Course requirements for the Ph.D. and M.A.Sc. programs in Engineering Materials will be selected from the courses listed below and related courses in other programs. A student's course program will be formulated in consultation with the Graduate Studies Committee for Engineering Materials and requires approval of the research advisor and Chair of the Program Graduate Committee. Students will take no more than 2 of the 4 required courses from their supervisor(s).
All courses listed will not necessarily be offered in any given year.
89-501. Advanced Crystallography
Application of X-ray diffraction principles to the study of materials, application of Fourier series, single crystal techniques, studies of preferred orientation, imperfections. (3 lecture hours a week.)
89-502. Phase Transformations
Phenomenological treatment of transformation processes; diffusion controlled and diffusionless (martensitic) transformations; application of thermodynamic and phenomenological rate laws to transformations: nucleation, recrystallization, precipitation, spinoidal decomposition, ordering, eutectoid decomposition, etc. (3 lecture hours a week.)
89-505. Strengthening Mechanisms in Materials
Dislocation-particle interactions, strengthening by dislocation substructures, particle and fiber reinforcement, strong microstructures from the melt, strong microstructures from the solid. (3 lecture hours a week.)
89-506. Microscopy of Materials
The theoretical and technical aspects of the study of microstructure and composition of materials, optical microscopy, electron microscopy (scanning and transmission) including electron diffraction and image analysis principles, electron microanalysis, x-ray topography, field-ion microscopy, relationship of observed microstructures to the macroscopic properties of materials. (2 lecture, 2 laboratory hours a week.)
89-507. Fracture Mechanics
The fracture mechanics approach to design; physical significance of fracture toughness; measurement of fracture mechanics parameters; non-destructive inspection techniques; principles of fracture-safe design; the relation between the microscopic and macroscopic aspects of plane-strain fracture; fracture of specific metallic and nonmetallic materials. (3 lecture hours a week.)
89-510. Solidification Fundamentals
Fundamental principles of solidification theory including thermodynamics, kinetics, solid-liquid interface morphology and growth mechanics. Solidification mechanisms of pure metals. Heat flow phenomena in casting and crystal growth. Effect on solidification heat transfer of process variables, casting and mold properties, metal and mold temperatures. Students will apply the fundamentals of thermodynamics and kinetics to materials processes such as casting and welding. (3 lecture hours a week.)
89-511. Casting: Modeling and Simulation
Review of casting fundamentals. Techniques for mathematical model formulation. Development of general numerical method based on control volume finite difference scheme to predict mold filling, heat transfer, and solidification phenomena. Treatment of gates, runners, risers, and overflow. Mesh generation for full casting. Applications using commerical casting-simulation software. Students will apply their knowledge of engineering mathematics and transport phenomena to the processes of manufacturing light weight automotive components. (3 lecture hours a week.)
89-512. Metal Casting Technology
Introduction and historical overview of casting. Casting processes, mould design and materials, metallurgical simulation. Metallurgical considerations, liquid metal treatment, heat treatment, casting defects and their prevention. Discussion of challenges faced by today's foundries. (3 lecture hours a week.)
89-513. Tribology: Materials and Manufacturing Aspects
This course will prepare students to perform experimental and analytical work on the materials and manufacturing aspects of tribology. Fundamental equations of wear, wear testing methods; micromechanisms of wear, modeling of surface contacts, frictional heating during sliding contact; tribology of internal combustion engines, friction and wear during machining operations; wear control via surface coatings, coatings for cutting tools. (3 lecture hours a week.)
89-590. Special Topics in Materials
Selected advanced topics in the fields of engineered materials and materials Enginneering. (3 lecture hours a week.)
Current topics include:
Creep of Metals and Alloys
Microscopy of Materials II
Wear of Materials
Composite Materials
Fatigue of Metals and Alloys
Materials Degradation
Polymer Injection Molding
Thin Films and Coatings
Computational Contact Mechanics in Tribology
89-797. Thesis
89-798. Dissertation
Students may take courses from outside Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering with permission of the Chair of the Graduate Program and the advisor.
All courses listed will not necessarily be offered in any given year.
