All graduate studio courses are directed individual studies courses. Projects will be planned and carried out in conjunction with a faculty supervisor.
VSAR-8610. Studio Practice 1
Directed individual studio projects within the areas of research in; Painting/Drawing, Printmaking, Sculpture and Integrated Media (Video, Sound, Photography, Digital Arts). (This course is supervised by the Guidance Committee composed of two professors and the principal advisor.) (Open to M.F.A. students only.)
VSAR-8620. Studio Practice 2
Directed individual studio projects within the areas of research of; Painting/Drawing, Printmaking, Sculpture and Integrated Media (Video, Sound, Photography, Digital Arts). This course is supervised by the Guidance Committee composed of two professors and the principal advisor. (Prerequisite: VSAR-8610) (Open to M.F.A. students only.)
VSAR-8630. Studio Practice 3
Directed individual studio projects within the areas of research of; Painting/Drawing, Printmaking, Sculpture and Integrated Media (Video, Sound, Photography, Digital Arts). (This course is supervised by the Guidance Committee composed of two professors and the principal advisor.) (Prerequisite: VSAR-8620) (Open to M.F.A. students only.)
VSAR-8640. Studio Practice 4
Directed individual studio projects within the areas of research of; Painting/Drawing, Printmaking, Sculpture and Integrated Media (Video, Sound, Photography, Digital Arts). This course is supervised by the Guidance Committee composed of two professors and the principal advisor. (Prerequisite: VSAR-8630.) (Open to M.F.A. students only.)
VSAR-8650. Studio Production I
Through discussion, exercises and hands-on work, students explore the concepts, technologies, theories and production techniques of film and video creation and cinematic storytelling. (Lab fees may apply.)
VSAR-8660. Studio Production II
This course explores experimental and innovative approaches to media arts. The focus of the course is on experimental video, animation, video installation art, interactive art, audio/sound art, audio responsive installation, multimedia performance, and any fusion thereof. Time-based media arts environments may include sound, video, images, text and/or alternate physical feedback as triggered through interaction. (Lab fees may apply.)
VSAR-8596. Graduate Seminar 1
The seminar addresses art methodologies in the creative research, the development of critical vocabulary and interpretations in the context of contemporary art making as well as some pedagogical concepts through lectures, group discussions, studio visits, visiting scholars and artists. The seminar provides a forum for peer critique and critical discussion on contemporary concepts related to the students' artistic research. (Open to M.F.A. students only.)
VSAR-8597. Graduate Seminar 2
The seminar addresses art methodologies in the creative research, the development of critical vocabulary and interpretations in the context of contemporary art making as well as some pedagogical concepts through lectures, group discussions, studio visits, visiting scholars and artists. The seminar provides a forum for peer critique and critical discussion on contemporary concepts related to the students' artistic research. (Prerequisite: VSAR-8596.) (Open to M.F.A. students only.)
VSAR-8598. Graduate Seminar 3
The seminar addresses art methodologies in the creative research, the development of critical vocabulary and interpretations in the context of contemporary art making as well as some pedagogical concepts through lectures, group discussions, studio visits, visiting scholars and artists. The seminar provides a forum for peer critique and critical discussion on contemporary concepts related to the students' artistic research. (Prerequisite: VSAR-8597.) (Open to M.F.A. students only.)
VSAR-8599. Graduate Seminar 4
The seminar addresses art methodologies in the creative research, the development of critical vocabulary and interpretations in the context of contemporary art making as well as some pedagogical concepts through lectures, group discussions, studio visits, visiting scholars and artists. The seminar provides a forum for peer critique and critical discussion on contemporary concepts related to the students' artistic research. (Prerequisite: VSAR-8598.) (Open to M.F.A. students only.)
VSAR-8000. Special Project
Directed individual artist project outside the Student's area of research. (May be repeated for credit.) (Has to be approved by the Graduate Committee and the Program Coordinator.)
VSAR-8970. Thesis
The specific topics in the Directed Individual Studies in Art History and the Art History Seminar will vary from year to year, depending upon the interests and needs of professors and students. All courses are three hours a week unless otherwise indicated.
MACS-8000. Directed Individual Studies
This course involves examination of a particular problem in a specific area of interest in which a paper will be required. (May be repeated for credit with permission of the M.F.A. Program Coordinator.)
MACS-8600. Seminar on Contemporary Issues
Current issues in art criticism and theory will be considered through reading, discussions, museum trips, guest lectures and research papers culminating in a seminar presentation by individual students on specific issues. |