General Anthropology
Honours Anthropology
Combined Honours Anthropology Program
Minor in Anthropology
Major and Minor Concentrations - Bachelor of Arts and Science: Anthropology
General Sociology
Honours Sociology
Combined Honours Sociology Programs
Minor in Sociology
Major and Minor Concentrations - Bachelor of Arts and Science: Sociology
Honours Criminology
Combined Honours Criminology Programs
Major and Minor Concentrations - Bachelor of Arts and Science: Criminology
General Family and Social Relations
Honours Family and Social Relations
Combined Honours Family and Social Relations
Minor in Family and Social Relations
Minor in Studies of Sexuality
Additional Information: Sociology Program Information
General Anthropology
Total courses: thirty.
Major requirements: twelve courses, including 49-111, 49-112, four 200-level courses in Anthropology, and six additional Anthropology courses. At least four Anthropology
courses must be at the 300 level or above.
Option requirements:
(a) two courses from Arts
(b) two courses from Languages or Science;
(c) two courses from any areas of study, excluding Social Sciences.
Other requirements:
(a) 01-150, 01-151;
(b) four courses from any area of study, including Anthropology (49-) and any Sociology (48-) courses which are cross-listed with Anthropology;
(c) six courses from any area of study, excluding Anthropology (49-) and any Sociology (48-) courses which are cross-listed with Anthropology.
Honours Anthropology
Major Requirements: sixteen courses, as given below:
(a) 49-111, 49-112, 49-213, 49-355, 49-356, 49-415
(b) One of 49-214 or 49-215
(c) Four additional courses from the following: 49-323,48/49-330,48/49-336,48/49-339,48/49-340,48/49-352,48/49-375
(d) One of 48/49-419 or 49-412
(e) Four other courses in Anthropology
Option Requirements:
(a) two courses from Arts
(b) two courses from Languages or Science
(c) two courses from any area of study outside Social Science
Other requirements:
(a) 01-150, 01-151;
(b) 02-250;
(c) seven courses from any area of study, including Anthropology and any Sociology courses that are cross-listed with Anthropology;
(d) eight courses from any area of study, excluding Anthropology and any Sociology courses that are cross-listed with Anthropology.
Note: Anthropology Honours students interested in graduate studies in Sociology should include the following courses in their program: 48-302, 48-308, plus one course from 48-403, 48-404, 48-405, 48-406, or its equivalent.
Combined Honours Anthropology Programs
Program Regulation:
Students in combined programs must complete the major requirements for both subject areas, and 01-150 and 01-151. They must also complete the Option requirements, in the order presented, followed by any additional requirements under Other requirements, to a total of forty courses. Example: If the total course requirements add up to 43 once the major requirements for the second subject area are included, then section (c) of the Option requirements and one course from section (b) of the Option requirements should be excluded from the degree requirements.
Anthropology: twelve courses, including 49-111, 49-112, 49-213, 49-355, 49-356, 49-415 plus either 48/49-419 or 49- 412; plus five other Anthropology courses (49-) at the 200 level or above.
Other subject: as prescribed by the other major
Option Requirements:
(a) two courses from Arts
(b) two courses from Languages or Science
(c) two courses from any area of study outside Social Science
Other requirements:
(a) 01-150, 01-151:
(b) 02-250;
(c) additional options (if required) to a total of forty.
Minor in Anthropology
Required: six Anthropology (49-) courses, including 49-111, 49-112; at least one of 49-213 or 49-215; and one of 49-356, 49-355 or 49-323; one of 48/49-415, 49-412, or 48/49-419.
Major and Minor Concentrations - Bachelor of Arts and Science (BAS) - Anthropology
Major Concentration: 49-111; 49-112; four 200-level (49-) courses; 49-356; three 300-level (49-) courses; two other 400-level (49) courses.
Minor Concentration: 49-111; 49-112; one 200-level (49-) course; and three other Anthropology courses at the 3rd year or above.
