For complete descriptions of the courses listed below, see the respective area/program sections of this Calendar.
Not all courses will be offered each year. All courses are three hours a week unless otherwise indicated.
Consult the Office of the Associate Dean (Academic) for the current list of approved non-technical elective courses which have been chosen to satisfy the Complementary Studies requirements of the Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board.
46-115. Introduction to Psychology as a Behavioral Science
46-116. Introduction to Psychology as a Social Science
46-240. Psychology of Sex and Gender
48-101. Principles and Methods of Sociology
48-204. Sociology of the Family
48-205. Sociology of the Sex
48-251. Women, Sexuality and Social Justice
48-306. Sociology of Women
48-330. Latin America: A Comparative Perspective (Also offered as Anthropology 49-330.)
48-340. Food and Global Sustainability (Also offered as Anthropology 49-340.)
48-351. Gay and Lesbian Studies
49-111. Introduction to Physical Anthropology and Archaeology
49-112. Culture in Comparative Perspective
49-306. Sociology of Women
49-330. Latin America: A Comparative Perspective (Also offered as Sociology 48-330.)
49-340. Food and Global Sustainability (Also offered as Sociology 48-340.
Communication, Media and Film:
40-101. Introduction to Communication Studies: Media and Society
40-360. Public Opinion, Public Relations, and Propaganda
40-430. Communication and Ethics
43-113 Europe Encounters the World: Facing Islam, 8th-15th Century
43-114 Europe Encounters the World: The Age of Discovery, 15th-18th Century
43-123. The World in the Twentieth Century, 1914-1945
43-124. The World in the Twentieth Century, 1945-Present
43-201. Early Modern Europe (Students cannot receive credit for both 43-115 and 43-201.)
43-202. Modern Europe (Students cannot receive credit for both 43-116 and 43-202.)
43-218. War in the 20th Century
43-220 History of Africa , 700-1800
43-221 History of Africa, 1800 to the Present
43-243. Canada from Early European Contacts to the Origins of Confederation, 1600-1867
43-244. Canada since Confederation, 1867 to the Present
43-246. Aboriginal Peoples in Canadian History: Beginnings to Mid-Nineteenth Century
43-247. Aboriginal Peoples in Canadian History: Mid-Nineteenth Century to the Present
43-249. Women in Canada and the United States, 1600-1870
43-250. Women in Canada and the United States, 1870-Present
43-251. History of Women's Movements in North America (Also offered as Women's Studies 53-200.)
43-261. History of America, 1600-1877
43-262. History of America, 1877 to the Present
43-272. Modern Latin America
43-287. History of Crime
43-301. Culture, Literacy, and the Printed Word in Modern Europe and North America
43-326. Community and Power in Modern European Thought
43-336. Becoming Visible: Women in European History
43-345. The History of Canadian Immigration
43-347. Cities in North America: Historical Urbanization in Canada
43-361. Slavery In North America, 1600-1877
43-435. The Early Modern Atlantic World
English Language, Literature, and Creative Writing:
26-128. Images of Women in the Literature
26-140. Topics in Literature
26-314. Topics in Medieval Literature
Labor Studies:
54-100. Labor and Social Movements in Canadian Society
54-105. Working for a Living
54-200. Labor Law and Policy
54-204. Worker Health and Safety
Languages, Literatures and Cultures:
08-261. Arabic Culture I: Introduction to Arabic Culture
08-262. Arabic Culture II: Modern Arabic Literature
07-100. Religion and Culture
07-221. Justifying Religious Beliefs
07-230. Christianity: Early Church to the Reformation
07-231. Christianity: Reformation to the Modern Age
07-220. Language, Linguistics and Society
07-137. Introduction to German, Italian, and Spanish Literature
07-237. German, Italian and Spanish Literary Traditions (Antirequisties: 07-237 and the former 07-334.)
07-202. Culture and Ideas: From the Black Death to the Enlightenment
07-203. Culture and Ideas: From the French Revolution to the Present
07-235. To Auschwitz and Beyond: Reflections on the Meaning of the Holocaust
07-236. Surviving Survival: Reflections on Genocide, War and Trauma
10-262. Special Topics in Chinese Culture
11-161. Introduction to Greek Civilization
11-162. Introduction to Roman Civilization
11-211. Greek Prose
11-212. Greek Poetry
11-280. Topics in Classical Culture
15-248. German Cinema
15-260. German Culture and Civilization I
15-261. German Culture and Civilization II
21-260. Italian Culture and Civilization I
21-261. Italian Culture and Civilization II
23-248. Spanish Cinema
23-260. Culture and Civilization of Spain
23-261. Culture and Civilization of Spanish America
29-141. Introduction to Literary Studies (Note: 29-141 is a prerequisite course for all literature courses in French Studies.)
