92-210. Dynamics
Review of kinetics and kinematics of particles; work-energy and impulse-momentum methods; moments of inertia of areas and masses; kinematics of rigid bodies; plane motion; forces and accelerations for rigid bodies, energy and momentum methods for rigid bodies in plane motion. (Prerequisite: 85-111 or 64-140) (3 lecture, 2 tutorial hours a week.)
92-229. Electric Motors
Review of DC inductive, capacitive, and resistive circuits. AC circuits; three-phase power. DC, synchronous, and induction motors. Special purpose motors. Introduction to motor control. (Prerequisite: 85-124.) (3 lecture, 2 laboratory hours a week.)
92-311. Stress Analysis I
Combined loading, stress and strain transformations, Mohr's circle in
3-D, stress concentration, theory of failure, energy methods, shear flow in bending, composite beams. (Prerequisite: 85-218 or 87-227.) (3 lecture, 2 laboratory/tutorial hours a week.)
92-315. Mechanical Vibrations
Free, damped, and forced vibration of single and multi-degree of freedom systems with discrete masses. Exact and approximate methods of solution. Vibration isolation, vibration transducers, use of computers in vibration analysis. (Prerequisite: 92-210.) (3 lecture, 2 tutorial hours a week.)
92-317. Applied Thermodynamics
Ideal gas mixtures and psychrometrics. Reacting mixtures and combustion. Power cycles, refrigeration and heat pump cycles. (Prerequisite: 85-212.) (3 lecture, 2 laboratory/tutorial hours a week.)
92-320. Fluid Mechanics II
Navier-Stokes equations and some exact solutions, external flows boundary layer over a flat plate, drag forces; turbulent flows in pipes and mixing length theory, flow measurement, compressible flows and introduction to potential flows. (Prerequisite: 85-233.) (3 lecture, 2 laboratory/tutorial hours a week.)
92-321. Control Theory I
Control system concepts, linear modelling and analysis of response and stability of physical systems, complex variables and Laplace transforms, frequency, and transient response analysis and performance specifications. (Prerequisites: 62-215 and 62-216.) (3 lecture hours, 1 tutorial hour a week.)
92-323. Machine Dynamics
Linkages of flexible connectors, cams, toothed gearing, intermittent motion mechanisms, trains of mechanisms, static and dynamic analysis of mechanical flywheels, balancing of rotating and reciprocating masses. (Prerequisite: 92-210.) (3 lecture, 2 tutorial hours a week.)
92-324. Engineering Measurements
Basic concepts in instrumentation; error analysis; instrumentation and measurement systems including sensors, transducer, signal conditioning and display; microcomputer-based data acquisition and analysis. (Prerequisite: 85-222.) (3 lecture, 1.5 laboratory/tutorial hours a week.)
92-328. Heat Transfer
Introduction to the three heat transfer modes: conduction, convection, and radiation. Application of heat exchange equipment.(Prerequisite: 85-120) (3 lecture, 2 laboratory hours a week.)
92-400. Capstone Design
Student design teams, operating within a "company" environment, utilize the broad range of their undergraduate experience in interdisciplinary projects selected to promote interaction between the mechanical, automotive, and materials programs. Design methodologies and team interaction simulate future professional practice. Project milestones include: a design proposal with cost analysis and scheduling, construction and commissioning of the designed appartus, and a final report and presentation having both global and detail completeness. (Prerequisite: 4th-year standing; co-requisite: 92-411/92-421.) (Antirequisite: 92-410/92-420.) (2 lecture, 4 laboratory hours a week.) (A 8.00 credit weight, 2 semester course.)
92-411. Machine Design I
Static and fatigue loading failures. Threaded fasteners, pins and keys. Welded, brazed, and adhesive joints. Springs. Anti-friction bearings, hydrodynamic lubrication. Student-designed experiments will analyze component failures. (Prerequisites: 92-323, 92-311, and fourth-year standing.) (3 lecture, 3 laboratory hours a week.) [Note: The title for course 92-411 will change as of Winter 2012 to 'Design for Failure Prevention' and the prerequisites will change to 92-323 and 92-311]
92-418. Thermofluid Systems Design
Evaluation of major thermofluid systems: HVACandR, power generation. Factors affecting design and selection of thermofluid devices: boilers, pumps and compressors, valves, piping systems, heat exchangers, evaporators, and turbines. Effect of device characteristics on process efficiency. Application of optimization techniques to thermofluid systems. (Prerequisites: 92-317, 92-320 and 92-328.)