91-500. Optimization
Classical theory of optimization. Kuhn-Tucker conditions. Unconstrained optimization; gradient methods, conjugate gradient methods, variable metric methods, search techniques. Constrained optimization. Approximation methods, projection methods, reduced gradient methods; penalty function methods; computational algorithms. Recent advances in optimization. Use of computer software packages. (Prerequisite: 91-312 or equivalent.) (3 lecture hours a week.)
91-501. Industrial Experimentation and Applied Statistics
Distributions of functions of variables, estimations and tests of hypotheses, power of tests, non-parametric tests, sampling techniques, analysis of variance, randomized blocks. Latin squares and factorial experiments. (Prerequisite: 91-327 or equivalent.) (3 lecture hours a week.)
91-502. Manufacturing Systems Simulation
Discrete-event system simulation. Random number generation. Stochastic variate generation. Input parameters; identification and estimation. Output analysis. Static and dynamic output analysis; initial and final conditions; measures of performance and their variance estimation; confidence interval. Design of experiments. Various sampling techniques. Single and multifactor designs. Fractional designs. Response surfaces. Regeneration method for simulation analysis; Monte Carlo optimization. (3 lecture hours a week.)
91-503. Production and Inventory Control Systems
Analysis of production-inventory systems. Inventory systems; deterministic, single-item and multi-item models; quantity discounts; stochastic, single-period models; periodic review and continuous review models. Production planning. Static demand models; product mix and process selection problems; multi-stage planning problems. Dynamic demand models; multi product and multistage models. Operations scheduling; job shop scheduling; line balancing. New directions in production systems research. (Prerequisite: 91-413 or equivalent.) (3 lecture hours a week.)
91-504. Advanced Operations Research I
Theory and computational techniques for solving linear and integer programming problems. Theoretical foundations of the simplex algorithm. Duality and sensitivity analysis. Network flow methods. Integer programming problems. Branch and bound methods, implicit enumeration methods, cutting plane methods. Interior point methods and other recent developments. (Prerequisite: 91-312 or equivalent.) (3 lecture hours a week.)
91-505. Advanced Operations Research II
Probabilistic O.R. models. Markovian decision process. Queueing theory. Single channel and multichannel queueing systems. Queues with general arrival and service patterns. Bulk queues and priority queues. Applications of queuing models. Probabilistic dynamic programming. (Prerequisite: 91-412 or equivalent.) (3 lecture hours a week.)
91-506. Computer-Aided Modeling of Complex Surfaces
This course provides an understanding of complex surfaces and their applications, design, mathematical modeling and manipulation techniques. It provides a mathematical foundation of sculptured surfaces, with emphasis on NURBS. Topics include: Geometric modeling, Curves and surfaces representation, B-Spline basis functions, Rational B-Splines curves, and surfaces, Construction of NURBS surfaces, Development of prototype complex surfaces using CAD software and MATLAB, and Introduction of reverse engineering of complex surfaces, modeling, manipulation and prototyping. (Prerequisite: 06-91-311 and 91-315, or equivalent.) (3.0 Lecture hours per week)
91-507. Advances in Industrial Ergonomics
Ergonomics and work design; human workload measurement in industry; visual display terminals at the workplace; signal detection and visual inspection; user-computer interaction; human factors aspects of flexible manufacturing systems; effects of individual and combined environmental stressors on human performance. (3 lecture hours a week.)
91-508. Reliability Engineering
Basic reliability distributions. Constant failure rate models-exponential reliability function, Poisson process. Time dependent failure models-the Weibull, normal, log-normal distributions. State-dependent systems-Markov analysis. System reliability-system structure function. Reliability growth testing-noon-parametric methods, censored testing and accelerated life-testing. Design for reliability-specification, reliability allocation, failure analysis, system safety. Maintainability and availability. (Prerequisite: 91-327) (3 lecture hours a week.)
91-509. Computer-Integrated Manufacturing
Development of CIM; the CIM pyramid-key functions. System integration; standards for communications-MAP. Data base as the hub of CIM-types of data base. Role of simulation and support systems-decision support systems and expert systems. Sensor technology, robot vision, and group technology. Impact of CIM. Factory of the future. (3 lecture hours a week.)
