Professor Emeritus
Orr, R. Robert; B.A. (Valparaiso) M.A., Ph.D. (Iowa)-1969.
Cohen, Jerome S.; B.A. (Michigan State), M.A., Ph.D. (Wayne State)-1968.
Hakim-Larson, Julie A.; B.S. (Michigan State), M.S. (Eastern Michigan), Ph.D. (Wayne State)-1991.
Lafreniere, Kathryn D.; B.A. (Windsor), M.A., Ph.D. (York)-1991.
Senn, Charlene Y.; B.Sc., M.Sc. (Calgary), Ph.D. (York)-1992.
Cramer, Kenneth M.; B.A., M.A., Ph.D. (Manitoba)-1998.
Paivio, Sandra C.; B.A., M.Ed. (Western Ontario), Ph.D. (York)-1998.
Buchanan, Lori; B.A. (Wilfrid Laurier), M.A., Ph.D. (Waterloo)-2001.
Associate Professors
Voelker, Sylvia L.; B.A. (Indiana), M.A., Ph.D. (Wayne State)-1984.
Towson, Shelagh M.J.; B.A. (York), M.A. (Wisconsin), Ph.D. (Waterloo)-1985.
Menna, Rosanne; B.A. (Brock), M.A., Ph.D. (Toronto)-1998.
Hibbard, Stephen; B.A. (Santa Clara), M.A. (California State), Ph.D. (Tennessee)-2000.
Casey, Joseph; B.A. (Windsor), M.A. (Carleton), Ph.D. (Windsor)-2000.
Hart, Kenneth E.; B.A. (Laurentian), M.A. (Lakehead), Ph.D. (Houston)-2001.
Jarry, Josee L.; B.A. (Sherbrooke), M.Ps. (Montreal), Ph.D. (Toronto)-2001.
Kuo, Ben C.; B.A., M.Ed. (Toronto), Ph.D. (Nebraska at Lincoln)-2001.
Kwantes, Catherine; B.A. (Calvin College), M.Sc. (Eastern Michigan), M.A., Ph.D. (Wayne State)-2002. (Head of Department)
Baird, Anne; B.Sc. (Duke), M.A., Ph.D. (Wayne State)-2003.
Jackson, Dennis L.; B.A., M.A., Ph.D. (Wichita State)-2003.
Babb, Kimberley A.; B.A., M.A., Ph.D. (University of California, Irvine)-2004.
Scoboria, Alan; B.A. (Albion College), M.A., Ph.D. (Connecticut)-2004.
Abeare, Christopher A.; B.S. (U. of Michigan, Flint), M.A., Ph.D. (Wayne State)-2005.
Fritz, Patti A.; B.A. (Michigan), M.A., Ph.D. (S.U.N.Y.)-2005.
Pascual-Leone, Antonio; B.A. (York), D.E.A. (Toulouse), Ph.D. (York)-2005.
Chung-Yan, Gregory A.; B.A. (York), M.A., Ph.D. (Guelph)-2006. (Department Head)
Miller, Carlin J.; B.A. (Lexington), M.Ed. in Spec. Ed. (Nashville), M.Ed. in Ed. Psych., Ph.D. (Georgia)-2006.
Singleton-Jackson, Jill; B.A. (Oklahoma State), M.A. (Wichita), Ph.D. (North Texas)-2007.
Assistant Professors
Gragg, Marcia; B.A. (Ottawa), M.A., Ph.D. (Windsor) - 2002