Spring 2019 Graduate Calendar


SWRK-8503. Comprehensive Social Policy Analysis
This course introduces students to the history of policy and how policies are created. Students will critically analyze the economic forces, political forces, cultural forces, social forces, and professional issues that impact social policy. Students will explore their understanding of the impact social policies have on individuals, families, organizational infrastructures, service delivery systems, and network linkages. The formulation of policy recommendations will also be addressed.

SWRK-8504. Communication Skills in Social Work Practice
This course introduces students to the various types of communication skills utilized in advanced social work practice. Through in-depth examination of intentional interviewing and counselling skills, students will explore core social work values in relation to practice situations. Content focuses on the critical analysis of particular verbal and non-verbal forms of communication. A laboratory format will be employed to build student competencies in the effective use of interactional skills with clients and client systems.

SWRK-8523. Challenges in Human Behaviour
This course examines how principle biological, psychological, and social theoretical perspectives differentially explain the etiology, occurrence, and response to common life challenges including physical illness and disability, mental illness and substance abuse, economic adversity, family and community violence, and minority status related to culture, ethnicity, or sexuality. An ecological perspective will be used to understand the individual, family, community, and societal issues related to these challenges. Both the impact of these challenges and strategies responding to these challenges will be appraised and critically analyzed.

SWRK-8531. Social Work Practice with Individuals
Students will develops a theoretical and applied understanding of foundational knowledge for advanced social work practice with individuals. Using a historical and ecological systems perspective, an emphasis is placed on multidimensional assessment and the differential application of therapeutic, supportive, educational, and resource management strategies for individuals. Specific attention is given to the needs of diverse populations in the context of social justice.

SWRK-8532. Social Work Practice with Groups
Students will critically examine the theoretical frameworks used in advanced social work practice with groups. Using an ecological systems perspective, students will use selected practice theories for social work with groups to develop knowledge, values, and skills in critical analysis, differential assessment, planning and intervention, and evaluation and termination with client groups. The challenges faced by diverse populations that affect group composition, development and processes are explored within the context of social justice. Assessment skills are used to identify group strengths, weaknesses, and challenges in formulating effective social work practice with groups.

SWRK-8533. Social Work Practice with Families
Students will analyze assessment and intervention with families. Using an ecological systems perspective, students will analyze the impact of diverse family structure and dynamics, cultural and social contexts, and the life cycle on family functioning. They will develop an understanding of their own family of origin issues as they impact self and work with families, critically analyze and differentially apply selected family therapy approaches, and appropriately apply social work values and skills when working with families.

SWRK-8534. Social Work Practice with Organizations and Communities
In this course, students will critically describe the political forces, cultural forces, social forces, and professional issues that impact working with organizations and communities. They will critically describe human diversity, human oppression, and social justice in the context of social work interventions with organizations and communities with particular attention to removing barriers to change and mobilizing or facilitating change with diverse populations. After evaluating procedures applicable to assessing organizational and community factors, students will design the implementation and facilitation of groups from an ecological perspective to advance change with clients and client systems.

SWRK-8547. Social Work Research: Practice Evaluation
This course prepares students to understand and critically evaluate use applied research in evaluating social work practice. The ideological assumptions underlying qualitative and quantitative research methods will be examined. Students will consider ethical issues as they conduct a literature review, identify a research problem relevant for interventions for diverse populations, formulate a research question and hypotheses, develop an appropriate design and methodology considering quantitative and qualitative options, and indicate appropriate analytical methods (statistical and/or qualitative).

SWRK-8550. Social Work Values, Ethics and Anti-Oppressive Practice
In this course, students will use an anti-oppressive focus to critically examine the nature, history, traditions, and issues of the social work profession as they relate to the development of a distinct theoretical knowledge-base, set of values, code of ethics, and approaches to direct and indirect practice. During the course, students will examine ethical questions and value dilemmas encountered by social workers in various fields of practice. Through value analysis and the application of ethical principles, the meaning of professionalism and its expression in social work are considered using contemporary practice case studies.