92-421. Machine Design II
Gearing and gear trains: spur, helical, worm, and bevel gears. Clutches, brakes, couplings, flywheels. Chain and belt drives. Design of shafting. Student-developed software to support mechanical design. (Prerequisite: 92-411.) (3 lecture, 3 laboratory hours a week.) [Note: The prerequisites for course 92-421 will change as of Summer 2011 to 92-323 and 92-311]
92-459. Computer Aided Engineering - CAE
Three-dimensional graphics; fundamentals of finite element methods for problem solving in heat transfer, solids, and trusses using finite element computer programs. (Prerequisite: 92-222.) (2 lecture, 3 laboratory/tutorial hours a week.)
Some of these courses may not be offered in any given year.
92-412. Mechatronics
Review of electromechanical components. Practical application of microcontrollers in electromechanical systems. Use of infrared sensors, photoresistors, operational amplifiers, timers, servomotors, and analog/digital converters in mechatronics systems. A hands-on, laboratory-based course. (Prerequisite: 92-321.) (2 lecture, 3 laboratory/tutorial hours a week.)
92-418. Thermofluid Systems Design
Evaluation of major thermofluid systems: HVACandR, power generation. Factors affecting design and selection of thermofluid devices: boilers, pumps and compressors, valves, piping systems, heat exchangers, evaporators, and turbines. Effect of device characteristics on process efficiency. Application of optimization techniques to thermofluid systems. (Prerequisites: 92-317, 92-320 and 92-328.)
92-428. Sustainability in Engineering
Environmental impact assessment. Biophysical and socioeconomic impacts from engineering activities, processes, and projects. Human health and environmental risk concepts. Introduction to life cycle analysis, corporate/industrial environmental management, and environmental management systems. Students will undertake various project related and problem-based assignments. (Cross-listed as 93-428.) (3 lecture, 2 tutorial hours a week.)
92-440. Topics in Mechanical Engineering
Selected topics of current interest in Mechanical Engineering. (Prerequisite: 4th-year standing or permission of instructor.) (3 lecture, 1 laboratory hour a week.)
92-441. Directed Studies in Mechanical Engineering
A special course of studies in Mechanical Engineering with content and direction approved by the Department Head. Although the course may not include formal lectures, it will carry the weight of three lecture hours and 1 laboratory hour per week. (Prerequisite: 4th-year standing with a (B) average or better.)
92-450. Gas Dynamics
Basic concepts and flow equations, one dimensional flows, isentropic flows in variable area ducts, constant area duct flows, Fanno and Rayleigh lines, normal shock, nozzles and diffusers, oblique shock, measurements. (Prerequisite: 92-320.) (3 lecture, 1 laboratory/tutorial hours a week.)
92-451. Turbomachines
Dimensional analysis and similitude; definitions of efficiency, two dimensional analysis of axial flow turbines and compressors, three dimensional flow, centrifugal pumps and compressors. (Prerequisite: 92-450.) (3 lecture, 1 laboratory/tutorial hours a week.)
92-452. Computational Thermo-Fluids
Analysis of thermo-fluid systems using computational packages. Relation of software to fundamental concepts. Application to transient flow, branched networks, flow with and without heat transfer and phase change, multi-dimensional conductive heat transfer. Importance of experimental validation and model assumptions. (Prerequisites: 92-317, 92-320.) (3 lecture, 1 laboratory/tutorial hours a week.)
92-453. Air Conditioning
Principles of environmental comfort control, applied psychrometrics, load calculations, air distribution system design. (Prerequisite: 92-317.) (3 lecture, 1 laboratory/tutorial hours a week.)
92-455. Environmental Effects and Control of Noise
Physical properties of sound and noise, measurement of noise, noise control, hearing characteristics and environmental effects of noise. (3 lecture, 1 tutorial/laboratory hours a week.)
92-457. Advanced Dynamics
Kinematics of particles and rigid bodies. Dynamics of particles, systems of particles and rigid bodies, with applications to engineering problems. The gyroscopic effect. Introduction to variational methods. Lagrange's equations, Hamilton's principle. (Prerequisite: 92-210.) (3 lecture, 1 laboratory/tutorial hours a week.)
