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Spring 2018 Graduate Calendar
All courses listed will not necessarily be offered in any given term. All courses are three hours a week unless otherwise noted.
95-500. Sport Leadership
A survey course using the current research and literature relating to leadership in administrative environments. Several leadership theories will be reviewed and analyzed. Various models of leadership will be discussed relative to the sport administration environments.
95-501. Legal and Human Rights Issues in Sport Management
An analysis of the research and professional practice related to the role of legislation and litigation as they relate to sport and physical activity programs and services and participation. Specific emphasis will be placed on the issue of human rights, covering topics including legislation and case study analyses from the sport management domain.
95-502. Organizational Behaviour in Sport Organizations
An analysis of the interdependent nature of the social/psychological components of organizational behaviour. Special reference will be made to individual and group behaviour in terms of the organizational effectiveness of sport organizations.
95-503. Sport Marketing
An analysis of the research and literature related to the marketing of sport and physical activity programs and services. Specific emphasis will be placed on the review and application of sport marketing research, an overview and application of the related marketing terms and the development of a marketing plan for a sport organization.
95-504. Advanced Topics in the Psychology of Sport & Exercise
An analysis of the research and literature related to the psychological phenomena influencing the participants in the sport and exercise situation. Topics include specific sport/exercise intervention techniques, measurement issues and social psychological aspects of sport and exercise.
95-505. Social Issues in Sport Management
Sport managers operate within a social world. This course examines current social issues and their implications for sport managers. Issues include the impact of various institutions on sport management (e.g., sport, government, economics, media, education), as well as the relationship between sport management and various power relations in society (e.g. race, gender, class, age, and physical ability).
95-506. Crises, Politics and Commercialism in the Modern Olympic Movement
This course focuses on two dimensions: (1) the study of three persistent problems and issues surrounding the history of the Modern Olympic Movement (crises, politics, commercialism), and (2) individual independent research on a course-related topic for which the greater amount of evidence exists in primary documents housed in various regional archives.
Quantitative Analysis in
The course introduces students to some of the most commonly employed statistical techniques in kinesiology. The content requires a basic background of elementary statistics and mathematical principles. Through classroom discussions, hands-on computer exercises and assignments, students are expected to develop essential understanding of quantitative data analysis techniques and provide interpretations and draw conclusions based on statistical findings drawn from those analyses. (Pre-requisite: Kinesiology Master’s Student)
508.- Strategic Management in the Sport Industry
This course integrates and applies academic work studied throughout the graduate Sport Management curriculum. More specifically, it is concerned with the work of the general manager who is responsible for the overall success of the organization. Emphasis will be placed on developing skills for diagnosing and critically analysing complex problems occurring at the organizational level, as well as proposing and implementing realistic solutions to such p
roblems within sport organizations.
95-510. Special Problems
Independent study conducted under the ad
visement of a graduate faculty member. This course cannot be used as a review of literature for thesis. (Prerequisite: consent of program committee.)
95-511 Group Dynamics in Sport and Exercise
The course examines the psychological factors influen
cing sport and exercise behaviours from a group dynamics perspective. Emphasis is placed on understanding the theoretical constructs and empirical research underlying an individual’s involvement in group settings and familiarizing the student with salient group measurement issues. Topics include the impact of cohesion, group leadership, collective efficacy, and group norms in the context of sport and exercise.
Exercise Rehabilitation
This interactive graduate level course is designed to intentionally link theory and practice on topics related to exercise rehabilitation, including exercise prescription and adherence, coronary artery disease and associated risk factors, and other special populations.
95-522. Instrumentation and Modeling in Kinesiology
This course will be designed to expose students to methods and instruments used to collect and process data in Kinesiology research. In addition, the course will expose students to examples of modelling approaches used to represent the nervous system, muscle force generation, musculoskeletal structure and the cardiopulmonary system.
95-523. Applied Biomechanics of Human Performance
This seminar/lecture course will focus on the application of biomechanics concepts and measurement techniques in the study of human performance. Specific topics will reflect the interests of students and may include areas such as sports, locomotion, activities of daily living, and equipment testing and design.
