Spring 2010 Undergraduate Calendar



1) Advanced Standing Examinations: Upon admission to a Music program a student may petition to write advanced standing examinations in 32-112, 32-113, 32-212, 32-213, 32-222, 32-223, 32-322, 32-323, and 33-111.

2) Program Approval: B.Mus., B.Mus.Th., B.A. Combined Four-Year Honours students must have their programs approved by an advisor prior to registration. All applications for graduation will be subject to approval and such approval will be granted only when the academic program completed is identical with that previously approved by the academic advisor in consultation with the student.

3) Keyboard Proficiency Requirement: Keyboard skill is a valuable tool for learning in all aspects of music, and also an important asset for all careers in music. Students in the B.Mus., and B.Mus.Th. programs are required to demonstrate this skill by meeting the keyboard proficiency requirement set by Music. The requirement includes playing scales, chords, and arpeggios; sight reading a four-part chorale; and playing a prepared composition of approximately Grade 6 Conservatory level. The requirement must be met before students in the B.Mus., and B.Mus.Th. programs register for any Music course beyond their second term. Instruction is offered in the lab portion of Theory I and II (32-112 and 32-113).

4) Recital Attendance Policy: Attendance at a significant number of live musical performances will broaden a student's musical experience and thus enhance and contribute to the potential for academic success. Therefore, a Recital Attendance Policy has been developed, embracing outside music events in addition to recitals and special events offered internally. This policy applies to all full-time students in the B.Mus. and B.Mus.Th. programs during each year of registration. Details for the current academic year (i.e., number of concerts and other events to be attended) are announced during the first week of classes in September.


Requirements for programs in Music make reference to the following groups of courses:

Areas of Study-Academic

History and Literature (Musicology): 32-106, 32-107, 32-116, 32-117, 32-126, 32-127, 32-227, 32-236, 32-237, 32-246, 32-247, 32-317, 32-327, 32-337, 32-346, 32-426, 32-427, 32-436, 32-437, 32-494.

Theory and Composition: 32-102, 32-112, 32-113, 32-212, 32-213, 32-222, 32-223, 32-322, 32-323, 32-332, 32-342, 32-343, 32-412, 32-413, 32-422, 32-423, 32-443, 32-494.

Methods and Pedagogy (Music Education): 32-185, 32-239, 32-248, 32-249, 32-255, 32-259, 32-269, 32-279, 32-458, 32-459, 32-470, 32-484, 32-485.

Music Therapy: 32-120, 32-121, 32-330, 32-331, 32-340, 32-341, 32-420, 32-440, 32-441, 32-490.

Areas of Study-Performance

Performance Studies: 33-111, 33-213, 33-360, 33-414, 32-494.

Ensembles: 33-210, 33-220, 33-230, 33-240, 33-260, 33-270, 33-310, 33-330.