94-370. Aerospace Engineering Fundamentals
History of flight and aircraft evolution. Major aircraft systems and components: Propulsion systems integration, Fluid power systems, Landing gear, Fatigue, safe life, damage tolerant design, Frame and shell structures; Monocoque structures, Avionics. Fundamentals of aerodynamics, aircraft performance, and avionics. Weight and cost estimation and control. System reliability calculations. Design studies of aircraft or spacecraft components. (Pre-requisites: 85-111, 85-233, 92-320)
94-371. Aerospace Materials and Manufacturing
Properties and selection of metals, ceramics, polymers, and composite materials for aerospace applications. Structural and gas-turbine alloys. Machining, casting, forming, heat treating, and joining processes for original manufacture and repair. Manufacture and application of composites. In-service materials degradation.
(Pre-requisites: 85-111, 85-233, 92-320, 94-370.)
94-470. Aerospace Propulsion
Application of gas dynamics and thermodynamics to aerospace engines. Analysis of engine cycles. Theory and design of propellers; turboprop engine analysis, Internal combustion and gas turbine engines. Component design for compressors, combustors, afterburners, exhaust nozzles. (Pre-requisites: 85-212, 92-317, 85-233, 92-320,94-370, 94-371, 94-471) Co-requisite: 94-472)
94-471. Aerodynamics and Performance
Airfoils and wing geometry. Wing forces: lift, drag, and moment. Fluid dynamics: viscosity, and compressibility. Stability and control. Detailed calculation of aircraft performance: range and load calculations; Manoeuvring loads and load factors. (Pre-requisites: 85-111, 85-233, 92-320, 94-370)
94-472. Flightworthiness
Maintenance, repair and overhaul of Commercial Aircraft, Review of aircraft systems, and the identification of repair and maintenance issues for each system. Canadian Aviation Regulations (CAR) and US Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR), Quality standards in the aircraft industry. Regulation and industrial practices in maintenance and repair activities. (Prerequisites: 94-370, 94-371, 94-471; Co-requisites: 94-470)
94-330. Automotive Engineering Fundamentals
Overview of primary automotive systems. Engine types and configurations, combustion, emission control, vehicle performance. Powertrain, suspension, frame and chassis. Materials and fabrication issues. Engine and vehicle dissection laboratory. Identification of industry issues and trends. (2 lecture, 4 laboratory hours a week.)
94-440. Topics in Automotive Engineering
Selected topics of current interest in Automotive Engineering. (Prerequisite: 4th-year standing or permission of instructor.) (3 lecture, 1 laboratory hours a week.)
94-441. Directed Studies in Automotive Engineering
A special course of studies in Automotive Engineering with content and direction approved by the Department Head. Although the course may not include formal lectures, it will carry the weight of three lecture hours and 1 laboratory hour per week. (Prerequisite: 4th-year standing with a (B) average or better.)
94-461. Design for Manufacturability
Expansion of engineering graphics to include statistical tolerance design, geometric dimensioning and tolerancing (GD&T), schematics for standard components, design for manufacture and assembly (DFMA), reverse engineering, quality methods, and design morphology. (3 lecture, 1 laboratory hours a week.)
94-463. Vehicle Dynamics
Classification and analysis of suspension types and geometry, powertrain layout, and ride quality. Tire modeling, stability, and numerical simulation of vehicle dynamics, including longitudinal and lateral vehicle response to driver inputs. Selected topics from industry experts. (Prerequisite: 92-315.) (3 lecture, 1 tutorial hours a week.)
94-465. Internal Combustion Engines
Mechanical design of vehicular internal combustion engines for different applications. Covers basic engine types and their operation from an energy conversion systems viewpoint, where the system needs to satisfy a number of requirements. These performance and operational requirements are derived from basic thermodynamics, operation of heat engine cycles, ignition and combustion processes, fuel system design, heat transfer, emissions formulation, available instrumentation and testing procedures. Environmental impact of vehicular designs on global pollution and government standards. Recent developments in energy-efficient and alternate fuel engines. (Prerequisites: 92-317, 92-320.) (3 lecture, 1 tutorial hours a week.)
94-467. Vehicle Thermal Management
A study of controlled passenger compartment environment, and automotive thermal management hardware: radiator, heater core, air-conditioning components. Topics include the thermal comfort model of occupants in a vehicle, determination of heating and cooling loads, the practical application of refrigeration in automotive air-conditioning followed by design of equipment and HVAC system, description and design of engine cooling system. (Prerequisites: 92-317, 92-328, 85-233.) (3 lecture, 1 laboratory hours a week.)