95-524. Biomechanics in the Work Place
This seminar/lecture course will focus on applications of human performance biomechanics in the work place. Special emphasis will be placed on theoretical and practical methods of assessing work place efficiency and effectiveness while considering the comfort and safety of the worker.
95-525. Motor Skill Acquisition
This seminar/lecture course will examine the learning processes involved in skill acquisition by novice and experienced learners in a variety of contexts. In lab/field settings students will carry out task analysis and acquire movement observation/analysis skills.
95-526. Motor Control of Human Performance
This seminar/lecture course will examine the perceptual, cognitive, and neurophysiological aspects of human motor control. Different theoretical and methodological approaches will be examined and applied to the understanding of functional movements in the home, workplace, and sporting environment. Changes in the control of movement in special populations will also be examined.
95-527. Physiological Responses to Human Movement Demands
This seminar/lecture course will examine the acute response and chronic adaptive nature of selected physiological systems directly related to human movement. Specific topics will reflect the interests of students and may include areas such as temperature regulation and fatigue as well as current topics of interest in human movement.
95-528. Neuromuscular Physiology
This seminar/lecture course will examine fundamental concepts of the neuromuscular system as they relate to movement, exercise and sport. Special emphasis is placed on physiologocal adaptations of the neuromuscular system as a result of acute (exercise, fatigue, training) and chronic (age, disease) perturbations.
The Physiology of Sex Differences in Sport, Exercise and Health
The intent of this course is to examine the innate physiological differences that may or may not be responsible for the sex based differences in athletic and exercise performance and health. Specific attention will be given to the role of endogenous sex hormones, their changes across the lifespan and the physiological systems relevant to exercise that they may or may not modify.
95-562. Research Methods
A review and appraisal of qualitative and quantitative research methods with special reference to design, data collection, analysis and generalization.
95-590. External Graduate Course
(Must be a course approved by the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research).
95-595. Selected Topics
Topics developed by individual faculty members, based on new developments in a particular area of study. (Subject to Kinesiology Council approval.)
Independent Study
An independent study conducted under the guidance of a graduate faculty member. The student will engage in research on a discipline relevant issue, using relevant data set(s), leading to the production of a final project. This course cannot be used as a review of literature for dissertation. (Prerequisite: consent of the instructor)
Doctoral Seminar
Using an inter-disciplinary modular approach, this seminar will provide doctoral students with a background in a variety of theoretical and methodological frameworks that are relevant to the practice of Kinesiology research. Topics presented will reflect students’ research backgrounds and interests. The seminar will emphasize the connections between theory and method, and prepare students to develop methodological and theoretical frameworks for their own doctoral research. Through the seminar, we aim to prepare students to become reflexive members of a scholarly community through focused, intellectual discussion and inquiry, as well as through the development of specific skills such as preparing conference proposals, submitting research grants and submitting writing for publication. This course will be graded on a PASS/FAIL basis. (Doctoral students must register in this course a total of six semesters during the Fall and Winter terms of full-time registration.)
Community Internship
The purpose of the Ph.D. in Kinesiology Internship is to fully complement the program’s focus on community, which is used as broadly as possible. The goal is to increase awareness of the impact that this program can make on the global and local communities. The expectation is that this would occur in either year 2 or 3 of the program and would consist of 120-160 hours of work within any community-based organization. The product of the internship can take many forms (e.g.) a review paper, a seminar, a conference presentation, an organizational efficiency analysis, or a combination of more than one of these items. The specific product that the student is responsible for will be established in writing within the first 30 hours of the internship experience. This course will be graded on a PASS/FAIL basis.
95-795. Internship
(See Graduate Internship Handbook.)
95-797. Thesis
Dissertation Research
Students work with a supervisor and committee to develop and implement an original research investigation. The results will be embodied in a professionally organized and written dissertation conforming to the requirements outlined in the Department’s Ph.D. Program Details Manual and by the Faculty of Graduate Studies. The dissertation is expected to be of the highest quality and suitable for publication (graded pass/fail).