Spring 2018 Graduate Calendar



This special program provides students interested in a career combining management and legal skills with an opportunity to complete the M.B.A. and J.D. degrees in four years. The program is jointly administrated by representatives of the Odette School of Business, the Faculty of Law, and the Faculty of Graduate Studies.

Admission Requirements

The admission procedure for the integrated program consists of two stages. At the first stage, students applying to the program must meet the admission requirements of both the M.B.A. and J.D programs. Therefore separate applications must be submitted to the Faculty of Law and the Faculty of Graduate Studies for admission to the regular degree program in Law and the M.B.A. To facilitate academic and career planning, it is strongly suggested that these applications be made simultaneously. Students who are accepted to both the M.B.A. and J.D programs will be accepted to the integrated program, and will proceed to attend first year in either Faculty. Such students will be granted a deferred admission to the other Faculty in the program.

This special deferred admission will be revoked if the applicant's performance in the first program fails to meet the first-year academic standards of the program. In such case the applicant may re-apply for regular admission to the second degree program.

Applications will also be considered for entry to the program from candidates who are attending the first year of either the J.D or M.B.A. programs. They must meet the admissions requirements and application deadline for the program for which they are seeking entry.

Application Deadlines

Faculty of Law - November 1 (J.D)
Faculty of Graduate Studies - June 1 (M.B.A.)

For application materials please contact each of the following separately:

For the J.D:
Ontario Law School Application Service
P.O. Box 1328
170 Research Lane
Guelph, Ontario
N1G 5E2
Telephone: (519) 823-5232
Website: www.ouac.on.ca/olsas

For the M.B.A:
Odette School of Business
M.B.A. Admissions
University of Windsor
Windsor, Ontario
N9B 3P4
Website: www.uwindsor.ca/mba

The M.B.A./J.D. Program offers students the opportunity to experience two enriching education experiences, two degrees, in an accelerated, integrated manner.

M.B.A./J.D. students can enter into the program in one of two ways:
i) Defer law studies for one year, complete 18 course credits toward the MBA (with only the Major Paper (04-76-796), weighted at two course credits, remaining for completion) and then study Law in the regular manner for three years.
ii) Complete Year 1 of law studies and take a one-year leave of absence from Law. Once at the Odette School of Business, complete 18 course credits toward the MBA (again, with only the Major Paper (04-76-796) remaining for completion) and then return to Law and study in the regular manner for the remaining two years.

Option (i) is preferred because it allows the student to study with a cohort in both programs; however, students interested in the MBA who have completed only the first year of Law at the University of Windsor will have no problem completing the requirements in the two remaining years of study.

The sequence of courses would be identical to those studied by all MBA students, with two exceptions (noted in italics). In Module 2 and extending into Module 3, MBA/JD students will be required to complete one extra credit, an independent study (Directed Study 04-76-661), to bring their eventual total to 18 course credits. This independent study is a business course (Directed Study 04-76-661), completed through Odette, and it should not be confused with the Supervised Research Option available through Law. With earning the 18 M.B.A. course credits, only the major paper (again, worth the equivalent of two courses) would remain to complete the program. The sequence is presented below:

Please note that students will be registered in Module 4 for the Major Paper (76-796), which will receive 'IP' status at the end of the module.

Module 1: Business Fundamentals
76-501 Interpersonal Dynamics
76-502 Core Concepts of Accounting I
76-503 Introduction to Financial Management
76-505 Marketing Management.
76-511 Research Methodology

Module 2: New Ventures
76-510 Core Concepts of Accounting II
76-512 Financial Management.
76-513 Human Resources Management.
75-690 Entrepreneurship: New Venture Formation and Management
+ 76-661 Directed Study (for MBA/JD students only)

Module 3: Managing Growth
76-504 Quantitative Techniques in Management
71-600 Business Ethics and Sustainability
74-631 Consumer Behaviour
75-611 Project Planning I

Module 4: Managing in a Mature Market
71-646 Dynamics of Business Negotiations
75-698 Strategic Management
76-514 Management Information Systems.
75-612 Project Planning II
+ 76-796 Major Paper (for MBA/JD students only)

To complete the two degrees, as stated, students commence (or return to) law studies in September. They are registered in Law and finish the remaining two or three years of the program (whichever is applicable). During the final year of Law studies (likely in the winter semester), the students will also submit and present their major papers. Once completed, a grade is assigned for the Major Paper and the 20 course credits required for the MBA are fulfilled.

