Admission Requirements
1) All general regulations of the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research admission requirements are applicable.
2) Applicants must have a Master's degree in Nursing.
3) Applicants must have maintained an overall B average in their undergraduate nursing program.
4) Applicants must have a current certificate of registration as a Registered Nurse with the College of Nurses of Ontario.
5) Three Faculty of Nursing confidential reports must be completed by academic/professional referees, with at least one from an academic who has taught the applicant and one from a recent employment supervisor.
6) An "Applicant Profile" must be completed which includes a section addressing goals in seeking graduate education (narrative statement).
7) Applicants whose native language is not English must submit certification of English proficiency (official TOEFL score or equivalent).
8) Applications for admission must be completed by February 15.
9) An interview may be required.
In addition:
Applicants must have the equivalent of two years full-time relevant nursing practice within the past five years.
Preference will be given to Ontario residents whose work experience in nursing has been continuous and who have clinical experience in one or more of the following areas: primary health care, ambulatory care, public health, community health, long term care, emergency care, outpost nursing.
Note: This is a limited enrolment program. Therefore, possession of minimum published requirements does not guarantee admission
Information/NP application can also be obtained on the internet at http://np-education.ca.
Standing Required for Continuation in Program and for Graduation
The Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research requires that students maintain at least a 70% cumulative average at all times. A minimum grade of 70% is required in each Primary Health Care Nurse Practitioner course. A student in the Primary Health Care Nurse Practitioner program who does not obtain credit in any course may repeat the course once only. There may be no more than a 3-year lapse between Nurse Practitioner courses. Application review will begin March 1st; applications should be made through the Ontario Universities' Application Centre (OUAC).
Program Requirements
This is a twelve-month program designed for nurses who already have a Master’s in Nursing
63-550. Pathophysiology for the Nurse Practitioner (3 credit hours, 2 terms)
63-552. Roles and Responsibilities of the Nurse Practitioner in Primary Health Care. (3 credit hours, 2 terms)
63-557. Advanced Health Assessment and Diagnosis I (4.5 credit hours)
63-561. Therapeutics in Primary Health Care I (4.5 credit hours)
63-550. Pathophysiology for the Nurse Practitioner (cont’d, 3 credit hours, 2 terms)
63-552. Roles of the Nurse Practitioner in Primary Health Care (cont’d, 3 credit hours, 2 terms)
63-558. Advanced Health Assessment and Diagnosis II (4.5 credit hours)
63-562. Therapeutics in Primary Health Care II (4.5 credit hours)
63-595. Integrative Practicum (12 credit hours)