Sociology Program Information
The study of sociology is an opportunity to learn about the many aspects of social relations, ranging from face-to-face, intimate and family relationships, to those among such social groups as households, genders, classes, movements, race and ethnic groups, unions, corporations, and governments, as well as industrial and developing societies. The faculty have particular strengths in researching social justice issues concerning AIDS, crime, occupational health, decline of family farms, First Nations, third world development, health care, employment equity, prison reform, sex work, gay and lesbian communities, immigrant workers, and Latin America and the Middle East. Please note in particular the following course sequences:
Criminology: 48-260, 48-261, 48-262, 48-361, 48-362, 48-363, 48-367, 48-368, 48-370, 48-371, 48-460, 48-461, 48-464, 48-465, 48-466.
Family, Sex, and Gender: 48-104, 48-204, 48-205, 48-206, 49-214, 48-251, 48-306, 48-329, 48-450, 48-351, 48-352, 48-354, 48-409, 48-461.
International Development: 49-112, 48-226, 48-227, 49-232, 48-321, 48-325, 48-327, 48-330, 48-332, 48-340, 48-352, 48-411.
Race and Ethnic Relations: 48-232, 48-240, 48-241, 48-333.
Social Planning: 48-225, 48-226 (or 49-226), 48-227, 48-228, 48-241 (or 49-241), 48-281, 48-326, 48-352 (or 49-352), 48-354, 48-381, 50-341, 50-401, 50-452, 43-347.
Work: 48-225, 48-228, 48-326, 48-332.
General Sociology
Total courses: thirty.
Major requirements: ten courses, including 48-101, 48-102, 48-202, 48-210, 48-302, and 48-310 (or 49-355); plus three additional Sociology (48-) courses at the 300 or 400 level; and 49-112.
Option requirements:
(a) two courses from Arts;
(b) two courses from Languages or Science;
(c) two courses from any area of study, excluding Social Sciences.
Other requirements:
(a) 01-150, 01-151;
(b) six courses from any area of study, including Sociology (48-);
(c) six courses from any area of study, excluding Sociology (48-) and any Anthropology (49-) courses cross-listed with Sociology.
Honours Sociology
Total courses: forty.
Major requirements: nineteen courses, including 48-101, 48-102, 48-202, 48-210, 48-302, 48-308, and 48-310 (or 49-355); two 400-level courses, including one of 48-403, 48-404, 48-405, 48-408, 48-413, 48-415 (or 49-415); two additional Sociology (48-) courses at the 300 or 400 level; plus 49-112 and one additional Anthropology (49-) course which is not cross-listed with Sociology.
Option requirements:
(a) two courses from Arts;
(b) two courses from Languages or Science;
(c) two courses from any area of study, excluding Social Sciences.
Other requirements:
(a) 01-150, 01-151;
(b) 02-250;
(c) four courses from Arts, Languages, or Social Sciences, including Sociology (48-);
(d) eight courses from any area of study, excluding Sociology (48-) and any Anthropology (49-) courses cross-listed with Sociology.
Combined Honours Sociology Programs
Program Regulation:
Students in combined programs must complete the major requirements for both subject areas, and 01-150 and 01-151. They must also complete the Option requirements, in the order presented, followed by any additional requirements under Other requirements, to a total of forty courses. Example: If the total course requirements add up to 43 once the major requirements for the second subject area are included, then section (c) of the Option requirements and one course from section (b) of the Option requirements should be excluded from the degree requirements.
Total courses: forty.
Major requirements - Sociology:fourteen courses including 48-101, 48-102, 48-202, 48-210, 48-302, 48-308, 48-310 (or 49-355); and two 400-level courses, including one of 48-403, 48-404, 48-405, 48-408, 48-413, 48-415 (or 49-415); plus 49-112. Two additional Sociology (48-) courses must be taken at the 300 or 400 level. An equivalent statistics course may be substituted for 48-308, in which case one additional Sociology (48-) or Anthropology (49-) course is required.
Major requirements - Other Subject: as prescribed by that area of study.
Option requirements:
(a) two courses from Arts;
(b) two courses from Languages or Science;
(c) two courses from any area of study, excluding Social Sciences.