The sequence conforms as closely as possible to the parameters that guided the old program sequence. In fact, the present model is actually simpler, without the multiple changes in program status that were required with the old two-year MBA.

The registration of students is straightforward. While studying for the core 18 course credits of the M.B.A., all students are registered full-time in the MBA (from September until August). However, when they return to Law the following autumn, the students will revert to full-time Law. They will complete the Major Paper (04-76-796) under that status, using the MBA/JD program status in SIS. Once completed, the Major Paper (04-76-796) will have its “IP” status converted to the grade that was earned.

Sample Progression through the J.D. Program
(with MBA courses completed before LAW I or between Law I and II)*
    The following chart sets out a typical path through the MBA/JD. All program requirements in Law and the MBA must be met regardless of the entry point into the program.

    Fall Required Courses
    (# Credits)
    Winter Required Courses
    (# Credits)
    Law IJD program as prescribedN/A
    Law IITorts and/or Civ Pro (4)
    Business Associations (4) + 6 other credits
    Total Credits: 14
    Torts and/or Civ Pro (4) + 11 other credits
    Total Credits: 15
    N/A13/29 and 18/32 rule applies
    Law IIIEvidence (4)
    Supervised Research(3)***
    Law courses (8)
    Total Credits: 15
    Judicial Review (4)**
    Law courses (10)
    Total Credits: 14

    MBA Major Paper (04-76-796) Defense
    N/A13/29 and 18/32 rule applies - 3 MBA Major Paper credits permissible by application

    *Law students must earn a minimum of 13 credits per term and 29 credits over the year and a maximum of 18 per term and 32 over the year. They must also meet Law’s other curricular requirements. To that end and to facilitate the writing of the MBA Major Paper (04-76-796), Law students may apply to allocate three credits to MBA Major Paper work and to count these credits towards the 13/29 minimum requirement in Law III. Students must ensure that they apply to the Academic Program Committee of the Faculty of Law via the Office of the Associate Dean at the beginning of their term to have their MBA Major Paper (04-76-796) work apply to their Law minimum credit requirement. Application deadlines are posted on the Faculty of Law’s website.

    The MBA Major Paper (04-76-796) for the purposes of the MBA/JD is to have a legal relevance, although the supervisor will be from Odette and a member of Faculty of Graduate Studies (FGS). The reader may be from Law if he or she is a member of the FGS. Otherwise, Odette may consult with Law about the paper and/or include a representative as a third committee member.

    The MBA major paper will be approximately 50 pages in length, inclusive of bibliography and appendices (based on 250 words per page).

    ***Students may also register for a Law Supervised Research Paper to fulfill credits in Law II or III. The Supervised Research Paper may be adapted for use in the MBA Major Paper but not form a chapter of the Major Paper. Supervised Research papers worth three credits are approved by the Office of the Associate Dean, whereas papers worth four credits are approved by the Academic Program Committee. Supervised papers worth four credits generally require an empirical component. Students who intend to adapt the Supervised Research to their MBA Major Paper (04-76-796) (or visa versa) should discuss their proposal with supervisors in both programs.

    The MBA Major Paper (04-76-796) is to be defended during Law III year with timing determined by Odette in consultation with Law

    Total Law credits over 3 years: 34 + 26 + 26 = 86 [minimum required by Federation of Law Societies for Dual/Joint Program is 80, minimum for a regular JD student is 90]

    **These courses are highly recommended but not currently required. They may become required for all students graduating from Law in 2015 and beyond. Students intending to practice law are encouraged to take these courses to satisfy the competency requirements identified by the Federation of Law Societies. These courses may be taken in any term but the 13/29 rule must be met.