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Spring 2018 Graduate Calendar
Admission Requirements
For admission requirements and period of study, the general regulations of the Faculty of Graduate Studies should be consulted (see the section titled, The Degree of Doctor of Philosophy ). Qualifying examinations will not normally be required.
Students will be recommended for candidacy (see section titled, The Degree of Doctor of Philosophy - Admission Requirements) only after successful completion of the Comprehensive Examinations and course work.
Degree Requirements for the Ph.D. (Statistics Field)
Course Work:
Students admitted with an M.Sc. or equivalent must successfully complete at least four graduate courses numbered with the prefix 65-; further graduate courses may be assigned by the Graduate Studies Committee in consultation with the
Transfer credits will not be allowed. (Up to two courses prefixed 65- may be replaced by 62-510 and/or 62-511.)
Students admitted with an Honours B.Sc., or equivalent, which is done only in exceptional cases, must successfully
complete at least twelve graduate courses, eight of which must be numbered with the prefix 65-
and the other four must either be numbered 65- or 62- or be approved by the Graduate Studies Committee upon the recommendation of the supervisor
; further graduate courses may be assigned by the Graduate Studies Committee in consultation with the
. Transfer credits will not be allowed.
It is strongly recommended that all Ph.D. students in Statistics take a measure theoretic probability course.
The Department of Mathematics and Statistics requires that students maintain at least a 70% average at all times. Term courses with a grade lower than 70% will not be accepted for graduate credit
Ph.D. students must give a fifty-minute presentation prior to the thesis defense.
Doctoral Committee:
within the student's first term of study at the doctoral level, a doctoral committee will be appointed by the Head of the Department upon the advice of the Graduate Studies Committee.
Refer to the calendar section “Faculty Regulations for the Doctor of Philosophy and the Master's Degrees”.
The dissertation shall be defended at an oral examination.
Refer to the calendar section “Faculty
Regulations for the Doctor of Philosophy and the Master's Degrees”.
Comprehensive Examinations:
A student must pass a series of three written comprehensive examinations as follows:
i.Paper I-Mathematical Statistics and Probability
ii.Paper II-Statistics OR Probability
iii.Paper III-Topics (two topics mutually agreed upon by the
and student).
If a student fails an examination, it may be repeated once, but if the examination is failed a second time, the student must withdraw from the program
. These
examinations must be successfully completed within twenty-five months of first registration in the doctoral program. If this deadline is not met, the student must withdraw from the program.
5) Statistics Doctoral students must attend either 72 seminars or 75 percent of all seminars available during fulltime registration, whichever is the smaller number. Seminars include the colloquium series, graduate major paper presentations and thesis presentations.
Degree Requirements for the
Ph.D. (Mathematics Field)
Course Work:
Students admitted with an M.Sc. or equivalent must successfully complete at least four graduate courses numbered with the prefix 62-; further graduate courses may be assigned by the Graduate Studies Committee in consultation with the supervisor. Transfer credits will not be allowed.
The Department of Mathematics and Statistics requires that students maintain at least a 70% average at all times. Term courses with a grade lower than 70% will not be accepted for graduate credit.
Students admitted with an Honours B.Sc., or equivalent, which is done only in exceptional cases, must successfully complete at least twelve graduate courses, eight of which must be numbered with the prefix 62- and the other four must either be numbered 65- or 62- or be approved by the Graduate Studies Committee upon the recommendation of the supervisor; further graduate courses may be assigned by the Graduate Studies Committee in consultation with the supervisor. Transfer credits will not be allowed.
Ph.D. students must give a fifty-minute presentation prior to the thesis defense.
Doctoral Committee:
within the student's first term of study at the doctoral level, a doctoral committee will be appointed by the Head of the Department upon the advice of the Graduate Studies Committee.
Refer to the calendar section “Faculty Regulations for the Doctor of Philosophy and the Master's Degrees”.
The dissertation shall be defended at an oral examination.
Refer to the calendar section “Faculty
Regulations for the Doctor of Philosophy and the Master's Degrees”.
Comprehensive Examinations:
A student must pass a series of three written comprehensive examinations two of which must be chosen from the following areas: Algebra, Analysis and Operational Research. The third exam, which may be written or oral, is in the area of specialization to be set by the student's doctoral supervisor and doctoral committee.
If a student fails an examination, it may be repeated once, but if the examination is failed a second time, the student must withdraw from the program (see section titled, The Degree of Doctor of Philosophy - The Dissertation).
examinations must be successfully completed within twenty-five months of first registration in the doctoral program. If this deadline is not met, the student must withdraw from the program.
5) Mathematics Doctoral students must attend either 72 seminars or 75 percent of all seminars available during fulltime registration, whichever is the smaller number. Seminars include the colloquium series and graduate major paper and thesis presentations.