Interdisciplinary Studies:
07-202. Culture and Ideas I
07-203. Culture and Ideas II
02-100 Introduction to Canadian Studies
34-110. Introduction to Western Philosophy
34-112. Philosophy and Human Nature
34-129. Contemporary Moral Issues
34-130. Philosophy and Popular Culture
34-160. Reasoning Skills (Antirequisite: 34-161 and 34-162.)
34-221. Introduction to Ethics
34-224. Business Ethics
34-226. Law, Punishment, and Morality
34-227. Environmental Ethics
34-228. Technology and Human Values
34-237. Labour and Social Justice (Also offered as 54-237.) (Prerequisite: 2nd semester standing.)
34-240. Philosophy of Religion (Prerequisite: Semester 3 or above standing.)
34-252. Existentialism (Prerequisite: Semester 3 or above standing.)
34-253. Philosophy of Science
34-255. Knowledge and Community (Prerequisite: semester 3 or above standing.)
34-273. Ancient Greek Philosophy (Prerequisites: Semester 3 or above standing and one prior Philosophy course.)
34-274. Aristotle (Prerequisites: Semester 3 or above standing and one prior Philosophy course.)
34-323. Globalization and Social Justice (Prerequisite: Semester 3 or above standing, or permission of the instructor.)
34-329. Animals and Ethics (Prerequisites: Semester 3 standing and at least one prior Philosophy course, or permission of the instructor.)
34-330. Theories of Nature (Prerequisites: Semester 3 standing and at least one Philosophy course, or permission of the instructor.)
34-342. Philosophy of Education (Prerequisites: Semester 3 or above standing and at least one prior Philosophy course, or consent of the instructor.)
34-356. Mind Design and Android Epistemology
Political Science:
45-100. Introduction to Canadian Government and Politics
45-130. Comparative Politics in a Changing World
45-160. Issues in World Politics
45-201. Current Issues in Canadian Politics
45-211. Women and Politics (Also offered as Women's Studies 53-211)
45-212. Environmental Policy and Politics
45-213. Public Opinion, Mass Media and Canadian Democracy
45-214. Legal Process in Canada (Also offered as Law 99-110.)
45-232. Government and Politics of the United States
45-233. Politics of the Developing World
45-238. Political Geography
45-241. Contemporary African Politics
45-244. Government and Politics in Europe
45-249. Political Economy of Agriculture and Food (Also offered in Geography 42-249.)
45-251. Classical Political Thought
45-252. Modern Political Thought
45-260. Politics, History, and Asian Religions
45-261. Politics, History, and Western Religions
45-320. Political Parties and Elections
45-321. The Legislative Process
45-324. Public Infrastructure
45-367 The Politics of the European Union
45-371. Millenarian Movements
45-372. Religious Fundamentalism and Politics
45-373. Islam and Politics
45-379. Politics and Culture
Visual Arts:
28-336. Early Medieval Art (Prerequisites for Visual Arts majors: 28-214 and 28-215.)
28-337. Later Medieval Art (Prerequisites for Visual Arts majors: 28-214 and 28-215.)
28-338. Islamic Art (Prerequisites for Visual Arts majors: 28-214 and 28-215.)
28-339. Japanese Art (Prerequisites for Visual Arts majors: 28-214 and 28-215.)
28-340. Art of India (Prerequisites for Visual Arts majors: 28-214 and 28-215.)
28-341. Art of China (Prerequisites for Visual Arts majors: 28-214 and 28-215.
28-342. The Development of American Art (Prerequisites for Visual Arts majors: 28-214 and 28-215.)
Women Studies:
53-100. Women in Canadian Society
53-106. Women and Religion
53-120. Gal Pals: Women and Friendship
53-130. Imagining Women
53-200. History of Women's Movements in North America (Also offered as History 43-251.)
53-201. Women, Sexuality and Social Justice (Also offered as Sociology 48-251.) (Prerequisite: 53-100 or consent of the instructor.)
53-211. Women and Politics Also offered as Political Science 45-211
53-220. Women's Bodies, Women's Health (Prerequisite: One Women's Studies (53-) course and at least semester 3 standing.) 53-224. Love, Honor, and Obey: Marriage and Gender (Pre-requisite: One Women’s Studies course or 43-251 or permission of the instructor.)
53-230. Gender and Moral Choice (Prerequisite: Semester 3 or above standing and one Women's Studies course or consent of the instructor.)
53-240. Helpmates, Harlots, Deliverers, and Disciples: Women and the Bible
53-250. Women, Movement, and Performance (Prerequisite: one Women’s Studies course.)
53-260. Women and Globalization (Prerequisites: at least Semester 3 standing.)
41-110. Introduction to Economics I
41-111. Introduction to Economics II (Prerequisite: 41-110.)
41-221. Intermediate Microeconomics I (Prerequisite: 41-110.)
75-100. Introduction to Business (Credit cannot be obtained for both 75-100 and 71-140).