(Ext. 2258 and 2259)
See web calendar for updated information.
Professors Emeritae
Gupta, Anna; Reg.N., B.Sc.N., M.Sc.N. (Wayne State)-1968.
Thomas, Barbara Campbell; Reg. N., Dip.P.H.N., B.N.Sc. (Queen’s), M.Ed. (Windsor), Ed.D. (Wayne State)-1969.
Purushotham, Devamma; Reg.N., B.N.Sc. (Queen's), M.Sc. (McGill), Ed.D. (Wayne State)-1974.
Rosenbaum, Janet N.; Reg.N., B.Sc.N., M.Sc.N., Ph.D., (Wayne State)-1975.
University Professor
Cameron, W. Sheila; Reg.N., R.S.C.N. (Scotland), B.A. (McMaster), M.A. Nurs. Educ. (Detroit), Ed.D. (Wayne State), F.A.A.M.R.-1976.
Carty, Laurie; Reg.N., B.Sc.N., B.A., M.Ed. (Windsor), Ph.D. (Wayne State)-1980.
Associate Professors
Temple, Anna; Reg.N., B.Sc.N. (Windsor), M.Sc.N., Ph.D. (Wayne State)-1971.
Foley, Donna M.; Reg.N., Dip. N. Educ., B.Sc.N., B.A., M.A. (Windsor), Ph.D. (Ottawa)-1972.
Fawdry, Mary Kaye; Reg.N., B.Sc.N. (Windsor), B.A., M.Ed., Ed.D. (Wayne State)-1973.
McMahon, Sharon; Reg.N., B.Sc.N., B.A., M.Ed. (Windsor), Ed.D. (Wayne State)-1973.
Rajacich, Dale; Reg.N., B.Sc.N. (Windsor), M.Sc.N. (Western Ontario)-1987.
Yiu, Lucia, Reg.N., B.Sc. (Toronto), B.Sc.N., B. A.,(Windsor), M.Sc.N. (Western Ontario)-1987.
Snowdon, Anne; Reg.N., B.Sc.N. (Western Ontario), M.Sc. (McGill), Ph.D. (Michigan)-1988.
Kane, Deborah; Reg.N., B.Sc.N. (Windsor), M.Sc.N. (Western Ontario)-1989.
Hernandez, Cheri; Reg.N., B.Sc.N., B.A., M.Ed. (Windsor), Ph.D. (Toronto), Ph.D. (Case Western Reserve)-1997.
Leipert, Beverly; Reg.N., B.A., B.S.N. (U. Sask), M.S.N. (UBC), Ph.D. (U Alberta) 2001.
England, Margaret; R.N., B.S.N. (Illinois), M.A. (Roosevelt), M.S.N. (St. Xavier), Ph.D. (Case Western Reserve)-2002.
Assistant Professors
Fox, Susan M.; Reg.N., B.N. (Memorial), M.Sc.N. (Western Ontario)-2000.
Patrick, Linda; Reg.N., B.Sc.N., M.A. (Central Michigan), M.Sc. (Windsor)-2001.
Thrasher, Christine; Reg.N., B.Sc.N., B.A. (Windsor), M.Sc.N. (D'Youville), Primary Care Nurse Practitioner Certificate (Ryerson)-2001.
Williamson, Karen; Reg.N., B.Sc.N (Toronto), M.Sc.N (Toronto)-2001.
El-Masri, Maher M.; Reg.N., B.S.N. (Alquds), M.S.N.Ed. (UMB), Ph.D. (UMB)-2002.
Adjunct Professors
Horsburgh, M. Elizabeth; Reg.N., B.Sc.N., B.A., M.Ed. (Windsor), M.Sc.N., Ph.D. (Wayne State)-1984.
Adjunct Associate Professors
Drake, Mary Louise; Reg.N., Dip. P.H.N., B.Sc.N., B.A. (Windsor), Dip. in Midwifery (Great Britain), M.A. Nurs. Educ. (Detroit), Ed. D. (Wayne State)-1975.
Adjunct Assistant Professors
Allison, E. Merilyn; Reg.N., D.P.H.N. (Western Ontario), B.A., B.Sc.N. (Windsor), M.Sc.N (Western Ontario)-1989.
Davies, Shirley; Reg.N., B.Sc.N., M.Sc.N. (Toronto)-1989.
Pickard, Jane; Reg.N., B.A., M.Ed. (Western Ontario), M.N. (Alberta)-1990.
Wiseman, Lee Ann; Reg.N., B.Sc.N. (Toronto), M.Sc.N. (Wayne State)-1990.
Edmunds, Kathryn A.; Reg.N., B.A. (Windsor), BN (Manitoba), M.Sc.N. (Wayne State)-1996.
Haugh, Elizabeth B.; Reg.N., B.A., B.Sc.N. (Windsor), M.Sc.N. (Western Ontario)--1996.
Morency, Susan; Reg.N., B.Sc.N., (Windsor), M.Sc.N. (Wayne State)--1996.
Warkentin, Tammy; Reg.N., B.Sc.N., M.Sc.N. (Western Ontario)-1996.
Choudhry, Ushi; Reg.N., B.Sc.N. (Delhi), M.Sc.N. (Western Ontario), M.Ed. (Queen's), Ph.D. (Toronto)-1998.
Kozell, Kathryn M.; Reg.N., B.A. (Western Ontario), B.Sc.N. (Windsor), M.Sc.N. (Western Ontario), N.P. (Toronto), Certificate in Enterstomal Therapy-1999.
Groh, Eleanor; Reg.N., B.Sc.N. (Windsor), M.Sc.A. Public Admin.(Central Michigan)-2000.
Simpson, Mary Anne; Reg.N., B.Sc.N, M.Sc. (Windsor)-2000.
Kocela, Susan; Reg.N., Hons. B.A., B.Sc.N., M.Sc. (Windsor)-2002.
Sessional Lecturers
M. Chick, Reg.N., B.Sc.N., M.Sc.
M. Cole, Reg.N., D.P.H.N., B.A., B.Sc.N., M.Sc.N.
D. Dayus, Reg.N., B.Sc.N., B.A., M.Sc.
M. Foster, Reg.N., B.Sc.N.
K. Foley, Reg.N., B.Sc.N., M.Sc.
D. Hreceniuk, Reg.N., B.Sc.N., C.P.M.H.N.(C.).
P. McKay, Reg.N., B.Sc.N., M.Sc.
Major Clinical Resources
Nursing is a profession of diverse opportunity. Clinical experiences are found in a variety of settings.
Examples of the diversity of placements for nursing students are hospitals, public health agencies, visiting nurse organizations, family support services, doctors offices and clinics, day care centres and preschools, elementary and high schools, new Canadian multi cultural programs, First Nations groups, seniors residences and services, and caring for challenged populations. On campus, practice is done in independent learning laboratories and simulated situations. These experiences and more, lay the foundation for professional nursing.
Awards and Scholarships
Nursing Entrance Awards and Scholarships are offered to students enrolled at the University of Windsor, Faculty of Nursing. |