91-510. Advanced Engineering Economy
Principles and methods for engineering analysis of industrial projects and operations. Criteria for economic decisions, project investment analysis, gain and loss estimating and techniques for economic optimization under constraint are included. Emphasis is placed on the construction and use of analytical models in the solution of engineering economy problems. Elements of risk and uncertainty are included through use of probabilistic techniques. (Prerequisite: 85-313 or equivalent.) (3 lecture hours a week.)
91-511. Stochastic Processes
Stochastic processes. The Poisson process-relationship to exponential, Erlang and uniform probability distributions. Markov chains-basic limit theorem. Continuous time Markov chains - birth-and-death processes, time-dependent probabilities, limiting probabilities, relationship to the exponential distribution, uniformization. Renewal theory-limit theorems, renewal reward processes, regenerative processes, computing the renewal function. Brownian motion and stationary processes. (Prerequisite: Statistics 91-412 or equivalent.) (3 lecture hours a week.)
91-512. Manufacturing Systems Paradigms
Manufacturing systems paradigms (including DML, Batch, Cells, FMS & RMS), components, characteristics, automation, operation, planning and control. Changeability and mass customization. Integrated products/systems design, process planning, GT & CIM. Special topics: Assembly, Robotics, Inspection, Quality and Cost. (3 lecture hours a week)
91-514. Engineering Design, Methodology & Applications
Engineering Design is a creative, iterative and often open-ended process subject to constraints. Topics include: design creativity & problem solving, engineering conceptual design & embodiment design, practices for product realization design theories and methodologies, parametric design, probabilistic design, industrial design, design and manufacturing integration, concurrent Engineering, materials selection in design, design for x (e.g. manufacturing, assembly), engineering design communication. Significant time is devoted to the applications of design theories and methodologies and to a product/process design realization. (3 lecture hours a week.)
91-515. Artificial Intelligence Applications in Manufacturing
The objective of this course is to teach graduate students how artificial intelligence techniques can be applied to manufacturing operations. Detailed topics to be discussed in this course include: basic knowledge representation methods and problem solving techniques; different search algorithms; introduction to AI high level languages; introduction to the CLIPS shell; AI application in Design; AI application in Operation Management; AI application in Diagnosis; and, AI application in Control. (3 lecture hours a week.)
91-516. Computer-Aided Design (CAD)
This course will focus on computer-aided methods and applications. The lectures present basic and generic principles and tools, supplemented with significant hands-on practice and engineering applications. Various topics are studied and practiced using CAD/CAE software, such as Engineering design and the role of CAD, geometric modelling systems, representation of curves and surfaces, surface modelling, solid modelling and applications, parametric representations, assembly modelling, computer-aided engineering (CAE) and applications, distributed collaborative design, and digital mock-up. (Prerequisite: 91-311 or equivalent.) (2 lecture hours a week and 2 laboratory hours a week.)
91-517. Automotive Assembly Work Measurement
A Graduate study of manufacturing driven product designs, assembled in a human orientated workplace. Learn the science of work measurement to continuously evaluate existing designs against internal and external better practices and utilize insights gained from hands-on product teardowns in the development of innovative patentable ideas & product redesign proposals that support the lean enterprises balance scorecard. (3 lecture hours a week)
91-518. Manufacturing Systems: Modelling, Analysis and Performance Measures
This course is specifically oriented toward performance issues that arise in Automated Manufacturing Systems (AMS). The main goal of this course is to introduce efficient analytical modeling tools. Examples related to serial manufacturing systems, and Flexible Manufacturing Systems will be presented to illustrate the theory and applications of these modeling tools. The reliability and maintainability techniques are also presented and integrated in the design, the analysis and the modeling of AMS. (Pre-requisites: 91-312)(3 Lecture Hours Per Week)
91-519. Work Organization: Analysis and Design
Introduction to the applications of organization theory for the analysis and design of work organizations (industrial enterprises). Assessment and improvement of organizations through integration of social and technical systems in order to achieve organizational purpose. Fundamentals of organization structure. Classical organization theories. Group decision processes (group and individual). Organizational culture and ethics. Organizations and manufacturing technology. Management of knowledge workers. Information and communication technologies in program in organizations. Innovation and creativity, change management. Organizational accidents and errors, risk management. Impact of globalization and international environment on organizational strategies. (Pre-requisite: Graduate Standing in Engineering or Business) (3 Lecture Hours Per Week)
91-520. Engineering Applications in Health Care
Introduction to the broad range of current technological and organizational issues in health care. Overview of health care industry. Instrumentation for medical diagnostics (biomedical sensors, medical imaging). Medical diagnostics and decision making. Information technology in health care (information systems, electronic medical records). Principles of evidence-based medicine. Medical studies and statistics. Prosthetics and orthotics. Lab automation and surgical robotics. Manufacturing in health care. Health care facilities planning and design. Quality management in health care. (Prerequisites: graduate standing in engineering, business, nursing or human kinetics; 3 lecture hours a week).
