Educational Development Centre

Located on the first floor of Dillon Hall, the Academic Advisory Centre provides assistance to students through academic advising and student support programs. Academic advisors provide general information to all students, especially those who have not declared their academic major or who are considering changing it. Students who have already declared their major are directed to the appropriate department/ which administers their program. Assistance is provided to all students who are experiencing academic difficulty and placed on academic probation.

Career counselling is also available in the Centre. All University students may take advantage of several interest tests to explore their academic, educational and vocational goals. Through this interest testing and workshops offered by the AAC, students have the opportunity of examining various academic and career options compatible with their scholarly and vocational goals and talents.

The Academic Advisory Centre, in conjunction with the Student Information Resource Centre (S.I.R.C.) offers a series of workshops on academic skills to assist students to become more effective and efficient learners. Topics include Improving Reading Skills, Effective Note Taking, Time Management, Exam Strategies, and Studying and Memory.
Through the Head Start program the Academic Advisory Centre also co-ordinates academic advising for all newly-admitted, first-year students and provides for them a comprehensive orientation to University life, thus facilitating their transition to a new learning environment.

A very effective network of over one hundred student volunteers form the Students Orienting Students (S.0.S.) Program in the A.A.C. These students assist the staff of the Centre in delivering services to the student community. S.O.S. members assist year-round in capacities such as orientation leaders, peer advisors, "Campus Match" mentors, and S.I.R.C. volunteers.

Academic Writing Centre

For the student who experiences a degree of uncertainty with meeting the academic writing requirements at the University of Windsor, assistance and instruction is available from the Academic Writing Centre. The instruction provided is non-credit, individualized, and sequentially covers all elements of the essay writing process. An enroled University of Windsor student may register at any time by telephoning 253-4232, Ext. 3405 or by stopping in the office located at 470 Sunset Avenue.

Upon student request, writing workshops, individual tutorials, and diagnostic assessments are readily available. Daily workshops, embracing grammar and mechanics, writing style, in addition to essay writing skills, are scheduled conveniently throughout each term. Appointments for tutorials are reserved for students in need of intensive instruction as indicated by the diagnostic assessment and/or the writing sample.

Co-op Education and Career Services

The Office of Co-op Education & Student Placement's mission is to provide quality assistance and to facilitate the employment of students by offering programs, services, information, tools, resources, and guidance to students and new graduates engaged in career planning, co-op, and job search activities.

The Office co-ordinates and administers co-operative programs in Business (undergraduate and M.B.A.), Computer Science, Engineering, Earth Science, and Environmental Biology.

Career-related programs and services are offered through workshops and counselling in the areas of career exploration, resume writing, job search, and interview techniques. Special events featuring alumni and recruiters are offered throughout the year to provide career information and better prepare students for the job market.

A career information centre houses educational calendars, employment literature, directories, videotapes, reference books, and other resource materials.

Job descriptions for on- and off-campus, part-time, full-time, summer, overseas, and volunteer positions are posted on our job boards.

Program for Students with Special Needs

The Special Needs Program facilitates the integration of students with special needs by providing individualized services and accommodations necessary to eliminate as much as possible the effect of a disability. The Program provides counselling, professor liaison, exam accommodation and contact with notetakers, interpreters, scribes, and mobility assistants. A computer and access technology facility has also been established which contains specialized equipment. Individual counselling prior to registration is strongly recommended, and students are invited to contact the Special Needs Co-ordinator (519-253-4232, Ext. 3298), whose office is located on the first floor of Dillon Hall, in the Office of Student Affairs.

Aboriginal Education Centre (Turtle Island)

Located at 496 Sunset Avenue, the Aboriginal Education Counsellor provides an academic, social and cultural support system to students. The counsellor will liaise with various departments, s, and faculties and encourage participation in all workshops and activities that will result in improved study habits and personal satisfaction with campus life. For more information about the A.E.C., call 253-4232, Ext. 3465.

International Students' Centre

Assistance, advice and information regarding orientation, general counselling, U.S. Visitor's Visa, Canadian Immigration matters (work visa, student authorizations, visitors' visas),, and referral services can be obtained at the International Students' Centre on the first floor of Cody Hall and through the International Students' Advisor. The Centre provides a lounge for organizations clubs' functions and meetings, and houses the office of the International Students' Society (I.S.S.). For assistance from the International Students' Advisor, please visit the office or call 519-253-4232, Ext. 3901, or e-mail

Student Information Resource Centre (S.I.R.C.)

Located on the second floor of the C.A.W. Student Centre, SIRC provides a central, user-friendly service that offers one-stop shopping for information and referrals to campus support services. In addition, SIRC offers STEPS (Skills to Enhance Personal Success Program) in conjunction with the Academic Advisory Centre, operates the Welcome Centre each September, and oversees information and programming for off-campus students.

Office of Student Awards and Financial Aid

The Office of Student Awards administers all of the bursary, loans, and special project components of the Ontario Student Assistance Program (including the Canada Student Loans Plan). The office administers all of the University's undergraduate scholarships, bursaries, and other awards. An emergency loan fund for OSAP-eligible University of Windsor students is also co-ordinated through this office.

Information on undergraduate scholarships, bursaries and other awards may be obtained from the office, located in Room 122, Dillon Hall.

Graduate students wishing information on non-OSAP awards should consult the Office of Graduate Studies and Research.