Other requirements:
(a) 01-150, 01-151;
(b) 02-250 (or equivalent)
(c) additional options (if required) to a total of forty.
Minor in Sociology
Required:six Sociology courses, including 48-101, 48-102, and four courses at the 200 level or above.
Major and Minor Concentrations - Bachelor of Arts and Science (BAS) -Sociology
Major Concentration: 48-101; 48-102; 48-202; 02-250; 48-210; 48-302; 48-310; three 300-level or above courses; two of 48-404, 48-405, 48-406, 48-408.
Minor Concentration: 48-101; 48-102;plus one additional 200-level course; two courses at the 300-level or above.
(Note: Students are encouraged to closely review prerequisites for other Sociology courses to ensure appropriate planning of their program of study).
Honours Criminology
Total courses: forty
Major requirements: fifteen courses, including:
(a) 48-101, 48-102 (or 49-112), 48-202, 48-210, 48-260, 48-262, 48-302, 48-308, 48-310 (or 49-355); and 48-363;
(b) 34-129 or 34-226;
(c) two of 48-361, 48-362, 48-367, 48-368, 48-370, 48-365 and 48-371;
(d) one of 48-460, 48-461, 48-464, and 48-465;
(e) 48-466.
(a) two courses from Arts;
(b) two courses from Languages or Science;
(c) two courses from any area of study, excluding Social Sciences.
Other requirements:
(a) 01-150, 01-151;
(b) 02-250;
(c) seven courses from Arts, Languages, Social Sciences, including Sociology
(d) nine courses from any area of study, excluding Sociology (48-) and any Anthropology (49-) courses cross-listed with Sociology.
Recommended Courses:
Anthropology: 49-323
History: 43-124, 43-218, 43-244, 43-247, 43-250, 43-251, 43-345, 43-247
Labour Studies: 54-100, 54-200
Philosophy: 34-221
Political Science: 45-100, 45-130, 45-160, 45-210, 45-211, 45-213, 45-214, 45-221, 45-267, 45-268, 45-309, 45-313, 45-314, 45-321
Psychology: 46-115, 46-116, 46-220, 46-223, 46-224, 46-236, 46-333, 46-322, 46-330, 46-228
Women Studies: 53-100, 53-202, 53-270, 53-310, 53-330
1) Students entering Third Year Criminology are expected to complete 48-363 during their 5th or 6th term.
2)Criminology Honours students interested in graduate studies should take one course from 48-403, 48-404, 48-405, 48-406, 48-408, or 48-415 (or 49-415), since these courses or their equivalents are required for admission to the graduate program;
3) Students interested in government service should include French language courses among their options; other non-English language courses also are recommended.
Combined Honours Criminology Programs
An Honours Criminology Degree can be combined with a specialization in another subject (e.g., psychology, political science, etc.). Admission requirements and application procedures for entry to the third year of any other programme combining Criminology Honours with another subject are the same as those described for Criminology Honours.
Program Regulation:
Students in combined programs must complete the major requirements for both subject areas, and 01-150 and 01-151. They must also complete the Option requirements, in the order presented, followed by any additional requirements under Other requirements, to a total of forty courses. Example: If the total course requirements add up to 43 once the major requirements for the second subject area are included, then section (c) of the Option requirements and one course from section (b) of the Option requirements should be excluded from the degree requirements.
Total courses: forty.
Major requirements -Criminology: fifteen, including
(a) 48-101, 48-102 (or 49-112), 48-202, 48-210, 48-260, 48-262, 48-302, 48-308, 48-310 (or 49-355) and 48-363;
(b) 34-129 or 34-226;
(c) two of 48-361, 48-362, 48-367, 48-368, 48-370, and 48-371;
(d) one of 48-460. 48-461, 48-464, and 48-465;
(e) 48-466.
Major requirements--Other Area of Study: as prescribed by that area of study.
Option requirements:
(a) two courses from Arts;
(b) two courses from Languages or Science;
(c) two courses from any area of study, excluding Social Sciences.
