Not all courses listed below will necessarily be offered every academic year.
Due to the fact that Computer Science is a relatively new and continuously evolving discipline, some of the courses listed may undergo slight revision and therefore may not always conform exactly to the detailed descriptions given below.
All courses listed below are three lecture hours per week, unless otherwise stated. In addition, laboratory/tutorial time may be scheduled as required.
Note: Most Computer Science courses require substantial time out of class in writing, correcting, and testing computer programs. Students should be prepared to devote a minimum of three to five hours a week per course to assignment work alone.
60-100. Key Concepts in Computer Science
The objectives of this course are to excite students' interest in computer science and to give students a precise understanding of a number of difficult concepts that are fundamental to modern computer science. Topics may include: data types; induction and recursion; algebraic characterization; syntax; semantics; formal logic; soundness, completeness, and decidability; specification, algorithm, implementation, and determinism; complexity. (Restricted to students registered in programs offered wholly or jointly by Computer Science or by Mathematics and Statistics, or with approval of Computer Science.) (3 lecture, 1.5 laboratory hours a week; plus unsupervised study and work on individual assignments.)
60-104. Computer Concepts for End-Users
Introduction to the concepts of operation of a computer system, including hardware and software. Development of conceptual understanding of word processors, databases, spreadsheets, etc., and practical experience with their use. Networking concepts and data communication concepts will be introduced. The Internet will be introduced with students having access to internet resources. Management information systems including the systems development lifecycle will be discussed. Fundamental concepts of algorithm development and programming will be introduced. Hands-on experience with microcomputers as well as a distributed-computing environment will be involved. In addition to lecture time, laboratory/tutorial time may be scheduled as required. (May not be used to fulfill the major requirements of any major or joint major in Computer Science.)
60-106. Programming in C for Beginners
The course is an introduction to programming in C. Two major goals of this course are: teaching a rational approach to program development, and teaching an introduction to ANSI C. The emphasis of this course is on the first goal. This course adapts a library-based approach that emphasizes the principle of abstraction: library and modular development. The five-phase software development method is used to solve problems. Topics of this course include: a brief introduction to Computer Science, introduction to computer hardware, statement forms, iteration, functions, top-down design, basics of modular programming, recursion, arrays, pointers, dynamic data structures, and file processing. (Antirequisite: 60-141.) (Normally may not be taken for credit by students registered in programs offered wholly or jointly by Computer Science.)
60-140. Introduction to Algorithms and Programming I
This course is the first of a two-course sequence designed to introduce students to algorithm design and programming in a high-level language such as C. The main objectives of the course are to develop the ability to identify, understand and design solutions to a wide variety of problems. Topics include: computer system overview, hardware and software, problem solving steps, concepts of variables, constants, data types, algorithmic structure, sequential logic, decisions, loops, modular
programming, one-dimensional arrays, text files. If possible, problems like searching/sorting will be addressed. (3 lecture, 1.5 laboratory hours a week; plus unsupervised study and work on individual assignments.)
60-141. Introduction to Algorithms and Programming II
This course is the continuation of 60-140 that introduces students to more advanced algorithm design and programming in a high level language such as C. The main objectives of the course are to develop the ability to identify, understand, and design solutions to a wide variety of problems. Topics covered include: multi-dimensional arrays, pointers, strings, advanced modular programming, records, binary files, recursion, stacks, linked lists and introduction to algorithm analysis. (Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in 60-100 (or 62-140) and 60-140.) (3 lecture, 1.5 laboratory hours a week; plus unsupervised study and work on individual assignments.)
60-205. Introduction to the Internet
Students will be introduced to the Internet as a global information infrastructure, including the development of early and current communication protocols and services, packaging of data, and data transmission. Fundamental concepts of and tools to support Internet browsing through concepts of Universal Resource locators and Hypertext Markup Languages will be included. Students will be required to publish a website on the Internet using HTML. Web page enhancement through the use of JavaScript and other tools will be introduced. The functionality of electronic mail and bulletin board services will be introduced with hands-on experience in sending and receiving information, automated title searching, and an introduction to organizing information to be accessible over the network. Technical methods of binary data transfer on analog carriers will be introduced and comparison of Ethernet and ATM fibre-optic digital delivery will be discussed. In addition to lecture time, laboratory/ tutorial time may be scheduled as required. (Prerequisite: minimum grade of C- in 60-104.) (May not be used to fulfill the major requirements of any major or joint major in Computer Science.)
