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Upcoming Calendar - Spring 2014

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International Masters in Automotive Engineering - consisting of:
International MASc in Automotive Engineering/Laurea Magistrale in Automotive Engineering (Dual Degree Program)
The program is awaiting approval from the Ministry of Training, Colleges, and Universities.

Admission will be granted, within the limits of program availability (initially 5 students/year) to University of Windsor students possessing a Bachelor of Applied Science degree in Mechanical Engineering (or equivalent engineering degree) from an accredited Canadian university. Standard admission requirements for entry in the Mechanical Engineering MASc program will be met. Applications will be reviewed by the coordinator for the International Master of Applied Science in Automotive Engineering program. Student application files will be forwarded to the Faculty of Graduate Studies, with a request for formal admission of those students approved by the program coordinator. Accepted students will be enrolled at the University of Windsor with M2 status (Master candidate) in the International Masters in Automotive Engineering.

For Politecnico di Torino students, admission will be granted, within the limits of program availability (initially 5 students/year) to Torino students possessing a Laurea [Bachelor’s degree] in Automotive Engineering or Mechanical Engineering (or equivalent engineering degree) from an accredited European university. Student files will be reviewed by the program coordinator similar to the University of Windsor process. Accepted students will begin the first year in the Laurea Magistrale in Automotive Engineering at Politecnico di Torino.

Total courses: Three (3) Windsor courses and 60 ECTS credits at Torino (which equates to 3 courses at the Politecnico di Torino for the Torino students, and 30 ECTS of courses plus a 30-ECTS thesis for the Windsor students). The suggested course choices at each school will be streamed into four key areas: Manufacturing Management, Automotive Vehicle Design and Engineering, Automotive Powertrain and Virtual Engineering for Product Development.

Each student will be required to take at least one course in each of the above four areas plus two others of their choosing. In this way, all of the graduates of the proposed program will receive a well-rounded education in Automotive Engineering and an opportunity to build a significant level of specialized expertise in an area which is of particular interest to them.

Major requirements: Three (3) Windsor graduate courses and an equivalent number of ECTS credits in courses in Italy. The total course requirements will be equivalent to the weight of study done to complete a Windsor Masters’ degree in Engineering with a thesis (thus making the students eligible to continue their studies at the doctoral level).

The Torino students will complete 60 ECTS course credits and 3 Windsor graduate courses which makes them eligible for doctoral work in Europe when completed in conjunction with their major thesis project.

Other requirements: Thesis Project

Each student will complete a thesis project in conjunction with the two industry companies. Thesis co-supervision will be by both Windsor and a Torino faculty member. For the purposes of the University of Windsor degree, the thesis committee will consist of the co-supervisors, an internal program reader, and an external program reader. Additional Committee members may be added to meet the requirements of the Torino program. The thesis project will be a substantial piece of work representing an advance on the state of the art of a character of that expected for a Masters degree in Engineering. The Windsor students will carry out much of their work in Fiat while they are in Italy and the Torino students will work on a project with Chrysler while they are in Canada. Each student in the program will complete a Masters of Applied Science thesis as is customary in the University of Windsor MASc program.

NOTE: The Italian (Torino) MASc students will not be eligible for GA support while they are present in Windsor.

The Windsor students will each complete either one or two 4-6 month internships under the Industrial Research and Development Internship (IRDI) program internship at the ARDC facility during the spring of their first year. Following that they will travel to Italy where they will do their thesis research at the facilities of Fiat Centro Research in Torino. The Italian students will perform their thesis research at the facilities of Chrysler Canada and potentially at Chrysler Corp. in the US for certain projects.

The program layouts are shown schematically below:
University of Windsor
Year 1(University of Windsor)Year 2 (Politecnico di Torino)Comments
Term 1Term 2Term 3Sem. 1Sem. 2
1-2 courses1-2 courses1-2 courses30 ECTS courses30 ECTS thesisTotal courses/credits = 3 courses in Windsor + 30 ECTS of courses and 30 ECTS for Thesis in Torino
3 Courses + Planning of ThesisIndustry-Academic Research ThesisThesis
Total:60 ECTS60 ECTSTotal 120 ECTS
Politecnico di Torino
Year 1 (Politecnico di Torino)Year 2 (University of Windsor)Comments
Sem. 1Sem. 2Term 1Term 2Term 3
60 ECTS courses1-2 courses1-2 coursesProjectTotal courses/credits = 60 ECTS of courses in Torino + 3 courses in Windsor
Planning of Major Industry-Academic Project (eqivalent to Thesis) 3 courses + Major Industry-Academic Project Report (eqivalent to Thesis) Major Industry-Academic Project Report (eqivalent to Thesis) )
Total:60 ECTS60 ECTSTotal 120 ECTS

NOTE: The term “ECTS Course” refers to the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System. It is an EU designation for a number of credit-hours that will be equivalent to a comparable number of University of Windsor graduate course credits (please see the note below on the ECTS). The total number of ECTS and Windsor credits undertaken by each student will be at least equal to that required to earn a traditional University of Windsor Masters of Applied Science degree.