Other requirements:
(a) 01-150, 01-151:
(b) 02-250;
(c) additional options (if required) to a total of forty.
1) Students entering Third Year Criminology are expected to complete 48-363 during their 5th or 6th term.
2)Criminology Honours students interested in graduate studies should take one course from 48-403, 48-404, 48-405, 48-406, 48-408, or 48-415 (or 49-415), since these courses or their equivalents are required for admission to the graduate program;
3) Students interested in government service should include French language courses among their options; other non-English language courses also are recommended.
Major and Minor Concentrations - Bachelor of Arts and Science (BAS) - Criminology
Major Concentration: 48-101; 48-102 or 48-112; 48-202; 48-210; 48-260;
48-262; 48-310 or 49-355; 48-363; two of 48-307, 48-361, 48-362, 48-364, 48-365, 48-367, 48-368, 48-370; one of 48-460, 48-461, 48-464, 48-465, 48-466; one other criminology course.
Minor Concentration: No Minor Concentration offered.
General Information
The interdisciplinary degree programs in Family and Social Relations combine courses from a variety of academic perspectives whose focus is upon the family as a fundamental unit in society. The program is designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of the family including its various possible structures, the relationships within, and the nature of its interaction with other social institutions. A background in Family and Social Relations has relevance to careers in law, teaching, social work, government service, family mediation, family court support services, and applied research in the areas of sexuality, child development, family violence, separation, divorce, and aging. Students selecting a general degree in Family and Social Relations can, with appropriate course selection, be prepared for application to four-year Honours and then graduate programs in psychology, sociology, and related disciplines.
Teaching Family and Social Relations
Students intending to teach Family and Social Relations at the Intermediate -Senior level in the school system are advised to take the following courses as a part of the Family and Social Relations program: 41-110, 46-223, 46-224, 46-240, 46-327, 48-204, 48-205, 48-206, 48-226 (or 49-226), 48-306, 48-329, 48-450, 49-214.
General Family and Social Relations
Total courses: thirty.
Major Requirements: twelve courses, including
(a) 48-101, 48-102, 48-204; 48-205; 48-210; one of 48-310, 49-355, or 53-301*;
(b) one of 43-250, 43-251,46-240*, 48-306, 49-214, 53-100.
(c) five further courses, from among: 48-206, 48-329, 48-409, 48-461, 48-251, 48-305, 48-351, 48-450, 43-463, 48-352, 48-353. 48-354, 48-408, 53-202, 53-310, 53-370, 46-223, 46-224, 46-327, 47-117, 47-118, 48-334.
* 49-112 is a prerequisite for 49-214. 46-115 and 46-116 are prerequisites for further courses in Psychology. In History, 43-249, 48-250 or 48-251 must be taken before 43-463. 53-100 is a prerequisite for further courses in Women’s Studies.
Option requirements: six courses including
(a) two courses from Arts;
(b) two courses from Languages or Science;
(c) two courses from any area of study, excluding Social Sciences.
Other requirements:
(a)01-150, 01-151;
(b)02-250 (or equivalent);
(c) 46-115 and 46-116 if required as a prerequisite for courses chosen above: otherwise, two Social Science courses;
(d) 53-100 if required as a prerequisite for courses chosen above; otherwise, a Social Science course;
(e) additional courses from any area of study, including any course listed above not used to fulfill other requirements, to a total of thirty.
Honours Family and Social Relations
Total courses: forty.
Major Requirements:seventeen courses, including
(a) 48-101, 48-102, 48-204, 48-205, 48-210 (or equivalent), 48-308, one of 48-310, 49-355, 48-416, 53-301;
(b) one of 46-240, 48-306; 43-249, 43-250, 43-251, 49-214, or 53-100;
(c) three courses in the family, in sexuality or in gender:
Family Options: 48-206, 48-329, 48-409**, 48-461**, 53-370;
Sexuality Options: 48-305, 48-351, 48-450, 43-363, 53-310;
Gender Options three from among those not chosen under (b) above, or from the following: 48(49)-352, 48-353, 48(49)-354, 48-408**, 53-202, 53-310, 53-370. If not selected under (b), 53-100 must be chosen here.