60-207. Problem Solving and Information on the Internet
Students will be introduced to logic and critical appraisals including reasoning skills and critical thinking in the computer age. Problem solving and heuristics will be discussed including how to solve problems by coming up with the right strategies. Searching using Boolean logic to pinpoint useful and reliable information will be introduced. Methods for being self-critical and critical of web information in order to perform evaluations will be studied. (Prerequisites 60-104 and 60-205) (This course may not be taken to fulfill the major requirements of any major or joint major in Computer Science.)
60-212. Object-Oriented Programming Using Java
Concepts of classes and objects, Java applications, frames, event handling, control structures, methods, arrays, string manipulations, object-based programming, object-oriented programming - inheritance, polymorphism, interface and abstract classes, anonymous classes, data structures in Java, exception handling, introduction to graphical user interface. (Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in 60-141) (3 lecture, 1.5 laboratory hours a week; plus unsupervised study and work on individual assignments.)
60-214. Computer Languages, Grammars, and Translators
This course covers both pragmatic and theoretical aspects of grammars, recognizers, and translators for computer languages. Regular languages: regular expressions, regular grammars, finite-statemachines (automata), regular language recognizers, automatic regular-language-recognizer generator: lex. Context-free languages: context-free grammars and pushdown automata (stack machine), LL grammars and top-down recognition and parsing: LL(1) and recursive-descent parsers, LR grammars and bottom-up recognition and parsing: LR(0), SLR(1), LR(1), and LALR(1) parsers. Automatic context-free-language parser generator: YACC. Attribute grammars, syntax-directed translation, computer-language processors: interpreters and compilers. (Restricted to students in Computer Science Honours and Combined Honours programs only.) (Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in 60-100, 60-140, 60-141 (or 60-106.) and 60-212.) (3 lecture, 1.5 laboratory hours a week; plus unsupervised study and work on individual assignments.)
60-231. Theoretical Foundations of Computer Science
An introduction to Mathematical Logic, Set Theory, and graph Theory. Topics include propositional logic, first order logic, proof techniques, mathematical induction, sets, operations on sets, relations, operations on relations, functions, countable and uncountable sets, graph connectivity, graph isomorphism, trees, Euler graphs, Hamilton graphs, planar graphs and graph colouring. (Restricted to students in Computer Science Honours and Combined Honours programs only.) (Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in 62-190.) (3 lecture, 1.5 laboratory hours a week; plus unsupervised study and work on individual assignments.)
60-254. Data Structures and Algorithms
An introduction to the programming and time-complexity analysis of internal (main store) and external data structures. Topics include linear lists, stacks, queues, linked structures, trees, binary trees; sorting techniques, including heap sort, quick sort, merge sort, shell sort; searching techniques including binary search, binary search trees, red-black trees, hashing. Algorithm design paradigms like divide-and-conquer, dynamic programming, greedy etc., external sorting, B-trees. (Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in 60-100, 60-140, 60-141 and 60-212.) (3 lecture, 1.5 laboratory hours a week; plus unsupervised study and work on individual assignments.)
60-256. Systems Programming
This course introduces students to advanced software development techniques in system programming using the C language in the UNIX environment. Topics include introduction to modern operating systems, system calls, managing processes, the use of fork and exec, signals, file processing, filters, pipes, scripting languages, introduction to concurrency (e.g. synchronization), network programming (e.g. using sockets), client-server problems. (Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- or better in 60-100, 60-140, 60-141 and 60-212.) (3 lecture, 1.5 laboratory hours/week; plus unsupervised study and work on individual assignments.)
60-265. Computer Architecture I: Digital Design
Number systems, switching algebra, logic gates, circuit minimization. Combinational circuits. Read-only memory, random-access memory, programmable logic. Synchronous and asynchronous sequential circuits. Latches, flip-flops, registers, counters, Register transfer language. Digital integrated circuits. Hardware description languages. (Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in 60-100, 60-140, 60-141). (3 lecture, 1.5 laboratory hours a week; plus unsupervised study and work on individual assignments.)
60-266. Computer Architecture II: Microprocessor Programming
Data representation, central processing unit, arithmetic logic unit, control unit. Assembly language concepts. Memory segmentation. Programming a typical microprocessor (e.g. Intel 8086 family or Motorola 6800 family). Instruction set architecture- addressing modes and formats, register set. Basic Input/Output devices, Programming I/O operations. Interrupts, disk controllers. (Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in 60-265). (3 lecture, 1.5 laboratory hours a week; plus unsupervised study and work on individual assignments.)
60-270. Advanced Web Design, Construction, and Deployment
This course is intended to teach the student about advanced website creation and to give an understanding of some of the technology behind websites, as well as an understanding of emerging web-related technologies. Topics covered will include JavaScript, Style Sheets, Dynamic HTML, XML, XHTML, Web Browser compatibility issues, and how web servers work. (Prerequisite: 60-205.) (This course may not be taken to fulfill the major requirements of any major or joint major in Computer Science.)
