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Winter 2008 Graduate Calendar
The purpose of the Master of Business Administration program is to provide broad graduate study in the general field of business administration. It provides students with three important components to prepare them for management positions; academic knowledge, job skills and work experience.
Graduate students have the opportunity of expanding their accounting, administrative, finance, marketing, management science and strategy expertise. The program emphasizes knowledge that prepares students for careers in private industry and business, for the public service, and for doctoral studies.
Admission Requirements
1) Applicants who have secured satisfactory standing (at least a B- average) in their undergraduate work may be admitted. Major consideration is given to the performance during the last two years of the undergraduate program. Applicants without an undergraduate degree who hold a professional qualification such as (for example) C.G.A., C.M.A., or C.H.R.P. and a minimum of five years' experience in their profession may be considered for admission to the MBA program. Possession of the minimum requirements for admission does not ensure acceptance.
Students must write the GMAT before applying for admission to the Faculty. Applicants who hold an M.B.A or a Ph.D. from a foreign University (or equivalent degree) in any discipline will not be required to write the GMAT. (Details of the Test may be obtained from
The Educational Testing Service
, Princeton, New Jersey, 08540.) The order form for the Bulletin of Information for th
is available in the
Office of the Registrar
and in the M.B.A office.
2) Graduates from a four-year Honours program in Commerce or Business Administration who, in the opinion of the Odette School of Business, have covered an adequate program of studies, may be admitted to the candidate year in the Fast Track M.B.A. program provided they have obtained satisfactory standing (at least a B- average) in their undergraduate degree.
3) Students will be recommended for admission to the candidate year if they have maintained a B- average or better in the first year of the program.
4) Students in the candidate year who maintain a B- average or better will qualify for the M.B.A. degree.
The prerequisites required for admission are: first-year university-level mathematics; micro- and macroeconomics. The mathematics prerequisite may be waived depending on an applicant's quantitative GMAT score. If the prerequisites have not been completed prior to admission, they must be completed during the first year of the program.
Fee Policy for M.B.A. Students Taking Undergraduate Economic Courses
M.B.A. students will pay undergraduate fees for undergraduate courses taken as prerequisites for admission if the courses are taken within the first three terms after admission. The undergraduate courses will not be counted towards the graduate degree.
Part-time Status
Students who are unable to complete the program on a full-time basis for health, family, or other reasons may, upon recommendation from the Odette School of Business, be permitted to continue their studies on a part-time basis.
Course Requirements
All two year programs (M.B.A and M.B.A Co-op) require eleven 500-level courses in the first year.
The second year of the two year programs and the one year program (M.B.A Fast Track Co-op) requires ten 600-level courses.
The major paper is weighted as two courses; the thesis as four. A student writing a major paper or thesis would require eight or six additional courses respectively. Fast Track students who do not complete a co-op work term will be required to complete a major paper in addition to the ten courses.
75-698 is requir
ed of all MBA students.
Students will be allowed to pursue a general M.B.A. or choose one specific area of concentration. Areas of concentration include Business Strategy and Entrepreneurship, Finance, International Business, Marketing, Management and Labour Studies, Management Science and Production/Operations Management. To obtain an area of concentration, courses must be completed as follows:
75-680. Managing the International Enterprise
75-682. Manufacturing Strategy
75-690. Entrepreneurship: New Venture Formation and Management
Plus any two of:
75-692. Topics in Strategic Management
74-639. Marketing Strategy and Planning
71-613. Leadership and Organizational Change
72-672. Cases in Financial Management
70-651. Reporting, Analyzing, and Using Accounting Information
Plus any three of:
72-670. Investment Analysis and Management
72-671. Portfolio Management
72-673. Topics in Finance
72-674. International Financial Management
71-643. International Management
72-674. International Financial Management
74-635. International Marketing Strategy
75-680. Managing the International Enterprise
Plus any one of:
45-566. International Political Economy
41-510. Theory of International Trade
or a Topics course with an international focus offered by any of the Areas
74-639. Mark
eting Strategy and Planning
Plus any three of:
74-631. Consumer Behaviour
74-632. Marketing Research
74-635. International Marketing
74-638. Special Topics in Marketing
Plus any one of:
72-672. Cases in Financial Management
75-680. Managing the International Enterprise
75-682. Manufacturing Strategy
or a Topics course being offered by one of the other Areas whose content is relevant to Marketing.
73-603. Management Science Methods
73-605. Operations Management
73-606. Strategic Implementation for Technologies Management
Plus any two of:
73-602. Topics in Management Science
60-537. Database Management Systems
60-538. Information Retrieval Systems
60-539. Emerging Non-traditional Database Systems
91-504. Advanced Operations Research I
91-505. Advanced Operations Research II
91-511. Stochastic Processes
91-502. Manufacturing Systems Simulation
91-500. Optimization
91-503. Production and Inventory Control Systems
91-508. Reliability Engineering
71-613. Leadership and Organizational Change
71-643. International Management
71-646. Business Negotiations and Problem Solving
71-647. Managing Diversity in the Work-place
Plus any one of:
71-648. Topics in Management and Labour Studies
95-500. Sport Leadership
73-604. Operations Management
75-682. Manufacturing Strategy
Plus any three of:
73-602. Topics in Management Science
74-631. Consumer Behaviour
75-680. Managing the International Enterprise
41-531. Industrial Organization
91-509. Computer-Integrated Manufacturing
91-512. Flexible Manufacturing Systems
Students may choose a major paper option. All students choosing this option must have a detailed major paper proposal approved by at least two faculty members in the Odette School of Business. These two faculty members will have primary responsibility for supervising the student's work. The approved proposal application form must be submitted to the Assistant to the Dean in order to register for the major paper (
76-796). An ora
l defence will be required.
The major paper will be graded, will receive six credits and will substitute for two 600-level course electives.
Students may choose a thesis option. All students choosing this option must have a detailed thesis proposal approved by at least two faculty members in the Odette School of Business and by one faculty member external to the School but from within the University. An oral defence will be required.
The thesis will be graded, will receive twelve credits and will substitute for four 600-level course electives.
Professional Accounting Designation
Students who are interested in pursuing both a professional accounting designation (
., C.A., C.M.A., or C.G.A.) and the M.B.A. are advised to complete their accounting course requirements while being registered in the Bachelor of Commerce for University Graduates program and then to apply for admission directly to the candidate year of the M.B.A. program (Fast-Track M.B.A.)
This program is intended for those students not choosing the M.B.A. Co-op program (primarily students in the integrated M.B.A./LL.B. program). The academic portion is identical to the Co-op program and students will take their courses during the study terms for Co-op students.
Qualifying Year
Fall Term
76-501. Interpersonal Dynamics
76-502. Core Concepts of Accounting Information I
76-503. Introduction to FinancialManagement
76-504. Quantitative Techniques in Management
76-505. Marketing Management
76-506. Managing Employees
Winter Term
76-510. Core Concepts of Accounting Information II
76-511. Research Methodology
76-512. Financial Management
76-513. Human Resources Management
76-514. Management Information Systems
Candidate Year
Fall Term
workshops, plus five 600-level Business courses
Winter Term
75-698. Strat
egic Management
workshops, plus four 600-level Business courses