a topic of current theoretical and/or empirical interest leading to the production of a substantial research paper. Directed studies are intended for students with special interests which cannot be satisfied by calendar courses.

80-669. Research Proposal Colloquium
In this course students examine theory and research in relation to their intended dissertation topic. Students develop a topic idea in the form of a dissertation proposal, defining a research question and a theoretical base for intended study. Students examine research questions in relation to varied methodologies, so that a diverse examination of research frameworks takes place through WebCT based discourse.

80-680. Comprehensive Portfolio
(3 course equivalencies.)

80-795. Final Project Seminar
Candidates pursing the course-based option, under the guidance of the instructor and in consultation with other faculty where appropriate, will engage in a collaborative process leading to the production of a final project on an issue or topic of inquiry of relevance to professional practice. The final project will be grounded in relevant research and show evidence of knowledge, skills of inquiry, reflection and problem-solving acquired through the other courses. It will normally be taken following completion of the other course-work. (3 hours a week.)

80-796. Major Paper
Conducted under the guidance of at least two members of the Faculty, a major paper may analyze and evaluate a substantial body of scholarly literature or describe or interpret a research project undertaken by the student. The major paper is subject to an oral examination (see section titled, The Master's Degree - Thesis or Major Paper, and the section titled Education - The Master of Education Degree - Program Requirements.)

80-797. Thesis
(See section titled, The Master's Degree - Thesis or Major Paper, and the section titled Education - Joint Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Studies.)

80-798. Doctoral Dissertation
(See section titled, The Degree of Doctor of Philosophy - The Dissertation, and the section titled Education - Joint Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Studies.) (10 course equivalencies.)

81-503. The Psychology of Learning and Teaching
This course will provide students with an in depth view of psychological theory and research towards the understanding of learning and teaching. While both behavioural and cognitive perspectives will be discussed, the emphasis will be upon cognitive theory and application. Topics will include behaviourism, behaviour modification, information processing, metacognition, cognitive behaviour modification, cognitive strategy training, motivation and individual differences. (3 hours a week.)

81-537. Language Arts in the Elementary School
This course will examine issues in language arts instruction in the light of current language theories. The focus is on current research and its practical application, with special emphasis on methods of instruction, teacher strategies, student activities and evaluation practices. (3 hours a week.)

81-539. Second Language Teaching: Theories and Applications
This course reviews current thinking on the nature of language, communication and second-language learning and examines implications for teaching methods and curriculum design. (3 hours a week.)

81-541. The Social Science Curriculum
An examination of trends and development of social science curricula. Curriculum theory will be applied to one or more of the social sciences within the context of provincial guidelines and the academic and professional qualifications of the students. (3 hours a week.)

81-547. Learning in Science
This course will consider current research and theory in the promotion of science as a process and product. Included will be a critical survey of recent issues in science education. The focus will be on their implications for curriculum and practice at the classroom level. An examination of some of the major difficulties in the design, development, implementation, and evaluation of science curricula. (3 hours a week.)

81-551. Microcomputers for Educators
A comprehensive survey of the uses of microcomputers in the classroom, including a discussion of current issues in the use of microcomputers by educators. (3 hours a week.)

81-552. Curriculum Developments in Mathematics Education
This course will examine recent developments in curriculum, instruction, and evaluation in elementary and secondary mathematics education. Trends will be discussed in light of recent research findings, technological advances, and social goals. International comparisons will be made. (3 hours a week.)

81-553. The Teaching and Learning of Mathematics
This course will examine research into students' learning and the teaching of mathematics. First, the motivational aspects of teaching and learning will be considered, including those related to the topic "Women in Mathematics." Second, specific mathematical topics will be dealt with, selected according to the interests of students. (3 hours a week.)

81-556. Approaches to Literacy Development
This course will consider current research and theory in the development of reading and writing abilities, and will examine some aspects of assessing literacy development. (3 hours a week.)

81-557. The English Language Arts
This course will examine current theories and issues in the English Language Arts with particular focus on their implications for curriculum and practice in the intermediate and senior divisions. Current issues at the local or provincial level, determined by the group, may be examined in detail. (3 hours a week.)

81-558. Psychology of Learning Problems
This course will review current theories of learning disabilities and learning problems. Various approaches to diagnosis and remediation will be presented. Students will be expected to discuss case study examples during the course, and to develop a particular interest area to great depth. (Prerequisite: 81-503 or permission of instructor.) (3 hours a week.)

81-572. Theory and Practice in Early Childhood Education
An examination of theory and current practice in Early Childhood Education. The emphasis will be on the translation of theory into sound educational practice. Organization and management of Early Childhood programs will be of concern as well as teaching procedures. (3 hours a week.)

82-529. Theories of Educational Administration
This course will examine current knowledge in educational administration. Theory, research, and the practice of leadership within the educational system will be the main foci. Emphasis will be placed on administrative problems, such as staff development, team building, and motivation. (3 hours a week.)

82-532. Organization and Administration of the School
This course will consider and analyze the many variables impacting upon school administrators as they organize their schools. The effects of administrative theory, past and present, will be considered. A case study approach will be taken to the problems of day-to-day operation. (3 hours a week.)

82-535. Organizational Behaviour in Educational Institutions
A study of theory and research in the socio-behavioral sciences which concerns the behaviour of individuals and groups in educational settings. Attention will be given to the implications of such theory and research for administration in educational institutions. (3 hours a week.)

82-550. Issues in Education
This course will examine current issues affecting contemporary Canadian education. Specific course content and instructors will be published in advance. (3 hours a week.)

82-560. Politics of Education
This course will examine the administration of education from a political perspective. Both the legal and extra-legal factors that influence educational outcomes will be examined. Their roles will be viewed in terms of comparative forms of educational administration. Finally, several administrative decisions will be analyzed using the perspectives gained throughout the course. (3 hours a week.)

82-561. Legal Aspects of Education
This course will focus on legislation and court decisions dealing specifically with the educational process. Both the historical and philosophical basis of these and the practical application of the same in a contemporary setting will form the primary emphasis for the course. (3 hours a week.)

82-562. Educational Finance
This course will be concerned with educational finance in Canada, with particular emphasis on Ontario. It will examine such topics as equity, accountability, efficiency, and adequacy of educational revenues and expenditures. Provincial grant systems will be analyzed within the contexts of political governance and the economics of education. (3 hours a week.)

82-565. Sociological Aspects of Education
This course will examine the school and its occupants and their relationship to the contemporary social order. Analysis of topics such as student culture, learning and social class, roles within the school setting will occur. The focus will be on theoretical positions, representative research findings and representative research methods. (3 hours a week.)

82-566. Interpersonal Relationships in Education
This course will analyze the importance and dynamics of interpersonal behaviour. Students will be given the opportunity to examine and develop their own skills in this area. Emphasis will also be placed upon a practical orientation toward utilizing these skills in the educational environment. (3 hours a week.)