60-275. Selected Topics I
Topics may differ from year to year. (Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in 60-100, 60-140, and 60-141.)
60-280. Practicum
This is a practical software development course. (Current language used: Java.) (Restricted to students in Honours with Software Engineering Specialization only.) (Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in 60-100, 60-140, 60-141, and 60-212.)
60-298. Co-op Work Term I
Supervised experience in an approved career-related setting with a focus on the application of theory and the development of transferable skills. The co-op work experience is designed to provide students with an enriched learning opportunity to integrate academic theory and concepts in an applied setting. (Prerequisite: Student must be enrolled in a co-operative education program. Offered on a Pass/non-Pass basis. Supervised practicum requires the successful completion of a minimum of 420 hours. Students who do not pass the course can not continue in the co-op program.)
60-305. Cyber-Ethics
A number of key concerns about social welfare in our cyber age will be explored. Law, morality, public policy, and how these both influence and are influenced by the Internet will be examined. This course will critically appraise issues surrounding, but not limited to, free speech, property rights (especially intellectual property), privacy, security, and artificial intelligence. Issues raised by ethical theorists, policy makers, legal experts, and computer scientists will be analyzed in this course. (Prerequisites: 60-104 and 60-205.)(This course may not be taken to fulfill the major requirements of any major or joint major in Computer Science.)
60-311. Introduction to Software Engineering
This course introduces the fundamental concepts, common principles, and general techniques of software engineering. It discusses the main issues involved in the development life-cycle of nontrivial software systems, including process models, feasibility studies, requirements elicitation and definition, rapid prototyping, design methodologies, verification and validation, and software evolution. Students taking this course are required to work on projects, which are designed to go through the major phases of large-scale software system development. (Restricted to students in Computer Science Honours and combined Honours programs only.) (Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in 60-212, 60-231, 60-254 and 60-256.)
60-315. Database Management Systems
This course is an introduction to database management systems. Topics include: basic concepts; 3-level architecture; entity-relationship model; the relational model; relational algebra and calculus; SQL; database design with Normalization Theory. (Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in 60-212, 60-254, 60-256, and 60-265.)
60-322. Object-Oriented Software Analysis and Design
This course builds on the knowledge of object-oriented programming, data structures, and file structures gained in courses 60-212, 60-254, and 60-256. Students are introduced to object-oriented software analysis and design techniques that are currently used in industry. (Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in 60-212, 60-254, 60-256, and 60-265.)
60-330. Operating Systems Fundamentals
Operating system services, introduction to primary components of multiprogramming operating systems, CPU scheduling, concurrent processes, process synchronization and interprocess communication, deadlocks, memory management, file systems, virtual memory, disk scheduling. (Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in 60-212, 60-254, and 60-256.)
60-334. World Wide Web Information Systems Development
This course is designed for people who want to make their data available to others over the Internet. Topics will include WWW authoring, WWW site planning, executable programs that create dynamic documents, the client-server model, multi-tier WWW software architecture, and security aspects. (Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in 60-212, 60-254, and 60-256.)
60-336. World-Wide Website Design and Development
(Intended for Engineering students.) This is a course on designing and developing a professional web site to be available on the Internet. Topics will include Internet protocols, web site planning and design, and writing programs to create simple to complex and dynamic documents, and data gathering and validation, both on the client and server side. The languages used will be HTML, Dynamic HTML, JavaScript and Perl. (Prerequisites: minimum grade of C- in 85-132 and 85-211; Antirequisites: 60-270 and 60-334.) (This course may not be taken to fulfill the requirements of any major or joint major in Computer Science).
60-342. End-user Interface Programming
This course provides a general introduction to the theory and practice of the design, implementation, and evaluation of end-user interfaces. Topics include: principles of design; methods for evaluating interfaces; user interface architecture and design; techniques for implementing user interfaces. (Restricted to students in Computer Science Honours and Combined Honours programs only.) (Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in 60-212, 60-254, and 60-256.)
60-350. Introduction to Multimedia Systems
This course provides the student with basic concepts and techniques used in multimedia systems. Topics include: components of multimedia systems (text, audio, and video), media formats and standards, data compression techniques, hypermedia techniques, and authoring tools. (Restricted to students in Honours Computer Science with Multimedia Specialization only.) (Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in 60-212, 60-254, 60-256 and 60-265.)
