This glossary explains some terms which are used frequently throughout this Calendar. It is intended as a quick-reference guide and may not necessarily offer the complete, official definitions and explanations as they are apply to the University's programs and the administration of its regulations.
Antirequisite - A course or other level of attainment which, if already successfully completed, does not permit registration for credit in another course, and which cannot be taken for credit concurrently with that other course.
Attempt - Generally, any course for which a final grade has been assigned, including "WF" - Withdrew Failing. Failures which are repeated and for which credit is subsequently earned may or may not be considered as attempts, depending upon individual faculty regulations. If a student transfers from one program to another, not all previous attempts necessarily will be counted as attempts within the student's new program.
Bachelor's Degree (Baccalaureate) - The first university degree, for which a student follows a specific undergraduate program (e.g., B.A.- Bachelor of Arts).
Certificate - At the undergraduate level, a program consisting of twelve one-term course equivalents in a specialized area(s) of study.
Corequisite - A course which must be taken concurrently with another course which lists it as a corequisite.
Course - A unit of study identified by a course title and a unique course number. Unless otherwise specified, the term "course" refers to a one-term, 3.0 credit course offering.
Two-Term Course - A course taught over two terms, usually the Fall and Winter terms. A two-term course normally carries twice the credit value of a one-term course, or 6.0 credits.
Half Course - A course having a value of 1.5 credits. Half courses may be offered for fewer contact hours per week over an entire term, or may be concentrated in either the first or the second half of a term.
Credit - A unit of academic value earned within a particular program. A credit value of 3.0 normally is assigned to a one-term (13-week) course. A two-term course, therefore, would have a credit value of 6.0; a half-course 1.5.
Other credit values may be assigned. Some courses may be taken for varying amounts of credit within a specific range (e.g. 2.0 to 9.0 credits); other courses may be offered for alternate credit values (e.g., 3.0 or 6.0 credits).
Credit values are used in the calculation of averages for academic standing and in the determination of the student's year or level within a specific program. (See also "Weight").
Cross-Listed Courses - Courses which are listed under two different numbers in two different subject areas. Cross-listed courses may be taken in either subject area, but credit may be earned in only one course.
Cumulative Average - An average which is based upon all courses counted as attempts within a student's current program.
Diploma - At the undergraduate level, a program of study less extensive than a degree program, but requiring more courses than a certificate program.
Full-Time Student - See "Categories of Registration".
Linked Courses - Credit may not be allocated to certain courses until a subsequent course is also successfully completed. Such "linking" of courses will be noted in the course descriptions.
Major - A formal, specific concentration of courses within a subject area as defined by its degree program(s).
Major Average - An average based upon courses attempted within the student's major as defined by the student's degree program.
Option - Generally, a non-major course not specifically required in a program, but for which credit may be earned towards the degree, certificate, or diploma offered in that program.
Specific restrictions may apply in some programs.
Part-Time Student - See "Categories of Registration".
Prerequisite - A course for which credit must have been earned prior to registration in another course which lists it as a prerequisite. ("Consent of Instructor" may be listed as an alternative to, or in addition to a given course prerequisite.)
Program - A combination of courses in a subject area (or areas) which fulfills the requirements for a degree, certificate, or diploma.
Program Approval - For students in certain programs, consulting with and obtaining the signed approval of course selections by a faculty advisor may be required as part of the registration process.
Registration - The process of selecting courses, obtaining faculty approval for course selections where necessary, and making the appropriate arrangements with the University to pay the required fees.
Required Course - A course for which credit must be earned in a student's program.
Semester - Same as "Term"
Standing Required - Individual faculties and set out specific requirements which students must meet in order to continue in their programs. These requirements normally include the maintenance of specific minimum cumulative and major averages, and also place certain restrictions upon the number of courses a student is permitted to have failed. Progress is reviewed at the end of each term.
Term - An academic period of thirteen weeks' duration. The Fall term extends from September to December; the Winter term from January to April. Intersession, which extends for six weeks from mid-May through the end of June, and Summer Session, which extends from the beginning of July to mid-August are considered together as a single term.
Transcript - A document issued by the Office of the Registrar which records all aspects of a student's registrations and grades obtained at the University. An "official" transcript is one which bears the official seal of the University and which is sent directly to another institution or official of an organization. "Unofficial" transcripts also may be issued to the student.
Withdrawal - A formal procedure set out within the regulations of the University for withdrawing from an individual course(s), or from the University entirely.
Weight - For students registered in the Faculty of Engineering, the calculation of averages is based upon a weighting factor. The weight of an individual course is equal to the number of lecture hours per week, plus one-half of the number of laboratory and/or tutorial hours per week.
Year (or Semester) - Attaining a particular Year or Semester level depends upon earning credit for a specific number of courses. The number of courses normally taken in one term/semester determines the Semester level; the number of courses normally taken in a program over both the Fall and Winter terms of a "regular" academic year would determine the Year level. In some programs, the attainment of a specific level also may reflect the earning of credits in a particular group or sequence of courses. |