1) The prerequisite for 59-410 is a major G.P.A. of 8.0 and a cumulative G.P.A. of 8.0.
2) Unless otherwise stated, students in Chemistry and Biochemistry must take the course with laboratory where two offerings differing only in the presence or absence of a laboratory component are listed. This regulation is effective beginning Fall 2010 for all Chemistry and Biochemistry courses counted towards the major requirements, regardless of the student's calendar.
Standing Required: For continuation in any Chemistry or Biochemistry program at the second level, a student must obtain a minimum grade of C- in Chemistry 59-140 and 59-141, or the equivalent. Students in Biochemistry also must obtain a minimum grade of C- in Biology 55-140 and 55-141. The Department offers three Honours programs which are accredited by the Canadian Society for Chemistry: Honours Chemistry, Honours Chemistry and Physics, and Honours Biochemistry, as well as a program in Honours Biochemistry and Biotechnology.
Preparation for Graduate and Professional Schools
Courses are available to permit the student to become fully prepared for entry into medical, dental, and pharmacy schools, as well as graduate programs in the physical and life sciences. Students should determine as early as possible the specific requirements for graduate or professional schools and programs that they may wish to apply for after completing all or part of a Chemistry or Biochemistry program. Academic advisors are available. Since many graduate schools have language requirements, students who may subsequently choose to enter graduate school are strongly advised to consider a selection of courses which includes the prominent scientific languages, French and German. |