No more than three 100-level English courses may be counted towards the Major requirements for a degree program in English.
Students are required to have completed 26-120, 26-210, and 26-211 by the end of second year, but are urged to take them in their first year.
26-260 will satisfy the Category C (Canadian literature) requirement even if it has already been used to satisfy a 200-level requirement. If 26-260 is used to satisfy both a 200-level requirement and the Category C requirement, the student must take one additional course to bring the total number of courses up to the required number for the degree program.
Requirements for all 300 level English Department courses: Semester three standing, and 26-120; 26-210 or 26-211; and one other English literature course.
Creative Writing courses are offered at the 200, 300, and 400 levels. All of the courses require workshop participation and provide the opportunity for individual writing conferences. Creative Writing courses are not available on an Audit basis.
The complete program for four-year Honours students in English Literature and Creative Writing features 26-203 in second year, 26-304 and one “practicum” course (26-302, 26-305, 26-306, 26-307, 26-309) in third or fourth year, and 26-498 in fourth year. However, students may enter the program at any point commensurate with their talent and experience. 26-203 and 26-498 are two-term (6.0 credits) courses.
Admission to all courses requires approval based on a portfolio. A portfolio is a sample of the student’s best work, ten to twenty-five pages depending on the course. The deadlines for portfolio submission are August 1st for Fall courses and December 1st for Winter courses. Students may access specific portfolio amounts and requirements from the English website.
Admission to the “practicum” courses 26-305, 26-306, 26-307 require approval based on an application form. Application forms are one page long and request background information on the student’s related experience (if any) in the practicum area along with a short (one paragraph) statement of intent for taking the course. Students may gain access to specific application formats on the English Department website.
Students not in the Creative Writing program may take any of the Creative Writing courses for credit towards the English Language and Literature minor, general, or four-year Honours degrees.
Full-time General and Honours students begin their programs with 26-120 (a one-semester course normally taken in the Fall term) ., 26-210 (offered in the Fall term), and 26-211 (offered in the Winter term). Students are encouraged to complete their remaining 200-level course requirements by the end of their second year. Second-year students may begin 300-level courses in the winter term of second year (Semester 4 of their programs). Practicum courses may be taken in either third or fourth year. 400-level seminars are normally taken in fourth year.
Part-time students should consult an academic advisor regularly for assistance in planning an appropriate sequence of courses.
Admission to 26-305, 26-306, 26-307 requires approval based on an application form. Application forms are one page long and request background information on the student’s related experience (if any) in the practicum area along with a short (one paragraph) statement of intent for taking the course. Students may gain access to specific application formats on the English Department website.
Requirements for degree programs in English make reference to the following groups of courses:
Literature Courses at the 100- and 200-level: 26-120, 26-122, 26-123, 26-128, 26-140, 26-201, 26-202, 26-205, 26-210, 26-211, 26-260, 26-270.
Language and Theory Courses at the 200-level: 26-280, 26-285, 26-290, 26-291, 26-293.
Practicum Courses: 26-302, 26-305, 26-306, 26-307, 26-309.
Creative Writing Courses:26-203, 26-304, 26-498
Category A - Early British Literature: 26-310, 26-312, 26-314, 26-322, 26-323, 26-324, 26-326, 26-327, 26-328, 26-333, 26-334, 26-335, 26-336.
Category B - Later British Literature: 26-343, 26-344, 26-346, 26-347, 26-348, 26-349, 26-352, 26-353, 26-357.
Category C - Canadian Literature: 26-260, 26-361, 26-366, 26-367. (26-260 will simultaneously satisfy a 200-level requirement and satisfy a Category C requirement.)
Category D - American and World Literatures Written in English: 26-350, 26-354, 26-355, 26-356, 26-358, 26-371, 26-372, 26-373, 26-374, 26-375.
Category E - Composition, Rhetoric, Linguistics, and Theory: 26-301, 26-383, 26-395, 26-397, 26-399.
400-level seminars: 26-411 to 26-420, 26-424, 26-498.
*Students may substitute one of the following for 26-280: 26-285, 26-301, 26-290, 26-354, or 26-383. |