Spring 2008 Graduate Calendar



This special program provides students interested in a career which combines legal and business management skills with an opportunity to complete both the M.B.A. and the LL.B. degrees in four years. It is administered by the Integrated M.B.A./LL.B. Program Committee composed of representatives from the Odette School of Business, the Faculty of Law and the Faculty of Graduate Studies.

The M.B.A integrated with the LLB program requires seven 600-level courses.

Admission Requirements

The admission procedure for the integrated program consists of two stages. At the first stage, students applying to the program must meet the admission requirements of both the M.B.A. and LL.B. programs. Therefore separate applications must be submitted to the Faculty of Law and the Faculty of Graduate Studies for admission to the regular degree program in Law and the M.B.A. To facilitate academic and career planning, it is strongly suggested that these applications be made simultaneously. Students who are accepted to both the M.B.A. and LL.B. programs will be accepted to the integrated program, and will proceed to attend first year in either Faculty. Such students will be granted a deferred admission to the other Faculty in the program.

This special deferred admission will be revoked if the applicant's performance in the first program fails to meet the first-year academic standards of the program. In such case the applicant may re-apply for regular admission to the second degree program.

Applications will also be considered for entry to the program from candidates who are attending the first year of either the LL.B. or M.B.A. programs. They must meet the admissions requirements and application deadline for the program for which they are seeking entry.

Application Deadlines

Faculty of Law - November 1 (LL.B.)
Faculty of Graduate Studies - June 1 (M.B.A.)

For application materials please contact each of the following separately:

For the LL.B.:
Ontario Law School Application Service
P.O. Box 1328
170 Research Lane
Guelph, Ontario
N1G 5E2
Telephone: (519) 823-5232
Website: www.ouac.on.ca/olsas

For the M.B.A:
Odette School of Business
M.B.A. Admissions
University of Windsor
Windsor, Ontario
N9B 3P4
Website: www.uwindsor.ca/mba


First and Second Years

The first two years of study in the integrated program will consist of the regular first-year programs of each faculty.

Third and Fourth Years

The third and fourth years of the integrated program will be devoted to required and elective courses offered in both the Faculty of Law and the Odette School of Business.

In the M.B.A. program students will be required to take five candidate-level courses. These must include 75-698 (Strategic Management) and four courses selected from a minimum of two of the following areas: Accounting, Management and Labour Studies, Finance, Management Science, Marketing, and Business Strategy and Entrepreneurship. In addition, the M.B.A. major paper or thesis must have a substantial legal component.

In the Faculty of Law, the student will enrol in courses for a minimum of forty credits. These must include Torts, Civil Procedure, one course from the Legal Perspectives Group, and one course requiring a substantial paper that must account for at least 50 percent of the student's grade in the course. The M.B.A. paper will ordinarily satisfy this requirement, subject to the approval of the Faculty of Law Academic Programs Committee.

In addition to the requirements outlined above, the candidate must choose three additional candidate-level M.B.A. courses or a further three law courses totalling at least nine credit hours or any equivalent combination. The student's elective choices shall be reviewed by the Integrated M.B.A./LL.B. Committee in light of the student's personal and career objectives, and the necessity of scheduling core business and law courses.


Continuation in the program is conditional on students meeting the following requirements:

First and Second Years: Standing in the top half of the class; no Faculty of Law course grade lower than C-.

Third and Fourth Years: In courses taken in the Odette School of Business, candidates must attain at least one A- or above grade and not receive any grades below B-. In courses taken in the Faculty of Law, candidates must attain in each year at least one grade of B- or above and must not receive any grade lower than C-.

Candidates who fail to meet the above standards may be advanced upon the approval of the Program Committee if such action is warranted. Candidates who either fail to advance from First to Second Year, Second Year to Third Year, Third to Fourth Year, or who choose to leave the program will be free to continue on for both degrees, but within normal degree requirements, and subject to any conditions set out by the two Faculties. Students who fail to advance or who leave the program after Third Year and who have taken the appropriate electives may petition the Odette School of Business to be allowed to complete the regular requirements for the M.B.A. degree.

Law I
Qualifying Year-M.B.A.
Qualifying Year-M.B.A.
Law I
Candidate Year-M.B.A.
Law II & III
Candidate Year-M.B.A.
Law II & III
Candidate Year-M.B.A.
Law II & III
Candidate Year-M.B.A.
Law II & III

Please consult the Cashier's Office about the tuition structure and the Faculty of Graduate Studies for inquiries about awards.

Students with an Honours Bachelor of Commerce Degree

Students holding an Honours B.Comm. degree may obtain both the LL.B. and M.B.A. degrees without the assistance of a special integrated program. However, by submitting applications simultaneously to both the Faculty of Law and the Faculty of Graduate Studies and indicating an interest in the program, such students may be granted a deferred admission to whichever degree program he or she elects to take second. This special deferred admission will be revoked if the applicant's performance in the first program fails to meet the first-year academic standards of the program. In such case the applicant may re-apply for regular admission to the second degree program.

Note: The University reserves the right to make changes in the integrated program and any rules or regulations applying to it.