Programs (Listed Alphabetically)
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Fall 2017 Undergraduate Calendar
54-100. Labour and Social Movements in Canadian Society
An interdisciplinary introduction to the study of labour and social movements, focussing on their efforts to address the needs of workers, women, gays and lesbians, social and ethnic minorities, students, and the poor.
54-105. Working for a Living
This course uses the students' own experiences of work to examine the economic, social, and psychological significance of paid and unpaid work in Canadian society, the tasks and values assigned to various kinds of work, and the relationship between work and living standards.
Labour Law and Workers' Rights
This course examines the everyday application of employment law and human rights legislation to workplace issues. Students investigate the rights and responsibilities of workers and employers in unionized and non-unionized environments.
54-204. Worker Health and Safety
An interdisciplinary examination of the political, legal, social, and economic aspects of occupational health and safety. This course covers the history of health and safety within industrial, office, and rural contexts in Canada and other parts of the world.
Work and Equality
The course explores how work (both paid and unpaid) is distributed, valued and rewarded with special attention to issues of gender, racialization, ethnicity, sexuality, age and physical appearance. The course will also cover efforts to create greater equality in the valuation of work and the distribution of responsibility through public policy, law, collective bargaining, and advocacy. (Prerequisites: 54-105 or 53-100, or 48-101
48-102) (Also offered as Women's and Gender Studies 53-206)
Everyday Conflicts and Their Resolution
Students design and practice techniques for resolving everyday conflicts with friends and co-workers effectively and respectfully, and without damaging interpersonal relationships. Students lear
to focus on the
problem, not the person; identify and respond to hidden agendas and subvert personal attacks. Pre-requisite: Semester 3 or above standing or permission of the instructor. (Also offered as Psychology 46-218 and Social Justice Studies 38-218)
54-225. Work and Organizations
An examination of the changing world of work from a variety of theoretical perspectives. The course examines workplace organization, including management strategies and workers' responses. Special topics include: work in the automobile, clothing, or other specific industries, contemporary changes in work organization and organizational issues involving class, ethnicity, and gender. (Also offered as Sociology 48-225.) (Prerequisites: any two of 48-101, 48-102, 54-100; or Labour Studies students must have at least Semester 2 standing.)
54-260. Women and Globalization
This course introduces students to gender-sensitive analysis of the role of women in the global economy. Course materials cover the place of women in the international division of labour, the role of women in export-oriented industries in the "Third World," and women as "homeworkers" in the First and Third World. Students will utilize relevant empirical material to develop critical thinking and an understanding of gender inequalities in the "development process." (Prerequisites: at least Semester 3 standing.)(Also offered as Women's and Gender Studies 53-260.)
Speaking Truth to Power: Voice and Activism
An examination of contemporary struggles for social change with a particular focus on anti-consumerist and environmental justice campaigns. Students learn to create persuasive social justice messages. (Prerequisite: Semester 3 or above standing.) (Also offered as Dramatic Art 24-270, Social Justice Studies 38-270, and Communication, Media and Film 40-270)
54-322. Labour, Workplace and Communication
The course involves a critical exploration of the relationships between labour and information technology from a communication perspective. Both political economy and cultural studies approaches are used to analyze the everyday experiences of individuals in both their paid and unpaid labour. Issues examined may include Scientific Management and Fordism/Post-Fordism, globalization, electronic surveillance, the natural environment, and the intersection(s) of race/ethnicity, class, and gender. (Also offered as Communication Studies 40-322). (Prerequisites: 40-202 or 40-257 or Labour studies majors must have at least semester 4 standing.) (Credit cannot be obtained for both 40-322 and 54-322.)
54-326. Jobs, Careers, and the Labour Market
An examination of occupations and the changing labour market. This course examines the ways people choose occupations and develop careers, the nature of professions and professionalization, unemployment and its consequences, and the influence of occupations on individuals and society in a wider sense. Special topics include the impact of technological change on the occupational structure of younger and other populations. (Prerequisites: 48-110/101, or 54-100; or Labour Studies students must have at least Semester 4 standing.) (Also offered as Sociology 48-326.)
54-327. Social Movements
An examination of theories and case studies of world revolutions, class struggles, and various social movements, such as the feminist, gay and lesbian, labour, native, ecological, and other movements. (Also offered as 48-327 and 48-327.) (Prerequisites: 48-110/101 or 54-100; or Labour Studies students must have at least Semester 5 standing.)
54-332. Labour and the Industrialization Process
The development of Canadian industry and workers' responses to industrialization are examined. Special topics may include early industrialization and its effects, the development of monopoly capitalism, the emergence of service and other new industries, the impact of new technologies, changes in the division of labour, the impact of globalization and economic restructuring, the development of new management approaches such as lean production, changes in women's work, the development of labour unions, and the role of women, youth, and minorities at work. (Prerequisites: 48-110/101 or 54-100; or Labour Studies students must have at least Semester 5 standing.) (Also offered as 48-332.) (Credit may not be obtained for both 48-332 and 54-332.)
54-349. Canadian Labour History
A study of the development of the Canadian labour movement and an analysis of the Canadian working-class experience during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. (Also offered as History 43-349.)
(Prerequisites: semester 4 standing. Labour Studies majors must have Semester 4 or above standing or consent of instructor.)
Investigating Contemporary Workplace Issues
Students consolidate and enhance their knowledge of workplace rights and responsibilities by
identifying and analyzing labour management problems in union and non-union settings.
(Prerequisites: 54-200 and 54-204 and semester 5 standing.)
Industrial-Organizational Psychology
The study of employees, workplaces, and organizations. Topics include job analysis and competency models, recruitment, selection, and decision making, performance management, training, group and team processes in organizations, employee attitudes, affect, and behaviour, motivation, leadership, productive and counterproductive work behaviour.
(Prerequisites: 46-115 and 46-116; or Labour Studies students with at least Semester 4 standing; or consent of instructor.) (Also offered as 46-370.)