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Fall 2019 Undergraduate Calendar
Not all courses will be offered each year. All courses are three hours a week unless otherwise indicated.
Priority for registration in 3000- and 4000-level courses may be given to students with General Psychology Majors, Psychology Honours, Developmental Psychology Honours, or Combined Honours.
With the exception of PSYC-1070, PSYC-1150 and PSYC-1160 are prerequisites for all other courses in Psychology. Some courses require additional prerequisites.
PSYC-1070. Positive Psychology
An introduction to theory and research pertaining to the study of positive psychology, the psychology of human strengths and coping resources. Selected topics include: happiness, living a meaningful and gratifying life, resilience, hardiness, emotional intelligence, optimism, hope, creativity and moral motivation.
PSYC-1150. Introduction to Psychology as a Behavioural Science
Introduction to selected areas in psychology including learning, perception, physiological psychology, emotion, and motivation.
PSYC-1160. Introduction to Psychology as a Social Science
Introduction to selected areas in psychology including developmental, social, personality, and clinical.
PSYC-2180. Everyday Conflicts and Their Resolution
Students design and practice techniques for resolving everyday conflicts with friends and co-workers effectively and respectfully, and without damaging interpersonal relationships. Students learn to focus on the problem, not the person; identify and respond to hidden agendas and subvert personal attacks. Pre-requisite: Semester 3 or above standing or permission of the instructor. (Also offered as SJST-2180, WORK-2180)
PSYC-2200. Introduction to Adjustment and Personality
A survey of major approaches to the study of personality with a particular focus on the processes involved in adjustment.
PSYC-2230. Developmental Psychology: The Child
The study of normal child development from conception to puberty, including physical, cognitive, and social development within the child's family, school, and cultural contexts. Specific topics include temperament, language development, intelligence testing, personality development, and parenting styles.
PSYC-2240. Developmental Psychology: Adolescence
The study of normal adolescent development from puberty to early adulthood. Topics include physical changes at puberty, cognitive and social development, and the impact of adolescent development within various contexts, including families, peer groups, and schools.
PSYC-2250. Developmental Psychology: Adulthood and Aging
The study of adult development including stages in adulthood, problems of aging, and issues related to death and dying.
PSYC-2280. Abnormal Psychology
This course is a survey of psychopathology, with a focus on the structure and application of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM) of Mental Disorders. Content to be covered will include historical and contemporary theory and research regarding the etiology and progression of abnormality, including biological, psychological and socio-cultural understandings. Attention will also be given to critiques of classification schemes and diagnosis. Finally, implications for the treatment of specific disorders will be addressed. (Prerequisite: PSYC-1150 and PSYC-1160.)
PSYC-2300. Social Science Research Methods
Introduction to experimental and non-experimental research methods and designs commonly used in psychology and other social sciences (
experiments, quasi-experiments, survey research, observational studies, content analysis). Includes conducting research exercises/projects dealing with social, personality, developmental, and/or educational issues, writing research reports, and consideration of research ethics. (2 lecture, 2 laboratory hours per week; limited enrolment.) (Antirequisites: KINE-2700.)
PSYC-2360. Introduction to Social Psychology
n introduction to the theories, methods, findings, and problems associated with the study of the individual in the social context. Topics include social cognition; interpersonal behaviour (attraction, aggression, altruism); social attitudes, prejudice, and discrimination; social influence and group processes (conformity, leadership, intergroup relations).
(Prerequisites: PSYC-1150 and PSYC-1160
PSYC-2400. Psychology of Sex and Gender
Review of philosophical, historical, theoretical, and research literature in the psychology of sex and gender. Topics include male/female stereotypes; similarities/differences based on research data; and current social issues.
PSYC-2560. Introduction to the Brain and Human Behaviour
Reviews basic research relating brain and behaviour with a focus on human functioning. Includes the study of neuronal and synaptic activity and results from current research and case histories which link human behaviour to basic neuroanatomical and biochemical brain systems.
PSYC-3100. Tutorial
Individual projects in specific areas of psychology. (May be repeated once for credit.) (Prerequisites: PSYC-1150, PSYC-1160, and four additional courses in Psychology.)
PSYC-3130. Advanced Statistics
Required for students anticipating honours thesis projects in their fourth year.
One-way, two-way, and higher order ANOVA, repeated measures ANOVA, multiple comparisons, correlation and univariate regression, introduction to multivariate regression and the general linear model, with an emphasis on computer data analysis. (Prerequisite: SOSC-2500.) (Credit can only be obtained for one of PSYC-3130 or SACR-3080.)
(2 lecture hours, 1 laboratory hour a week.)
PSYC-3200. Tests and Measurement
An introduction to basic concepts of psychological testing, with a focus on test development, measurement, and test evaluation. Standard tests used to assess personality, achievement, and aptitudes will be surveyed. (Prerequisite: SOSC-2500.)
PSYC-3220. Child Psychopathology
An overview of theory and research related to the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of childhood and adolescent disorders. Risk factors, vulnerability to stress, and protective factors will be addressed in relation to adjustment disorders, conduct disorder, depression, and anxiety in children and adolescents. (Prerequisite: PSYC-2230 or PSYC-2240.)
PSYC-3230. Developmental Disabilities
An overview of theory and research related to the biological foundation of childhood and adolescent developmental disabilities. Mental retardation, sensory and motor impairments, learning disabilities, and disorders with physical manifestations are included in the topics covered. (Prerequisite: PSYC-2230 or PSYC-2240.)
