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Undergraduate Calendar
Fall 2019

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ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS for Graduates of Lambton College's Practical Nursing Program



General Regulations and Procedures
The considerations listed below apply to admission to all Nursing programs.

Degrees in Other Disciplines
Special consideration may be given to applicants holding degrees in other disciplines.


Program Transfers
Please refer to the University of Windsor Undergraduate Calendar Admission Requirements for Program Transfers.

Admission by Transfer
Please refer to the University of Windsor Undergraduate Calendar Admission Requirements for Transfer Students

Applications for transfer to Nursing are subject to a March 1 deadline for Fall Admission. Transfer is based on academic achievement and the availability of space, and a minimum 75% cumulative average is required in order to be considered for a transfer to Nursing. In addition all Nursing applicants are required to submit the Applicant Profile form no later than March 1. It must be submitted directly to the University of Windsor, Office of the Registrar, Windsor, Ontario, N9B 3P4. The Applicant Profile form can be found on the Nursing website.


Admission Mature Students
Please refer to the University of Windsor Undergraduate Calendar Admission Requirements for Mature Students.

In addition all Nursing applicants are required to submit the Applicant Profile Form no later than March 1. It must be submitted directly to the University of Windsor, Office of the Registrar, Windsor, Ontario, N9B 3P4.

Prior Nursing Courses
University courses taken within seven years prior to admission or readmission to any nursing program may be considered for credit.

Selection for Admission
Preference will be given to applicants with the best qualifications. Selection of candidates for admission to the various programs will be based on criteria determined by the Faculty of Nursing Admissions Committee.

Health Requirements

Students in all nursing programs must be cleared for clinical via a pre-clearance process prior to the start of their clinical course(s). This is the financial responsibility of the student.

Other Requirements

1) Students are responsible for their own transportation and living expenses incurred in clinical nursing experiences, including the consolidation experiences. Additional costs may be incurred for participation in some clinical placements. Inability to comply with this requirement may necessitate voluntarily withdrawal from the course to avoid risk of failure due to missed clinical hours.

2) Students are responsible for supplying their own uniforms and accessories. Details pertaining to uniforms and accessories will be sent to those admitted to the program.

3) Applicants who accept admission into all nursing programs are required to obtain Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR): Basic Life Support for Health Care Providers (HCP) and First Aid preparation before starting the program. Annual CPR re-qualification from a certified instructor is necessary even if a student’s card has an expiry date that is longer than one year. This is the financial responsibility of the student.

4) An extended Police Clearance is mandatory on entry, then annually while in the program, and as required by agencies. This is the financial responsibility of the student.


1) For admission requirements, go to the Policy on Admission Requirements (Undergraduate) at

2) An interview with the Faculty of Nursing Admissions Committee may be required.

One-year Pre-Health Science Program (for Lambton College and St. Clair College graduates)

Students at Lambton College who successfully complete the one-year Pre-Health Science-Nursing Program with a minimum overall grade point average of 2.7 (B), and a minimum science subject average of a 2.7 (B) in BIO 120, BIO 220, CHM 125 and CHM 225, will be considered for admission to the BScN Program.

Students at St. Clair College who successfully complete the one-year Pre-Health Science Program with a minimum overall grade point average of 2.7 (B), and a minimum science subject average of (2.7) (B) in BIO 50, BIO51, CHM 50 and CHM 51, will be considered for admission to the BScN Program.


Note: Final intake for this program will be Fall 2008. A full-time 12 month option is available only. All successful applicants need to complete the NP Certificate by August 2009.

1) The applicant must have a Bachelor of Science in Nursing which includes physical assessment, statistics, and a research methods course. An interview with the Faculty of Nursing Admissions Committee may be required. A letter of reference from current or most recent employer is required and a minimum overall nursing average of 70%.

2) Applicants must hold or be eligible for a current certificate of registration as a registered nurse with the College of Nurses of Ontario.

3) Preference will be given to Ontario residents whose work experience in nursing has been continuous and who have clinical experience in one or more of the following areas: primary health care, ambulatory care, public health, community health, long-term care, emergency care, or outpost nursing.

4) Applicants must have the equivalent of two years full-time relevant nursing practice within the past five years.

Note: This is a limited enrollment program. Therefore, possession of minimum published requirements does not guarantee admission.