91-521. Sustainable Manufacturing
The objective of this course is to introduce students to how the environment has been affected by the activities of the manufacturing industry and how this type of impact could be measured and reduced. Students will learn to identify design and manufacturing issues related to the environment. Topics discussed in this course include sustainable development, sustainability, environmentally conscious design and manufacturing concepts and practices, recycling and reuse, material selection and compatibility, de-manufacturing and re-manufacturing, life-cycle assessment, and ISO 14000.( 3 Lecture Hours Per Week)
91-522. Supply Chain Management and Logistics
This course covers the major issues associated with the management of Supply Chain and Logistics, covering both technical and managerial issues with emphasis on the analytical decision support methods and tools. Topics include supply chain network design, inventory models and theories, transportation and logistics planning, outsourcing and pricing, and case study. (Pre-requisite: 91-312 or 91-391, or equivalent) (3 Lecture Hours Per Week)
91-523. Product Innovation and Design Management
This course covers the critical factors affecting product development and innovation and identifies the common characteristics of successful new products drawing upon best industrial practice. The aim is to provide students with an understanding of the managerial and technical processes commonly involved in product development and innovation. Three main themes will be covered throughout this course: Product Design and Innovation; Idea Generation Techniques; Design and Innovation Project Management. (3 Lecture Hours Per Week)
91-524. Advanced Topics in Discrete Optimization
This course is concerned with topics in discrete optimization, particularly in integer programming theory and techniques. Topics include: Analysis of algorithms, modeling and applications of discrete optimization, dynamic programming, branch and cut, Lagrangian duality, modern meta-heuristic methods, introductions to nonlinear integer programming and stochastic (integer) programming, software for solving discrete program, advances in discrete optimization. (Pre-requisite: 06-91-312 or equivalent.) (3 Lecture Hours Per Week)
91-590. Special Topics
Selected advanced topics in the field of Industrial Engineering. (3 lecture hours a week.)
91-595. Graduate Seminar
Presentations by graduate students, staff, and visiting scientists on current research topics. Graduate students are required to register and give a presentation in the semester prior to thesis defence. All graduate students are expected to attend each and every seminar and no less than 75% of all seminars. This course will be graded on a Pass/Fail basis. (1 lecture hour a week.)
91-796. Major Paper
91-797. Thesis
91-798. Dissertation
Course requirements for the Ph.D., M.A.Sc. and M.Eng. programs in Mechanical Enginneering will be selected from the courses listed below and related courses in other programs. A student's course program will be formulated in consultation with the advisor and requires approval of the Graduate Studies Committee for Mechanical Engineering and the Chair of the Program Graduate Committee.
With the permission of the advisor and Department Head (and under consultation with the Graduate Coordinator), Mechanical Engineering courses with numbers greater than 449 only and related to the graduate field of study may be taken for graduate credit for students enrolled in the M.A.Sc. and M.Eng. programs. Not more than one undergraduate course (numbered greater than 449 only) shall count as credit towards the course requirements for the M.A.Sc. or M.Eng. degree. These courses are not available for course credit towards the Ph.D. degree.
In the case of M.Eng. students, the Chair of the Graduate Committee assumes the role of the advisor.