SWRK-8570. Field Integration Seminar
This seminar course focuses on the integration of academic and field work experience to advance knowledge, values, and skills as they relate to the development of advanced practice competence. Students will use structured reflection and self-evaluation to understand their own practice in terms of values, ethics, policies, theoretical models, and agency expectations. Students will reflect upon personal values and beliefs and explore solutions to actual issues during their field placements. (This course is evaluated on a pass/fail basis.)

SWRK-8571. Master of Social Work Foundation Year Practicum
This course is offered in a field education setting and is designed to assure the practice of advanced social work from the ecological perspective.The foundation practicum comprises 450 hours of supervised social work practice (Prerequisites: SWRK-8503, SWRK-8504, SWRK-8523, SWRK-8531, SWRK-8532, SWRK-8533, SWRK-8534, SWRK-8547, SWRK-8550.)

SWRK-8610. Advanced Direct Social Work Practice
This course will focus on the critical analysis of the theoretical basis for the application of a range of advanced professional social work theories and models to direct practice with diverse populations. Using ecological systems and strengths perspectives, students will analyze client empowerment and constructive transactions with the environment. Aimed at enhancing social justice, an analysis and critique of evidence-based practices with clients will be explored as vehicles to bringing about change.

SWRK-8611. Advanced Indirect Social Work Practice
Students will critically assess indirect social work practice with regards to community practice and human service organizations. Using an ecological perspective, students will examine community practice and human service organizations within the context of professional social work practice and by highlighting key indirect social work functions with a focus on community and organizational development.

SWRK-8621. Social Justice and Social Change
This seminar focuses on the critical analysis of systemic injustice. It will consider the history, meaning, consequences and dynamics of barriers that threaten, preclude or compromise the normal participation of selected vulnerable groups in social, economic and political institutions. It will critically examine concepts such as deviance, dependence, need, social control, and oppression. This critical analysis will form the underpinnings for leadership in the development and implementation of strategies for change.

SWRK-8622. Advanced Social Policy Analysis and Development
Building on the Comprehensive Social Policy Analysis course, this course focuses on the processes involved in policy formulation, implementation, and social change. Students will further refine their capacity to critically analyze social policies and generate recommendations that emanate from a global context.

SWRK-8625. Law and Social Work: Advanced Practice Research Methods and Policy Analysis
This course prepares students to use the practitioner-researcher model in the analysis of social policy, as it relates to law, in Canada. This model includes problem formation, qualitative and quantitative research design, data analysis and interpretation, and the dissemination of findings. Students will learn to apply specific analytic frameworks and theories, drawn from law and social work, to issues of Canadian social policy. In addition, students will learn essential elements of program evaluation including needs assessment, program logic models, implementation and process evaluations, and impact evaluations. Particular attention will be given to the implications of social policy for vulnerable and oppressed populations. Credit Weight 4.0. (Crosslisted with Law LAWG-5930.).

SWRK-8626. Advanced Seminar in the Theory and Practice of Social Work and the Law
This seminar focuses on the intersection of law and social work in theory and practice. It will prepare students to think critically about the interrelationship between law and social work, both as disciplines and professions, and to identify and analyze theoretical and substantive areas of compatibility and tension. The challenges of interdisciplinary practice will be considered, with a particular emphasis on ethical norms and the advancement of social justice. (Open to MSW/JD students only, or with the permission of both program areas.) (Credit Weight 4.0. Cross listed with Law LAWG-5931.).

SWRK-8640. Program Design and Evaluation
This course prepares students to use the evidence-based practitioner-researcher model to critically evaluate social work practice with organizations and communities. Student will learn essential elements of program evaluation including needs assessments, program logic models, implementation and process evaluations, outcome evaluations, and impact efficiency evaluations. Students will design programs and develop evaluation proposals, and will learn how to disseminate the results of program evaluations.

SWRK-8680. Advanced Internship Seminar
This capstone course must be taken concurrently with students' advanced practice internship SWRK-8681. This course provides a structured forum for students to discuss, synthesize and integrate the knowledge they have acquired throughout the program including practice theories, professional ethics, policy development, research and program evaluation.