Information must also be obtained on the internet at

ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS for Graduates of the Lambton College Practical Nursing Program

The following are the admission requirements for Registered Practical Nurses to enter the BScN Program:
    · Registered Practical Nursing diploma from a College of Applied Arts and Technology with an overall B (73%) average and no grade less than a C (63%).
    · Minimum one year full-time equivalent work experience as a Registered Practical Nurse (RPN) i.e. 2000 hours.
    · Current Registration with the College of Nurses of Ontario (CNO) as an RPN with no terms, conditions or limitations on their practice.

Upon entering the program, students must demonstrate successful completion of a clinical simulation exercise (OSCE) to verify current clinical competence. In the event of a student being below the expected level of clinical competence on the OSCE - remediation will be offered by Lambton College, at the student’s expense. Students must demonstrate clinical competence at the expected level prior to taking any clinical courses.

Program regulations for progression through the program remain the same as the Collaborative BScN program.

Prior to admission to the program and prior to beginning clinical: a current Basic Cardiac Life Support Certificate (BCLS) and a police clearance (vulnerable populations). Clinical agencies will require a record of immunization (see policies for the Faculty of Nursing, Collaborative Nursing Program).


Students are directed to become familiar and to comply with the general regulations of the University which apply to all students. Additionally, students must comply with the regulations particular to Nursing programs within the Faculty of Nursing.

1) For promotion and graduation, nursing students are required to achieve a minimum grade of a 60% in each nursing theory course, achieve a pass in each clinical/laboratory course, and maintain both cumulative and major averages of at least 60%.

2) Students who fail a clinical course may require remediation prior to re-taking the course to ensure competence for safe practice at the expected level in the nursing program. Clinical courses in the nursing program require the application of theory to practice. Therefore, a student who fails a required theory course from the following course couplings will be advised to repeat the paired clinical course to ensure continuing safe clinical practice:
NURS-1710: NURS-1722
NURS-1730: NURS-1742
NURS-2710 or NURS-2730: NURS-2722
NURS-2750 or NURS-2770: NURS-2742
NURS-3730: NURS-3722
NURS-3750: NURS-3742

3) Students who failed a required nursing course may not repeat the course more than once. No more than two required nursing courses may be repeated in the case of failures.

4) Students who wish to repeat a previously passed required nursing course for any purpose may be considered to do so only if –there is space in the course and with professor approval. Students are not encouraged to repeat previously passed courses.

5) The program of studies for the four-year basic degree or the program for Registered Nurses must be completed within seven years from the first Nursing course taken (NURS-xxxx) taken..

6) All option courses must be successfully completed prior to the start of Year 4 level nursing courses. Overload is not permitted while taking Year 4 level nursing courses.

7) Clinical placements will be arranged by the Faculty of Nursing to meet the Entry to Practice expectations of the College of Nurses of Ontario for every nursing student.

8) The Faculty of Nursing administration/staff reserve the right to change students' schedules, including clinical, theory and lab courses, according to operational needs and course availability, subject to Bylaw 54.

9) Students are expected to take responsibility for meeting all Faculty of Nursing clinical placement policy requirements and for conforming to any additional agency-specific policies. Students will be denied access to a clinical placement site if they fail to be cleared for clinical placement. The Faculty of Nursing is not responsible for providing an alternative clinical experience for students who do not meet these requirements.

10) Any change in status related to a student's police clearance after clearance has been obtained must be immediately disclosed by the student to the Associate Dean.

11) If a student is convicted of a criminal offense after admission to the program (or if a prior criminal conviction becomes known after admission to the program), he/she will be denied access to clinical placements as per clinical placement agencies’ policies, and will be required to withdraw from the clinical course.

12) All clinical nursing experiences and laboratories are mandatory. Students who have not started their clinical placement by the University of Windsor's add/drop date for the semester will be required to withdraw from the clinical course.

13) In the clinical courses, students must achieve all course outcomes and critical elements.

14) Students are expected to work the clinical shifts arranged for them by the Faculty of Nursing. Shifts may be scheduled during the days, evenings, and/or on weekends. Students may expect to have eight-hour shifts during the first two years of the program, except during consolidation courses where some twelve-hour shifts are possible. In year four, students in preceptored experiences may work eight or twelve hour day, afternoon or night shifts. A student will not be allowed to work more than three days in a row if they are working twelve hour shifts (i.e. three consecutive 12 hour shifts), and must have a minimum 48 hour break before starting the next set of shifts.)