92-503. Turbulent Flow
General turbulence theories, wall turbulence and free turbulence. (3 lecture hours a week.)
92-506. Thermal Systems Design
Advanced systems design requiring the application of economics, heat transfer, simulation and optimization. (3 lecture hours a week.)
92-507. Experimental Techniques in Flow Measurements
A course covering the theory of flow and velocity measurement. Emphasis will be placed on hot wire instruments and turbulence measurements. (3 lecture hours a week.)
92-509. Multiphase, Multicomponent Flows
A thorough treatment of the basic techniques for analyzing one-dimensional multi-phase, multicomponent flows in order to predict flow regimes, pressure drop, etc. Practical applications in fluidization, sedimentation and boiling heat transfer. (3 lecture hours a week.)
92-516. Industrial and Motor Vehicle Noise
Hearing damage risk criteria and in-plant noise regulations; determination of permissible exposure levels due to continuous and intermittent noise. Measurement of machine noise and standard procedures. Fundamentals of noise control. Characteristics and levels of motor vehicle and traffic noise; motor vehicle noise control legislation and standard procedures for measurement. (3 lecture hours a week.)
92-517. Automotive Applications for Noise, Vibration and Harshness Evaluation
This course introduces the automotive applications and tools for the evaluation of noise, vibration and harshness. It includes reviews of measurement techniques presently used in the automotive industry to measure various aspects of noise, including the concept of sound quality, vibration and the quantification of the term harshness. The course consists of a review of papers which are to be presented to the class. Participants perform critical reviews on the presentations. Three lecture hours per week. Course evaluation is based on weekly reports, presentations of reviews of papers and critical reviews by participants. (3 lecture hours a week.)
92-530. Combustion Engineering
An introductory graduate course on combustion engineering, covering a broad range of topics of importance to the field including chemical thermodynamics and kinetics, flames and combustion rates, and detonation of gaseous mixtures. The emphasis is on the understanding of the combustion processes involved in practical systems. (Antirequisite: 92-590-01.) (3 lecture hours a week.)
92-531. Numerical Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow
This course is concerned with the ability of using numerical methods to predict heat transfer, fluid flow and related processes. The course consists of an introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics, descriptions of the general governing differential equations, discretization methods for the differential equations, numerical simulation of conductive heat transfer, numerical treatment of convection and diffusion and calculations of flow fields. (Antirequisite: 92-590-02.) (3 lecture hours a week.)
92-532. Modeling of Thermo-fluid Systems
This course will cover the basic types of mathematical models that are used to describe Thermo-fluid systems. Lumped as well as distributed parameter models will be considered with analytical as well as numerical methods of solution. Modern solution tools such as Simulink, Maple, Fluent and Wave will be utilized whenever appropriate. The topics to be considered may include but are not limited to: two-phase flow, transient flow, turbulence, non-newtonian flow, boiling, evaporation, condensation and fluid-structure interaction. (Antirequisite: 92-590-07.) (3 lecture hours a week.)
92-533. Turbulent Reacting Flows
This course will cover the following topics: experimental investigation of flames, thermodynamics of combustion processes, transport phenomena, chemical kinetics, reactions mechanism, laminar premixed and diffusion flames, the Navier-Stokes equations for the reacting flows, turbulent premixed and non-premixed flames, low temperature oxidation and engine knock, and pollutants formation. (Antirequisite: 92-590-08.) (3 lecture hours a week.)
92-534. Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics
This course is intended to provide basic knowledge required to initiate research or applications in computational fluid dynamics. Topics include: numerical methods for model hyperbolic, parabolic and elliptic equations; analysis of difference schemes; numerical stability; explicit and implicit methods; artificial viscosity; linearization techniques; approximate factorization; preconditioning, iterative solutions, successive over-relaxation (SOR), successive line over-relaxation (SLOR), alternating direction implicit (ADI); two-dimensional structured grid generation; introduction to finite volume method. (Antirequisite: 62-577.) (3 lecture hours a week.)