94-469. Diesel Engine Fundamentals
Theory and practice of modern diesel engines. Diesel combustion cycle. Engine design aspects including fuel injection, turbocharging, and intercooling. Measurement and control of engine emissions. Engine performance testing. Future and advanced technologies including exhaust aftertreatment. (Prerequisites: Semester 6 standing and 92-317.)
89-330. Materials and Their Properties
The relationship of the engineering properties of materials to their atomic structure, bonding, crystal structure, imperfections and microstructure. The processing of materials to produce required structure and properties. Includes consideration of crystal structure determination, phase diagrams, diffusion, phase transformations, solidification, heat treatment and deformation. The laboratory is a term-long project designed to familiarize students with the use of materials-related equipment commonly found in industrial and research laboratories. (Prerequisite: 85-219.) (3 lecture, 2 laboratory hours a week.)
89-331. Thermodynamics and Kinetics of Materials
Thermodynamics: review of First and Second Laws, gas laws, humidity, thermochemistry, entropy, reversible and irreversible processes, equilibrium criteria, Gibbs free energy, activity and activity coefficient, solution thermodynamics, Raoult's and Henry's Laws, Gibbs-Duhem equation, alloy phase equilibria, free energy-composition diagrams, Ellingham diagrams.
Kinetics: empirical treatment for homogeneous reaction rates, reaction order and specific rate constant, activation energy, Arrhenius' Law, energy distribution in reacting systems, heterogeneous reactions. Selected problems in materials processing to illustrate theory. (3 lecture, 2 laboratory hours a week.)
89-420. Ceramic Materials
Uses of traditional and advanced ceramics. Monolithic and composite ceramics. Comparison of ceramics with metals and alloys. Processing: raw material preparation, forming techniques, theory and practice of sintering, quality control. Properties: modulus of rupture, creep, corrosion, erosion, and electrical, magnetic and optical properties. (3 lecture hours, 1 laboratory hours a week.)
89-421. Deformation and Fracture
Introduction to basic plasticity theory and its application to common metal forming and metal cutting processes. Fracture mechanics and its applications in brittle and ductile fracture, creep and fatigue, for purposes of design and of analysis. (3 lecture, 2 laboratory hours a week.)
89-432. Modern Steels
An overview of developments in materials, manufacturing processes and applications for modern steels. Classes and classifications of steels, effects of alloy additions and control of microstructure. In-depth studies of high strength low alloy (HSLA), dual-phase, ultra-high strength, stainless and tool steels. The laboratory is an individual assignment on one type of steel. (3 lecture hours, 1 laboratory hour a week.)
89-433. Physical Metallurgical Processes
Application of diffusion theory to diffusion-controlled processes; solidification principles and application to foundry problems-segregation in castings; heat transfer processes. Selected problems to illustrate theory. (3 lecture, 1 laboratory hour a week.)
89-434. Polymers
The structure, properties, and processing of polymers (plastics) with emphasis on polymer forming processes, including extrusion, injection molding, blowmolding, and thermoforming, including tours of local industry. Fabrication and properties of composites with a polymer base. (3 lecture hours, 1 laboratory hour a week.)
89-440. Topics in Materials Engineering
Selected topics of current interest in Materials Engineering. (Prerequisites: 4th-year standing or permission of instructor.) (3 lecture, 1 laboratory hours a week.)
89-441. Directed Studies in Materials Engineering
A special course of studies in Materials Engineering with content and direction approved by the Department Hhair. Although the course may not include formal lectures, it will carry the weight of three lecture hours and 1 laboratory hour per week. (Prerequisites: 4th-year standing with a (B) average or better.) (3 lecture hours, 1 laboratory hour a week.)
89-450. Welding Engineering
Arc welding processes, filler metal selection, welding procedure specification and qualification per ASME, CSA, and AWS codes. Weld and joint types, calculation of weld size and stress, design for fatigue prevention, weld discontinuities, non-destructive test methods, mechanical property evaluation. Solidification and welding metallurgy, base metal classification, hydrogen-assisted cracking and its control, use of preheat and postweld heat treatments, weldability, fabrication issues. (3 lecture, 1 laboratory hours a week.) |