15) Due to the full-time, daily schedule for consolidation courses NURS-2782 and NURS-3782, students should not schedule conflicting commitments during the course, such as employment or registration in other courses. Any requests to be excused from attending consolidation due to these types of conflicts will be denied. A letter to employers explaining the consolidation course requirements is available upon request to students in the Nursing Main Office.

16) Auditing of clinical courses is not allowed.

17) Students who are required to repeat a nursing clinical course must notify the Main Nursing Office, in writing, of their plan to repeat the course by April 15 (for fall return), by September 15 (for winter return) and by January 15 (for consolidation/intersession/summer return). If a student fails to do so, a clinical placement cannot be provided.

18) Students in good standing who are absent for more than one semester and wish to return to nursing must complete and submit the “Returning Nursing Student Form” available at the Nursing Main Office and/or on the Nursing website prior to registering for any courses and may be required to demonstrate clinical competence before taking any clinical course. The deadlines for submitting the Returning Nursing Student Form are April 15 (for return in Fall), September 15 (for return in Winter), or January 15 (for return in consolidation/intersession/summer).

19) Students who wish to return to the Nursing Program after an absence of more than one year may be re-admitted with special permission from the Dean’s Office. Each case will be assessed on an individual basis. Students will be required to demonstrate continued competency in specific nursing courses, which may include any combination of OSCE and/or skill testing, challenge exams, and/or re-taking specified courses. Students will be charged a fee for this assessment. Students must follow the same process and deadlines as described in the previous regulation.

20) Students must not give their personal contact information to patients/clients in clinical placements.

21) Students with disabilities who require academic accommodations in any nursing course must contact an Advisor in Student Accessibility Services (SAS) to complete SAS Registration and receive the necessary Letters of Accommodation. After registering with SAS, students must present their Letter of Accommodation and discuss their needs with their professor(s) as early in the term as possible. Deadlines for submission of documentation and completed forms to SAS are available on the website:

22) Students of the Faculty of Nursing are required to demonstrate behaviours consistent with the University of Windsor standards of acceptable behaviour (see Senate Bylaw 31) and the Professional Standards for Registered Nurses and Registered Practical Nurses; the Standards for the Therapeutic Nurse-Client Relationship; the Ethical Framework for Nurses in Ontario; and the Explanation of Professional Misconduct of the College of Nurses of Ontario; and of the academic policies of the University of Windsor.

Failure of any Nursing student to conform to the principles of these documents may result in dismissal from any of the Faculty of Nursing programs.

The Faculty of Nursing reserves the right to remove a nursing student from the clinical placement in instances where the instructor has reason to believe that the student is rendering unsafe and/or unprofessional and/or unethical nursing care, or that the student's safety is at risk. A student who is removed from a clinical placement course due to rendering unsafe and/or unprofessional and/or unethical nursing care may attempt to retake the same course only once. A student will be required to withdraw from the nursing program if he/she is removed from the same or any other clinical placement course for a second time due to rendering unsafe and/or unprofessional and/or unethical nursing care.

Note: The College of Nurses of Ontario requires that in order to obtain permission to write Nurse Registration Examinations and/or apply for Nurse Registration in Ontario, a person must provide a declaration of one's status regarding:
(a) any conviction of a criminal offense under the Narcotic Control Act and the Food and Drugs Act;
(b) being a subject of proceedings with respect to professional misconduct, incompetence, or incapacity in Ontario in another health profession or in another jurisdiction in nursing or in another health profession;
(c) any mental or physical disorder which makes it desirable in the public interest that the person not practice;
(d) a current police clearance within six months of examinations.

Further Information
Applicants wishing to discuss the program or visit the Faculty of Nursing should contact the campus (519-253-3000, Ext. 2258). Information may also be obtained from the Internet:

Major Clinical Resources
Nursing is a profession of diverse opportunity. Clinical experiences are found in a variety of settings.

Examples of the diversity of placements for nursing students are in hospitals, public health agencies, visiting nurse organizations, family support services, doctors' offices and clinics, day care centres and preschools, elementary and high schools, new Canadian multicultural programs, First Nations groups, seniors residences and services, and caring for challenged populations. On campus, practice is done in independent learning laboratories and simulated situations. These experiences and more, lay the foundation for professional nursing.

Awards and Scholarships

Nursing Awards and Scholarships are offered to students enrolled at the University of Windsor, Faculty of Nursing.