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Graduate Calendar
Spring 2018

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Admission Requirements

For entry into the MBA for Managers and Professionals all applicants should meet the following minimum requirements:
    o Students must have a minimum of five years of full-time work experience in a professional setting
    o Four-year undergraduate degree or equivalent
    o GMAT exam – satisfactory achievement in all segments and a satisfactory total score.
    o GMAT may be waived at the discretion of the MBA Program Director
    o Achievement of a satisfactory score on an appropriate and well recognized English language proficiency test for students whose first language is not English
    o Satisfactory performance on personal interview
    o Two appropriate letters of reference
    o Minimum average of 70% in their previous academic degree and minimum average of 75% in the past twenty courses. The determination for advanced standing is granted by the MBA Program Director.

Students with an Honours Bachelor of Commerce:
Applicants who have a four-year B.Comm. or equivalent business degree could be admitted directly to the second year of the MBA for Managers and Professionals if they have a professional designation and some work experience. The determination for advanced standing is granted by the MBA Program Director. Credit transfer for the MBA Managers and Professionals is considered based on evaluation of undergraduate transcripts and work experience. The determination for credit transfer is granted by the MBA Program Director.

Degree requirements:

Total Courses: 20 (or 60 credit hours)

76-501. Interpersonal Dynamics
76-502. Core Concepts of Accounting I
76-503. Introduction to Financial Management
76-505. Marketing Management
76-510. Core Concepts of Accounting II
76-512. Financial Management II
76-511. Research Methodology
76-513. Human Resources Management
76-514. Management Information Systems
76-610. Business Law
71-646. Dynamics of Business Negotiations
75-698. Strategic Management
Plus eight courses (or 24 credit hours) from:
    71-600. Business Ethics and Sustainability
    75-611. Project Management I and 75-612. Project Management II
    76-661. Directed Study (6.0 credits)
    74-631. Consumer Behaviour
    70-673-01 and 70-671-02. Special Topics in Accounting
    72-673-01 and 72-673-02. Special Topics in Finance
    76-673-01 and 76-673-02. Special Topics in Business Management
    74-638-01 and 74-638-02. Special Topics in Marketing
    73-673-01 and 73-673-02. Special Topics in Management Science
    75-662. Advanced Business Agreements
    75-692-01 and 76-692-02. Special Topics in Strategy and Entrepreneurship
    75-690. Entrepreneurship - Formation and Management

The MBA for Managers and Professionals offers the following fields: Accounting, Finance, Marketing, Strategy/Entrepreneurship, and Health Care. Students who choose to follow a field complete the requirements as follows:

For the Accounting Field, students must complete:
    71-600. Business Ethics and Sustainability
    75-611. Project Management I
    75-612. Project Management II
    74-631. Consumer Behaviour
    76-673-01 and 76-673-02. Special Topics in Business Management
    70-673-01 and 70-671-02. Special Topics in Accounting

For the Finance Field, students must complete:
    71-600. Business Ethics and Sustainability
    75-611. Project Management I
    75-612. Project Management II
    74-631. Consumer Behaviour
    76-673-01 and 76-673-02. Special Topics in Business Management
    72-673-01 and 72-673-02. Special Topics in Finance

For the Marketing Field, students must complete:
    71-600. Business Ethics and Sustainability
    75-611. Project Management I
    75-612. Project Management II
    74-631. Consumer Behaviour
    76-673-01 and 76-673-02. Special Topics in Business Management
    74-638-01 and 74-638-02. Special Topics in Marketing

For the Strategy/Entrepreneurship Field, students must complete:
    71-600. Business Ethics and Sustainability
    75-611. Project Management I
    75-612. Project Management II
    74-631. Consumer Behaviour
    76-673-01 and 76-673-02. Special Topics in Business Management
    75-692-01 and 76-692-02. Special Topics in Strategy and Entrepreneurship

For the Health Care Field, students must complete:
    71-600. Business Ethics and Sustainability
    75-611. Project Management I
    75-612. Project Management II
    74-631. Consumer Behaviour
    76-673-01 and 76-673-02. Special Topics in Business Management