60-352. Introduction to Computer Graphics
An introduction to computer graphics hardware and software, interfaces, standards, programming libraries, fundamental algorithms, rendering techniques, and algorithms for 2D and 3D applications. Substantial programming work is vital to this course. (Restricted to students in Honours Computer Science with Multimedia Specialization only.) (Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in 60-212, 60-254, 60-256, and 62-120.)
60-354. Theory of Computation
Finite Automata, regular expressions and languages; properties of regular languages; context-free grammars and languages; pushdown automata; properties of context-free languages. Introduction to Turing machines; recursive functions; undecidability. (Prerequisites: Minimum grade of C- in 60-214, 60-231 and 60-254.)
60-367. Computer Networks
This course is an introduction to computer networks and their protocols. Topics include: network architectures, transport, routing, and data link protocols, addressing, local area networks, flow and congestion control, and network security. Examples will be drawn primarily from the Internet (e.g. TCP, UDP, IP) protocol suite. (Prerequisites: Minimum grade of C- or better in 60-141, 60-212, 60-254, 60-256, 60-265. Recommended Corequisite 60-330.)
60-373 Symbolic Programming
The emphasis of this course will be on logic programming and Prolog language. The theoretical background that will be developed includes automated theorem proving, using resolution and unification, logic, functional programming paradigm and lambda calculus. Students will develop practical programming skills using Prolog and Lisp. (Prerequisite: C- or better in 60-212, 60-214, 60-254. 60-231 is also recommended.)
60-374 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
This course covers fundamental concepts in Artificial Intelligence including problem solving and search, knowledge representation and reasoning, planning, learning, and natural language understanding. The course will cover both theoretical and practical aspects of list processing. Programming assignments will require the use of symbolic programming language. (Prerequisite: C- or better in 60-373.)
60-375. Selected Topics
Topics may differ from year to year. (Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in 60-212, 60-254, and 60-256. Additional courses may be required depending upon the subject.)
60-376. Selected Topics
Topics may differ from year to year. (Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in 60-212, 60-254, and 60-256. Additional courses may be required depending upon the subject.)
60-393. Developing Systems for Information Processing
An historical perspective on the use and growth of the computer in business. A discussion of the business environment in which this use and growth has been and is taking place. Basic concepts of the systems development cycle of today's business and management information systems. The planning and managing of the system development life cycle. (Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in 60-212, 60-254, 60-256, and 60-265.)
60-398. Co-op Work Term II
Supervised experience in an approved career-related setting with a focus on the application of theory and the development of transferable skills. The co-op work experience is designed to provide students with an enriched learning opportunity to integrate academic theory and concepts in an applied setting. (Prerequisite: Student must be enrolled in a co-operative education program. Offered on a Pass/non-Pass basis. Supervised practicum requires the successful completion of a minimum of 420 hours. Students who do not pass the course can not continue in the co-op program.)
60-411. Software Verification and Testing
This course introduces students to the verification and testing phases of software development. It will discuss concepts, processes, models,
patterns, and tools for verification and analysis. An important component is a group project involving the verification and/or testing of a large software system. (Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in 60-212, 60-254, 60-256, 60-265, 60-311, 60-315, and 60-330.) (Restricted to Semester 7 and Semester 8 students in Honours Computer Science with Software Engineering Specialization only.)
60-436. Distributed Computing
This course provides an overview of computer networks and distributed systems, covering aspects ranging from encoding bits on a transmission medium to the design of distributed application software. (Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in 60-212, 60-254, 60-256, 60-265, 60-315, 60-330, and 60-367.) (Restricted to Semester 7 and Semester 8 students in Honours Computer Science and Combined Honours programs only.)
60-440. Principles of Programming Languages
Basic concepts of programming languages. Comparative study of the major programming paradigms, including imperative, object-oriented, functional, logic, and concurrent programming. Principles of programming language design and evaluation. Syntax, semantics and implementation techniques of programming languages. (Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in 60-212, 60-214, 60-231, 60-254, 60-256, 60-265, 60-311, 60-393, and 60-322.) (Restricted to Semester 7 and Semester 8 students in Computer Science Honours and Combined Honours programs only.)
60-450. Multimedia System Development
The aim of this course is to discuss a wide range of technologies used in the development of multimedia objects, networked multimedia systems, user interfaces, and multimedia on the Internet. (Restricted to students in Honours Computer Science with Multimedia Specialization only.) (Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in 60-350 and 60-367.)
60-454. Design and Analysis of Computer Algorithms
The intent of this course is to introduce the fundamental techniques in the design and analysis of computer algorithms. Topics include: asymptotic bounds, advanced data structures, searching, sorting, order statistics, oracle arguments, divide-and-conquer, greedy algorithms, dynamic programming, graph algorithms, NP completeness, and approximation algorithms. (Restricted to Semester 7 and Semester 8 students in Computer Science Honours and Combined Honours programs only.) (Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in 60-212, 60-231 and 60-254.)
