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1)The requirements for continuation "in good standing" are as follows, unless otherwise specified in the program section of the calendar:
A cumulative G.P.A. of 5.0 and a major G.P.A. of 5.0 in all General and Honours B.A., B.Sc. degree (with major) programs [except for the Concurrent B.A. French Studies (honours)/B.Ed.], in the B.E.S., in the BCS (General and Honours), in the B.Math (General), in the B.Comm.(Honours Business Administration), in the B.Comm. (Honours Business Administration and Economics), and in the B.Sc.N.;
A major G.P.A. of 8.0 in French Studies courses in order to remain in the Concurrent Bachelor of Arts in French Studies/Bachelor of Education Program.
A cumulative G.P.A. of 5.0 and a major G.P.A. of 8.0 in the B.Comm. (Honours Business Administration and Computer Science), B.F.A., B.F.S., B.M.T., B.Mus., B.S.W., B.Math (Honours) and B.O.R.;
A cumulative G.P.A. of 8.0 and a major G.P.A. of 8.0 in the B.A.S., and the Concurent Bachelor of Social Work and Bachelor of Music Therapy.
A cumulative G.P.A. of 5.0 in the following programs: B.A.Sc. and B.H.K.
A cumulative G.P.A. of 5.0 and an average of 5.0 in required Science courses: three-year general B.Sc. degree.
A cumulative G.P.A. of 5.0 in all certificate programs, except for the Second Language Education certificate and the Law and Politics Certificate program.
A cumulative G.P.A. of 8.0 in the Second Language Education certificate and the Law and Politics certificate program. .
2) An appropriate Academic Standing Committee within each Faculty reviews the academic record of each student and makes academic decisions as appropriate in light of the cumulative and major averages achieved. In most programs this evaluation occurs at the conclusion of the Winter term. In certain programs (such as Co-operative Education programs, all Odette School of Business programs, and Kinesiology), this evaluation may occur at the conclusion of any term, depending upon the structure of the program.
3) A student will automatically be placed on probation if he/she has not met the minimum cumulative and major average requirements at the end of any term in which his/her record is not being formally reviewed,
4) A student's record will be referred to an appropriate Academic Standing Committee within the Faculty for decision if he/she has not met the minimum cumulative or major average at the end of the term when the record is being reviewed.
(a)If the cumulative and major average requirements are 5.0 and if the student has achieved an average between 4.0 and 4.9, the student normally will be allowed to continue on probation until the next evaluation period. By the subsequent evaluation period both the cumulative and major averages must be raised to at least a 5.0 or the student may be required to withdraw from the program.
(b)If the major average requirement is 8.0 and if the student has achieved a major average below 8.0, the student will be placed on probation and will be allowed to continue on probation until the next evaluation period. By the subsequent evaluation period the major average must be raised to at least 8.0 or the student may be required to withdraw from the program.
(c)If the cumulative average is below 4.0 the student will be required to withdraw.
5) Notification of the requirement to withdraw is included on the final grade report, accessible via the web. Students who have been required to withdraw may appeal. The appeal must be in writing to the Office of the Dean of the Faculty and must be submitted with any supporting documentation within six weeks of the web release of final grade reports by the Office of the Registrar. Appeals are considered by the Academic Standing Appeals Committee; only circumstances of an extraordinary nature will result in rescinding the requirement to withdraw. Students should contact the appropriate Office of the Dean for information concerning appeals procedures.
6) A student who has been required to withdraw may not register in the program from which he or she has been required to withdraw for twelve months.
The student must apply for re-admission online at www.uwindsor.ca/sis by the appropriate deadline date for the term desired and must include a statement of rationale, and documentation of academic success elsewhere.
Re-admission to a program is not automatic and will be dependent upon an assessment of the applicant's prospects for successful completion of the program.
If re-admitted, the student will be placed on probation and must raise the cumulative and major averages to 5.0 or higher by the next evaluation period and must satisfy any additional conditions of readmission which may have been imposed. If the student fails to meet such requirements, he or she normally will be required to withdraw.
A student who has been required to withdraw a second time will not be eligible for re-admission.