Fall 2012 Undergraduate Calendar



Acting Dean

Martha Lee, B.A. (Calgary), M.A. (Calgary), Ph.D. (Syracuse University) - 1992

Associate Deans

Beckford, Clinton L.; Cert. in Teaching (Church), B.A. (West Indies), Ph.D. (West Indies)-2002.

Stanley, R. Darren; B.Sc. (Hons) (Acadia), M.Sc. (Simon Fraser), Ph. D. (Alberta)-2005.

Professors Emeriti

Crawford, W. J. Ian; B.Sc.(Hons.) (Windsor), M.A.(Ed.) (Ottawa), M.Ed., Ed.D. (Wayne State)-1973.

Laing, Donald A.; B.A., M.A., Ph.D. (Toronto)-1976.

Meyer, John R.; A.B. (St. John's, Minnesota), M.A. (Strasbourg), Ph.D. (Iowa)—1976.

Williams, Noel H.; B.A. (Sir George Williams), M.Ed. (McGill), Ph.D. (Alberta)-1976.

Diffey, Norman R.; B.A. Dip.Ed. (Oxon), M.A. (McMaster), Ph.D. (McGill)-1987.

Morton, Larry; B.A. (Waterloo), B.Th. (O.B.C.), B.Ed. (O.T.E.C.), M.A., Ph.D. (Toronto)-1988.

Flewelling, Janet; B.A. (Hons.) (Guelph), B.Ed. (Queen's), M.Ed., Ed.D. (Toronto)-1990.

Shantz, Doreen; B.A. (Laurier), M.Ed., Ed.D. (Toronto)-1991.

Pat Rogers; B.A. (Oxon), M.Sc. (Toronto), Ph.D. (London)-2001.


Tarailo, Michele; B.F.A., B.Ed. (Windsor), M.F.A. (Cranbrook), Ed.D. (Wayne State)-1990.

Glassford, Larry; B.A., Dip.Ed.(Western Ontario), M.A. (Carleton), Ph.D. (York)-1991.

Starr, Elizabeth; B.A. (Guelph), B.Ed. (Queen's), M.Ed. (Acadia), Ph.D. (Alberta)-1996.

Egbo, Benedicta O.; B.Ed., Dip.Ed. (Alberta), M.A., Ph.D. (Toronto)-1998.

Ezeife, Anthony N.; B.Sc. (Lagos), M.A., M.Sc. (Columbia), Ph.D. (Nigeria)-2002.

Associate Professors

Stenlund, Vern; B.A., B.Ed. (Western Ontario), M.Ed. (Windsor), Ed.D. (Michigan)-1986.

Glassford, Larry; B.A., Dip.Ed.(Western Ontario), M.A. (Carleton), Ph.D. (York)-1991.

Smith, Kara; B.A. (Waterloo), B.Comm. (Windsor), B.Ed., M.Ed. (Western Ontario), Ph.D. (Stirling)-1998.

Salinitri, Geri; B.Sc., B.Ed., M.Ed., Ph.D. (Windsor)-1999.

Allen, Andrew; Dip.Tech., B.Tech. (Ryerson), B.Ed., M.Ed. (York), Ph.D. (Toronto)-2002.

Beckford, Clinton L.; Cert. in Teaching (Church), B.A. (West Indies), Ph.D. (West Indies)-2002.

Bayley, Jonathan G.; B.Mus. (McGill), B.Ed., M.Mus. (Alberta), M.M. (Eastman), Ph.D. (Ohio State)-2003.

Cherian, Finney V.; B.Sc., B.Ed., M.Ed., Ph.D. (Toronto)-2004.

Daly, Beth; B.A. (Windsor), B.Ed. (Western Ontario), M.A., Ph.D. (Windsor)-2004.

Daniel, Yvette; Teach.Cert. (Hebrew University Teachers’ College), B.A., M.Ed. (Toronto), Ph.D. (York)-2004.

Doan, Lara; B.A. (Hons.) M.A., Ph.D. (York)-2005.

Martinovic, Dragana; B.Sc. (Hons.), M.Sc. (Belgrade, Yugoslavia), Ph.D. (OISE)-2005.

Sefton, Terry Gay; B.Mus. (McGill), B.Ed., M.Ed. (Western, Ontario), Ph.D. (Toronto)-2005.

Xu, Shi Jing; B.A. (Suzhou University-China), M.A. (York), Ph.D. (OISE)-2007.

Zhang, Zuochen; B.A. (Shanghai International), M.Sc. (Minnesota State University, Mankato), Ph.D. (Univeristy of British Columbia)-2007.

Zhou, Guoqiang; B.Sc. (Liaocheng University-China), M.Ed. (Huazhong University of Science and Technology-China), Ph.D. (Alberta)-2007.

Greig, Christopher J.; B.A. (Wilfrid Laurier University), Dip. Ed. (Australia), M.Ed. (Western)-2007, Ph.D. (Western)-2008.

Rideout, Glenn; B.A, B.Ed, M.Ed (Windsor), Ph.D. (Windsor)-2008.

Assistant Professors

Maldonado, Marlene; B.A., (Valencia, Venezuela), M.Ed., Ph.D., (Washington)-2005.

Holloway, Susan. Hons. B.A. (Trent), B. Ed. (Toronto), M.A., Ph D. (Manitoba) - 2007.

Cobb, Cam, Hons. B.A (Queens), B.Ed. (OISE), M.Ed (OISE), Ph.D. (OISE) - 2010.


Fujita, Nobuko, B.Sc (UBC), BA (UBC), MA (Queens), Ph.D (OISE) - 2011

Experiential Learning Specialist

Roland, Karen; B.A. (Windsor), B.Ed. (Windsor), M.Ed. (Windsor) Ph.D. (Windsor) -2007.