60-460. Digital Design and Computer Architecture
Modular design concepts in digital circuits. Interfacing facilities. Memory Organization. Architecture classification schemes. Parallel computing architectures. Pipelining and vector processing. Alternate architectures and performance enhancement. (Restricted to Semester 7 and Semester 8 students in Computer Science Honours and Combined Honours programs only.) (Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in 60-265, 60-330, and 60-367.)
60-470. Project Using Selected Tools
Students will complete a project using an advanced computing tool, such as a database package, simulation software, speech-recognition hardware module, etc. Students are required to submit a report describing the project and demonstrating mastery of the tool. Tools and the project are chosen by the student with the approval of the instructor. (Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in 60-212, 60-254, 60-256, 60-265, 60-311 or 60-393, 60-322, and 60-330.) (Restricted to Semester 7 and Semester 8 students in Computer Science Honours and Combined Honours programs only.)
60-473. Advanced Topics in Artificial Intelligence
The course will introduce students to advanced topics in AI. (Restricted to Honours Computer Science students)I (Prerequisite: C- or better in 60-374.)
60-474. Advanced Topics in Artificial Intelligence I
The course will introduce students to advanced topics in AI. (Restricted to Honours Computer Science students.) (Prerequisite: C- or better in 60-374.)
60-475. Selected Topics
In many cases the topics will coincide with a graduate course offering in a given year, and students will be required to complete the lecture component of that graduate course. Topics may include: advanced database management, graphics, artificial intelligence, information retrieval, theory of computation, functional programming, knowledge base systems, and foundations of programming languages. (Restricted to Semester 7 and Semester 8 students in Computer Science Honours and Combined Honours programs only.) (Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in 60-212, 60-254, 60-256, 60-311 or 60-393, 60-322, and 60-330. Additional courses may be required depending upon the topic.)
60-476. Selected Topics
In many cases the topics will coincide with a graduate course offering in a given year, and students will be required to complete the lecture component of that graduate course. Topics may include: advanced database management, graphics, artificial intelligence, information retrieval, theory of computation, functional programming, knowledge base systems, and foundations of programming languages. (Restricted to Semester 7 and Semester 8 students in Computer Science Honours and Combined Honours programs only.) (Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in 60-212, 60-254, 60-256, 60-311 or 60-393, and 60-330. Additional courses may be required depending upon the topic.)
60-480. Practicum: Selected Topics in Software Engineering
Students will be provided with a list of advanced topics in software engineering, such as software process modeling, formal specification of concurrent systems, real-time systems, object-oriented methodology, formal verification in concurrent systems, testing techniques in communication protocols, reverse engineering. Each student will survey a topic and must submit a survey paper.(Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in 60-212, 60-254, 60-256, 60-311, 60-322 and 60-330.) (Restricted to Semester 7 and Semester 8 Honours Computer Science with Software Engineering Specialization only.)
60-497. Co-op Work Term III
Supervised experience in an approved career-related setting with a focus on the application of theory and the development of transferable skills. The co-op work experience is designed to provide students with an enriched learning opportunity to integrate academic theory and concepts in an applied setting. (Prerequisite: Student must be enrolled in a co-operative education program. Offered on a Pass/non-Pass basis. Supervised practicum requires the successful completion of a minimum of 420 hours. Students who do not pass the course can not continue in the co-op program.)
60-498. Co-op Work Term IV
Supervised experience in an approved career-related setting with a focus on the application of theory and the development of transferable skills. The co-op work experience is designed to provide students with an enriched learning opportunity to integrate academic theory and concepts in an applied setting. (Prerequisite: Student must be enrolled in a co-operative education program. Offered on a Pass/non-Pass basis. Supervised practicum requires the successful completion of a minimum of 420 hours. Students who do not pass the course can not continue in the co-op program.)
60-499. Project Management: Techniques and Tools
The course consists of two components: a) exposure to project-presentation and project management skills, and b) working on a large project in a group. The course co-ordinator will arrange lectures on a variety of relevant topics. The lectures may have quizzes and/or short assignments. Students will be expected to develop skills in technical writing, organizing seminars, techniques for use of multimedia tools, as well as developing a major project using a modern software tool. (Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in 60-212, 60-254, 60-256, 60-311 or 60-393, 60-322, and 60-330, or consent of the program advisor.) (6.0 credit hour course.) (Restricted to Semester 7 and Semester 8 students in Computer Science Honours and Combined Honours programs only.) |