92-535. Advanced Topics in Computational Fluid Dynamics
This course is a continuation of 92-534. Advanced topics in computational fluid dynamics (CFD) will be discussed, including: structured and unstructured grid generation on surfaces and three-dimensional; Navier-Stokes and Euler solvers; applications of finite volume method; turbulence modeling; current issues in CFD. Students will carry out project work using one or more commercial CFD packages.(Prerequisite: 92-534.) (Antirequisite: 62-587.) (3 lecture hours a week.)
92-536. Fundamentals Of Clean Engine Technology
This course focusses on the understanding of fuel properties, combustion processes, exhaust emissions, and pollution prevention in diesel and other lean-burn IC engines. Introduction to Stirling and other external combustion engines.
92-540. Applied Finite Element Analysis
This course focuses on the modeling aspects of the finite element method using three well known commercial Finite Element Analysis (FEA) software packages known as DYNA, IDEAS and ANSYS. A variety of stress analysis problems in two and three dimensions are studied and the accuracy of the simulations are assessed through comparison with available theoretical and experimental results. Both static and dynamic situations are covered. The students are expected to prepare a final report summarizing their work and an oral presentation. (Antirequisite: 92-590-03.) (3 lecture hours a week.)
92-541. Introduction to Vibration Measurement and Modal Analysis
This course is concerned with basic concepts of modal theory, basic modal parameter analysis, single degree of freedom methods, introduction to frequency response functions, general modal analysis and multiple degree of freedom and global methods. The accuracy of Fast Fourier Transforms (FFT) and windowing, FFT analysis options, zoom, coherence and quality assessment, relationship to finite element modeling will also be considered. In addition, basic measurement techniques, calibration techniques, transient and steady state excitation techniques, general frequency response function interpretation, case study (laboratory experiment) and validation of measured and analyzed data are studied. (Antirequisite: 92-590-04) (3 lecture hours a week.)
92-542. Advanced Topics in Mechanical Design
The topics discussed in the course will be selected from the following: design and analysis of mechanical details such as welded and bonded joints, minimum constraint design, fluid power systems, mobile hydraulic systems, project planning, optimization, decision making methodology, ISO/QS9000 quality methods, concurrent engineering, design reports, design reviews, design for manufacture and assembly, design for quality, configuration design, design for minimum cost, parametric design, developing size ranges for families of products, geometric dimensioning and tolerancing, Taguchi methods, manufacturability and serviceability considerations and product warranties. (Antirequisite: 92-590-05.) (3 lecture hours a week.)
92-543. Product Design and Development
This course covers the process of new product creation including topics selected from: the product development team; the product development cycle; conceptual development; models including technology push products; platform products; process-intensive products and customized products; needs analysis - identifying the customer and their needs; establishing product specifications; concept generation; concept selection; product architecture; industrial design and ergonomics; prototyping; economics of the development process and project management. (Antirequisite: 92-590-06.) (3 lecture hours a week.)
92-544. Finite Element Methods for Crashworthiness and Impact Analysis
The topics include a brief history on the use of numerical tools in automotive/impact field, Explicit and Implicit time integration techniques, Shell and Solid finite element formulations for impact analyses - advantages and disadvantages, Zero Energy Modes (Hourglassing) and Hourglass control, Material modeling for large displacement problems, Finite element modeling for contact, Mesh Adaptivity, Arbitrary Lagrangian and Eulerian Meshes for large deformation problems, Use of implicit integration techniques for impact problems, Quasistatic simulations as well as the development of finite element models for impact analyses. (Antirequisite: 92-590-12.) (3 lecture hours a week.)
92-545. Automotive Control Systems
This course will address advanced control design techniques for automotive systems. The interdisciplinary goal of this course is to present the application of control system design to engine operation and vehicle mechanics as well as the approaches for parameter/model identification and estimation of automotive systems. For graduate students in electrical engineering, this course will make it possible for them to access automotive models and to understand engine dynamics, both for the purposes of applying control design techniques. For graduate students in mechanical engineering, this course will provide a chance for them to learn how to apply advanced control design strategies to automotive systems. It is expected that, after taking this course, graduate students from both engineering fields will be able to address automotive control problems from interdisciplinary point of views and to complement expertise in their own areas. (Prerequisite: 92-412.) (Antirequisite: 92-590-22) (Cross-listed with 88-536.) (3 lecture hours a week.)