(d) six further courses selected from those not chosen above, or from the following: 46-223, 46-224, 46-327, 47-117, 47-118, 48-334, 48-496.**
Option requirements: six courses including
(a) two courses from Arts;
(b) two courses from Languages or Science;
(c) two courses from any area of study, excluding Social Sciences.
Other requirements:
(a) 01-150, 01-151;
(b) 02-250 (or equivalent);
(c) 46-115 and 46-116, if required as a prerequisite for courses chosen above: otherwise, two Social Science courses;
(d) 53-100, if required as a prerequisite for courses chosen above, but not used as part of a concentration in gender; otherwise, a Social Science course;
(e) additional courses from any area of study, including any course listed above not used to fulfil other requirements, to a total of forty.
* 49-112 is a prerequisite for 49-214, 46-115 and 46-116 are prerequisites for further courses in Psychology. In History, 43-249, 48-250 or 48-251 must be taken before 43-463. 53-100 is a prerequisite for further courses in Women’s Studies.
** Highly recommended for those considering graduate work.
Note: Family and Social Relations Honours students interested in graduate studies in Sociology should include the following courses in their program: 48-202, 48-302, plus one of 48-403, 48-404, 48-405, 48-408 or 48-415.
Combined Honours Family and Social Relations
(Not available for a Combined Honours degree with Sociology.)
Program Regulation:
Students in combined programs must complete the major requirements for both subject areas, and 01-150 and 01-151. They must also complete the Option requirements, in the order presented, followed by any additional requirements under Other requirements, to a total of forty courses. Example: If the total course requirements add up to 43 once the major requirements for the second subject area are included, then section (c) of the Option requirements and one course from section (b) of the Option requirements should be excluded from the degree requirements.
Total courses: forty.
Major requirements - Family and Social Relations: fourteen courses, consisting of:
(a) 48-101, 48-102, 48-204, 48-205, 48-210 (or equivalent), one of 48-310, 49-355, 48-416, or 53-301;*
(b) one of 49-214*, 46-240*, 48-306, 43-249, 43-250, 43-251, 53-100***;
(e) three courses from one of the following areas:
Family: 48-206, 48-329, 48-409**, 48-461**, 53-370*;
Sexuality: 48-251, 48-305,48-351, 48-450**, 53-310*;
Gender: 48-352, 48-353, 48-354, 48-408**, 53-202*, 53-310*, 53-370*;
(f) four courses from those not selected avoce, or from the following: 46-223*, 46-224*, 46-327*, 47-117, 47-118, 48-334, 48-496**
* 49-112 is a prerequisite for 49-214, 46-115 and 46-116 are prerequisites for further courses in Psychology.
In History, 43-249, 48-250 or 48-251 must be taken before 43-463. 53-100 is a prerequisite for further courses in Women’s Studies.
** Highly recommended for those considering graduate work.
***Students who plan to take additional Women's Studies courses must take this course.
Major requirements - Other Subject: as prescribed by that area of study.
Option requirements: six courses including
(a) two courses from Arts;
(b) two courses from Languages or Science;
(c) two courses from any area of study, excluding Social Sciences.
Other requirements:
(a) 01-150, 01-151;
(b) 02-250 (or equivalent)
(c) additional courses from any area of study, including any course listed above not used to fulfill other requirements, to a total of forty.
Note: Family and Social Relations Honours students interested in graduate studies in Sociology should include the following courses in their program: 48-202, 48-302, plus one of 48-403, 48-404, 48-405, 48-408 or 48-415.
Minor in Family and Social Relations
Required: 48-204, 48-206, 48-306, 48-329, 48-351; and one of 48-352, 48-409, 48-461.
Minor in Studies of Sexuality
Required: six of 48-205, 53-220, 46-240, 48-450, 48-351, 43-463 (or 53-463).