General Nature of the Program
There are two streams to the program, Sport Management and Applied Human Performance: both streams include a thesis option which normally will lead to doctoral work. Both offer an Internship option which combines coursework with practical work term placement designed to serve as an enrichment experience.
Admission Requirements
1) In addition to the general admission requirements of the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research outlined in the section titled, Application Procedures, and in the section titled, The Master's Degree - Admission Requirements, the following are employed in the determination of a candidate's admission status:
(a) Thesis students must have a faculty research advisor before being admitted into one of the following areas of specialization:
i) Applied Human Performance
ii) Sport Management
(b) A person who holds a three-year degree in another discipline is required to complete the requirements for the Master's degree as outlined in the Graduate Calendar. Up to ten Kinesiology undergraduate courses beyond the minimum requirement may be deemed necessary by the graduate committee.
(c) A person who holds a four-year degree in another discipline will be required to take up to five Kinesiology undergraduate courses prior to taking graduate courses.
Normally, the makeup courses are to be selected from the areas of specialization: Applied Human Performance and Sport Management.
Undergraduate courses, assigned at the discretion of the admissions committee and the student's advisor to form the make-up requirements, may be found in the Undergraduate Calendar (under section titled Human Kinetics - Courses).
Program Requirements
1) In addition to the general requirements for the Master's degree, the candidate must:
(a) complete a minimum four graduate-level courses and a thesis, or substitute a minimum of three graduate-level courses and an internship;
(b) pass an oral examination based on a thesis;
2) Only one Special Problems (95-510) course may be taken regardless of area of specialization.
3) Master's Committee and Advisors: Prior to a candidate's initial registration, the Department Head will assign a program advisor for each candidate.
The appointed advisor may or may not act as chairperson of the Master's thesis committee, which will include at least two additional members, one of whom shall be a faculty member from outside Human Kinetics. An additional member from the graduate faculty of another university may be invited to serve on the Master's thesis committee.
4) Examinations
(a)Thesis Option: The thesis committee will conduct the oral examination of the thesis proposal. When the thesis has been completed, the thesis committee, in consultation with the candidate, will determine whether to proceed with or postpone the final oral examination. For the final oral examination of the thesis, the committee will be supplemented by another member of the Kinesiology graduate faculty who will act as the chairperson. Following the successful defense, the candidate will deposit all copies of the thesis in the Office of the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research for binding and distribution (two copies for the Leddy Library, a copy to the Faculty of Human Kinetics).
(b)Internship Option: The internship consists of a minimum of 360 hours of applied work experience in a sport management or applied human performance setting. The internship option is open to students who have completed four graduate courses. Students develop an internship experience in conjunction with a graduate faculty member prior to registering for the internship. Students are required to complete the "Internship Objectives Form" prior to completing 50 hours of their experience. Their work experience is supervised and evaluated (mid-term and final evaluation) by the cooperating field professional. Students are also required to prepare and defend a research report. Final evaluation is on a Pass/Non-Pass basis and the student is required to pass both the experience and the research report components of the internship. Following the successful completion, the candidate deposits two copies of the internship and research report in the Faculty of Human Kinetics.
The program focuses on the application of movement science in sport, the workplace, and activities of daily living. Students pursue course work, thesis research, and internships that examines the basic and applied principles of human biomechanics, motor performance and exercise physiology. To fulfil the degree requirements, each candidate must complete the following:
Thesis Option
1) Three courses from 95-504, 95-510, 95-511, 95-522, 95-523, 95-524, 95-525, 95-526, 95-527, 95-528, 95-595
2) A Thesis (95-797).
3) One other graduate course chosen in consultation with the thesis advisor.
Internship Option
Five of 95-504, 95-511, 95-522, 95-523, 95-524, 95-525, 95-526, 95-527, 95-528, 95-595
Two other graduate courses chosen in consultation with the internship advisor.
Internship (95-795).
The program focuses upon the understanding of the components of organizational behaviour in the context of amateur and professional sport environments. Students will pursue course work and either thesis research or an internship that focuses on topics such as leadership, organizational effectiveness, sport marketing, organizational change, and legal, philosophical and social issues of management. To fulfil the degree requirements, each candidate must complete all of the following:
Thesis Option
1) Two courses from 95-500, 95-501, 95-502, 95-503, 95-505, 95-506, 95-508, 95-510, 95-595
2) Research Methods (95-562)
3) A Thesis (95-797)
4) One other graduate course chosen in consultation with the thesis advisor
Internship Option
1) Three courses from 95-500, 95-501, 95-502, 95-503, 95-505, 95-506, 95-508
2) Research Methods (95-562)
3) Two other graduate courses chosen in consultation with the internship advisor
4) Internship (95-795)