An individual who wishes to pursue a second undergraduate degree must take the following steps:
1. (a) If one degree has already been conferred, a student must make application for admission and be admitted to the second degree program. This application is made for approval to pursue the second degree and will inform the student of the total number of courses required for it. This may be done by completing an Application for Returning Students form on SIS or by completing the form in the Office of the Registrar (Students wishing to rescind their first degree to lessen the number of courses required for the second degree, may do so at this time); OR
(b) If both degrees are being pursued at the same time, a student must complete a "Declaration of Second Degree" form in the Office of the Registrar to determine eligibility for the intended second degree and to be informed of the total number of courses required for it. This form should be completed as soon as the student has the intent to pursue more than one degree; AND
2. Fulfill all the specific requirements of each degree program including residency requirements as described see "Residency Requirements" as well as any program specific requirements (where appropriate); AND
3. Take the appropriate number of courses over and above the first degree by meeting the following additional degree requirements:
(a) Students with one general degree (B.A., B.Sc., B.C.S., B.Math., B.M.A.):
• may count a maximum of twenty courses toward a second general degree in a different area of study*.
• may count a maximum of twenty courses toward a professional degree.**
• may count a maximum of thirty courses toward an Honours degree in the same or different major.
(b) Students with one Honours degree in a single major (B.A., B.A.S., B.Sc., B.C.S., B.Math., B.F.A., B.O.R., B.F.S., B.E.S.)
• may count a maximum of twenty courses toward a general degree in a different area of study*.
• may count a maximum of twenty courses toward a professional degree.**
• may count a maximum of thirty courses toward a second
Honours degree in a different area of study*
• may not receive another Honours degree combining the area of study in their first Honours degree with another.
(c) Students with a previous degree in Music will be permitted to pursue a second degree in Music Therapy on the condition that they complete a minimum of 15 additional courses at least 10 of which must be taken at the University of Windsor at the 200-level or above.
(d)Students with one Honours degree with a double major (B.A., B.Sc., B.Math)
• may not receive a general degree with a major in either area of study from their first Honours degree.
• may count a maximum of thirty courses toward a second
Honours degree in one of the same majors as the first degree provided that a minimum of eight courses in that major field are taken over and above the major courses used in the first degree.
(e)Students with one Professional degree (B.A.Sc., B. Comm., B.H.K., B.S.W., B.Sc.N., LL.B.)
• may count a maximum of twenty courses toward a general degree.**
• may count a maximum of twenty courses toward a second professional degree in a different area of study.*
• may count a maximum of thirty courses toward an Honours degree.
(f)Students with one Four Year Major degree (B.A., B.Sc.):
• may not receive an Honours degree in the same area of study. Students who improve their major average to qualify for the Honours designation may apply for the Honours degree provided they rescind their Major degree.
(g)Students who have completed a degree in Education through the consecutive pre-service program, or who have completed Education courses in a Concurrent program, may not count any of the Education courses toward another degree.
(h)Students applying for admission to Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Business Administration) program after completing the BBS degree will be evaluated under the admission requirements of the B.Comm at the time of the student's application, and it is possible that some BBS courses may not be given credit towards the B.Comm degree. Students may retain only one of these degrees.
(i)Students who have already been granted a second undergraduate degree as listed above, may only count a maximum of ten courses toward a third degree. These courses may not include the ones already counted for the second degree.
(j)Students may not use any courses used toward a minor in a first degree toward the major of a second degree unless the minor is rescinded from the first degree. Please see "Minor" for additional regulations concerning minors.
(k)Students with a graduate degree in one area of study may not receive a general or honours degree (single or combined) in the same area of study as the graduate degree.
* The major of the second degree must be distinct from the major in the first degree. Therefore, in all cases, a student with an Honours degree cannot receive a general degree in the same major (eg if a student has already received an Honours degree in English, that student cannot request admission nor receive a general degree in English). However there are instances where the majors are not the same but the requirements for the major include courses from the same subject area. To determine if two degrees can be awarded in these cases, the general rule is: if the first degree requires six or more courses in a subject area, then a general degree in a major that requires courses from that same subject area will not be allowed OR if the first degree requires eleven or more courses in a subject area, then an Honours degree in a major that requires courses from that same subject area will not be allowed.
** Exceptions to this regulation are as follows: a student with any degree majoring in Economics may not receive an Honours B.Comm. in Business Administration and Economics and a student with any degree in Computer Science (including the B.Sc. degrees offered in Computer Science) may not receive an Honours B.Comm in Business Administration and Computer Science. These students may only be considered for the Bachelor of Commerce for University Graduates program which results in a B.Comm. Degree in Business Administration. Likewise, a student with an Honours degree in Business Administration and Economics or Business Administration and Computer Science may not receive a general degree in Economics or Computer Science respectively. |