SWRK-8681. Advanced Practice Internship
This course is offered in a field education setting. Students develop skills which will equip them for leadership in advanced social work practice. The internship comprises 450 hours of supervised social work practice. (Prerequisites: SWRK-8610, SWRK-8611, SWRK-8621, SWRK-8622, SWRK-8640.)

SWRK-8970. Thesis
The thesis will integrate knowledge of research and evaluation methods to promote the acquisition of evidence-based practice to specific vulnerable populations. The thesis is supervised by the student's thesis committee.(3 lecture hours)

SWRK-9720. Epistemology and Philosophy of Science in Social Work
This course examines the epistemological foundations of social work research. The nature of knowledge, the different ways we come to know, and the social process in the distribution of knowledge are discussed. Critical analysis of the historical context, philosophical assumptions, and current debates related to each paradigm--positivist/postpositivist, interpretative, critical and postmodernism are explored. Students identify their own standpoint with respect to their dissertation research. The process by which social work researchers can advance evidence for practice within social justice principles for each of the available paradigms is emphasized.

SWRK-9730. History and Theory in Social Work
This course provides an in-depth examination of the development of the social work profession over the last one hundred years. An exploration of the impact of changing social, political, economic, moral, and historical contexts on the practice, theoretical and scholarly orientations of the profession will be highlighted. Key debates regarding the mission and development of professions in general and social work in particular; the relationship between practice, scholarship, and social policy; and tensions between disciplinary (and inter-disciplinary) approaches to social work knowledge development will be discussed within its national and international contexts. This seminar will also provide an examination of selected issues facing the profession today.

SWRK-9740. Qualitative Methods in Social Work Research
This course provides an overview of qualitative research design and application. It is intended to facilitate students’ understanding in both designing, and in implementing their doctoral dissertation research or a sample of research involving qualitative methods. A number of designs are discussed as well as debates related to the position of the researcher, interviewing, ethics and diversity. The contribution of qualitative research to current models/issues of evidence-based social work practices, knowledge, truth and representation is also discussed. (3 lecture hours)

SWRK-9741. Qualitative Data Analysis
This course examines various approaches to qualitative data analysis and their grounding in various theoretical foundations. Students learn and practice multi-level approaches to data analysis, using software applications as data organization tools. Building on the qualitative methods course, students articulate the reasons for choosing certain approaches to analysis, referring to their consistency with various methodologies and theoretical foundations. The course applies the standards for rigour in qualitative analysis as a tool for evaluating various approaches.(3 lecture hours)

SWRK-9743. Quantitative Methods in Social Work Research
This course introduces students to quantitative research methods, including research designs, sampling methods, standardized measures, questionnaire design, meta-analysis and ethical consideration in conducting research. The course also covers the operationalization of social science concepts and scale construction, validity and reliability, and measurement error. Students gain knowledge about the current trends in evidence-based practice..(3 lecture hours)

SWRK-9744. Quantitative Data Analysis
This course provides an examination of the principles of quantitative data analysis with a focus on conducting and interpreting common bivariate and multivariate statistical procedures used in social science research. Parametric and non-parametric approaches are examined. Students gain competency in the assumptions underlying statistical tests, the criterion for test selection, and the utilization of computer software analysis for analyzing small and large datasets..(3 lecture hours)

SWRK-9795. Dissertation Seminar
This course guides students through the process of developing a dissertation proposal. It covers each step of the research development process, from examining current knowledge to a description of how the data analysis will be conducted. It encourages students to consider the most appropriate methodology for their purposes (i.e., mixed, qualitative, and quantitative approaches). Students will also be supported through the process of obtaining approval for their project from the University of Windsor Research Ethics Board..(3 lecture hours)

SWRK-9980. Dissertation Research
Students work with a supervisor and committee to develop and implement an original research investigation. The results will be embodied in a professionally organized and written dissertation conforming to the requirements outlined in the School of Social Work Ph.D. Manual and by the Faculty of Graduate Studies. The dissertation is expected to be of the highest quality and suitable for publication (graded pass/fail).