92-590. Directed Special Studies
A special course of studies with content and direction approved by the student's chief advisor. Although there may not be formal lectures, the course will carry the weight of three lecture hours.
92-593. Introduction to Finite Element Analysis
This course covers the fundamentals of the Finite Element Analysis (FEA) with emphasis on solid mechanics and stress analysis. The subject of finite elements is treated using variational principles such as the principle of virtual work and total potential energy. The course deals with a variety of structural components such as springs, axially loaded bars, beams under bending, two-dimensional/axially symmetric/three-dimensional continuum elements and their formulation is static and dynamic analysis. In addition to three hours of lecture, a two-hour computer lab is mandatory where the students use different commercial FEA software. (Antirequisite: 62-593) (3 lecture hours a week and 2 laboratory hours a week.)
92-595. MASc Graduate Seminar:
MASc Graduate Seminar is a series of presentations by graduate students, faculty and invited speakers on engineering related topics, including but not limited to research, development, commercialization, management and leadership. All full-time and part-time MASc students are required to complete 36 hours of graduate seminar classes and give one seminar presentation in the MASc Graduate Seminar course during each of his/her graduate degree programs in Mechanical Engineering. Part-time students who are not able to take the MASc Graduate Seminar course have to take an additional 3-credit graduate course approved by his/her degree supervisor(s), if necessary, to fulfill the overall credit requirement for the degree. This seminar course will be graded on a pass/fail basis. (1 lecture hour/week)
92-695. PhD Graduate Seminar
PhD Graduate Seminar is a series of presentations by graduate students, faculty and invited speakers on engineering related topics, including but not limited to research, development, commercialization, management and leadership. All full-time and part-time PhD students are required to complete 36 hours of graduate seminar classes and give two seminar presentations in the PhD Graduate Seminar course during each of his/her graduate degree programs in Mechanical Engineering. Part-time students who are not able to take the PhD Graduate Seminar course have to take an additional 3-credit graduate course approved by his/her degree supervisor(s), if necessary, to fulfill the overall credit requirement for the degree. This seminar course will be graded on a pass/fail basis. (1 lecture hour/week)
92-796. Major Paper
92-797. Thesis
92-798. Dissertation
85-500. Special Topics in Automotive Engineering
Selected advanced topics in the field of automotive engineering.
85-511. Bluff Body Aerodynamics
Atmospheric boundary layers. Flow around bluff bodies, separation and wakes. Lift and drag, pressure and force coefficients. Streamlined bodies, bluff bodies. Flow over flat plates and walls, rectangular prismatic shapes, circular cylinders. Fluctuating forces and pressures on bluff bodies. Wind tunnel testing, similarity requirements, wind tunnel techniques. Vehicle aerodynamics, drag and lift of passenger cars, cross wind stability, wind tunnel and road testing. Architectural aerodynamics, design wind speed, flow in and around building, wind-induced response of low-rise buildings, tall buildings, and large roof and sports stadium. Aerodynamics of Wind Turbines. (Pre-requisite: Undergraduate level Engineering Mechanics, Fluid Mechanics.)
85-529. Automotive Paint and Industrial Coatings
This course covers: functionality and application methods of automotive coating layers, concepts in polymer chemistry and suspensions, automotive coatings formulation, application of coatings by dip and spray processes, curing of coatings after application, appearance measurement and durability testing. Concepts of adhesion, corrosion resistance and surface pretreatment will also be covered. Powder coating and coating plastics. Each student will complete a literature review of a topic in coatings. (Anti-requisite: 93-590 Pollution Prevention in Manufacturing.)
85-591. Engineering Venture Formation
Designed for students who choose entrepreneurship as a career option, this course is an in-depth study of the process of drawing the blueprints for a new enterprise including: developing business ideas, developing business concepts, conducting feasibility studies, choosing a legal form or business, writing business plans, identifying and approaching sources of money, raising funds, and putting together a package of resources to start an enterprise. (Anti-requisites: 75-491.)