PSYC-3240. Educational Psychology
Psychology of the learning process and the variables that affect learning such as intelligence, motivation, attitudes, interpersonal relations, and cultural background. (Prerequisite:
or PSYC-2240
PSYC-3270. Psychological Perspectives on Parenting
Contemporary theories and practices of parenting throughout the life cycle, with an emphasis on the psychological aspects of the family system. (Prerequisite:
or PSYC-2240
PSYC-3300. Personality Theory and Research
Survey of personality theories and relevant research. Theories may include psychoanalytic, trait, behavioural, humanistic, cognitive, and biological. Some research topics relevant to personality theory will be outlined and illustrated with reference to selected content areas of personality.
PSYC-3310. Conducting Research in Psychology
Required for students anticipating honours thesis projects in their fourth year. Topics include: how to generate research ideas, philosophy and place of research in psychology, utilizing research advisors and supervision, using library resources, writing research reports, ethical issues in student research, planning effective research designs, dealing with participant recruitment and data collection, locating research measures, making data analysis decisions, using statistical packages such as SPSS, disseminating research ideas and findings. (Prerequisites:
, or PSYC-2300; and consent of the Undergraduate Program Chair.)
PSYC-3330 Introduction to Clinical Psychology
This course surveys topics and issues in the field of clinical psychology, including biopsychosocial theories of functioning and dysfunction. Emphasis is placed on major approaches to assessment and treatment (e.g.humanistic, cognitive-behavioral, psychodynamic). The course also will cover the scientific basis for clinical psychology, as well as historical, ethical, professional, cultural and legal issues. Sub-specialties and contemporary issues are also addressed. (Prerequisite: PSYC-2280 or PSYC-3220)
PSYC-3340. Applied Social Psychology
The application of social psychology to solving social issues. Topics include improving job satisfaction and organizational life, promoting community health, meeting social welfare needs, dealing with environmental problems, improving educational systems, and addressing the issues of social justice and equality. The course may involve a fieldwork component. (Prerequisite: PSYC-2360.)
PSYC-3350. Human Sensation and Perception
The study of underlying mechanisms and processes of human sensation and perception, methods of measuring human sensory abilities, and the perceptual processes for integrating and interpreting such information. (Prerequisite: PSYC-2300) (2 lecture, 2 laboratory hours per week.)
PSYC-3370. Human Cognitive Neuroscience
Issues relevant to the brain and human behaviour. Recent research selected from areas of developmental, cognitive, and clinical neuropsychology. Introduction to cognitive neuroscience modelling. (Prerequisites: PSYC-1150, PSYC-1160, either PSYC-2560 or BIOL-2040 and three additional courses in Psychology.)
PSYC-3390. Health Psychology
Application of psychology to the areas of health promotion, prevention and treatment, and improvement of health-care delivery. Theory, research, and practice in health psychology and behavioural medicine will be examined. Specific areas of emphasis may include stress, illness, and coping; patient-practitioner interaction; adjustment to chronic illness; reproductive health issues; and cross-cultural conceptions of illness and healing. (Prerequisite: PSYC-2360.)
PSYC-3420. Culture and Psychology
This course examines psychological theory and research on the commonalities and variations in human behaviour within and across cultures. Topics may include individualism and collectivism, perspectives on the self, communication and interpersonal relations, intergroup relations, organizational behaviour, and the consequences of cross-cultural contact. (Prerequisite: PSYC-2360.)
-3500. Practical Strategies for Social Change: Intervening to Prevent Sexual Violence
This course introduces students to sexual violence as a social problem; why it matters, the forms it takes, and how it can be changed. The importance of personal and community responsibility for social change is emphasized. This course also provides students with the background knowledge that is needed to successfully teach sexual violence prevention workshops for their peers.Restricted to students who have attained a cumulative GPA of 66% or higher at the time of application. (Prerequisite: Semester 4 standing or above and permission of the instructor by online application at bystander (Also offered as SOSC-3500, SARC-3500, SWRK-3500, and WGST-3500.)
PSYC-3530. Learning and Behaviour
Basic principles and theories of classical and operant conditioning and their application to human behaviour. (Prerequisite:PSYC-2300.) (2 lecture, 2 laboratory hours per week.)
PSYC-3550. Comparative Psychology
Introduction to animal behaviour from the viewpoint of its role in the natural life of the individual and the species. A synthesis of contributions by comparative psychologists, ethologists, ecologists, and zoologists. (Prerequisites: PSYC-1150, PSYC-1160, and four additional courses in Psychology.)
PSYC-3580. Cognitive Processes
A review of current contrib
utions to the understanding of attentional, memory, problem solving, and reasoning processes. (Prerequisite: PSYC-2300) (3 lecture, 1 laboratory hours per week.)
Organizational Psychology
The study of employees, workplaces, and organizations
Topics include
job analysis and competency models, recruitment, selection, and decision making, performance management, training, group and team processes in organizations, employee attitudes, affect, and behaviour, motivation, leadership, productive and counterproductive work behaviour
(Prerequisites: PSYC-1150 and PSYC-1160; or Labour Studies students
at least Semester 4 standing; or consent of instructor.) (Also offered as WORK-3700.)
PSYC-4000. Selected Topics in Psychology
Seminar on a selected topic in psycho
logy. Content will vary with instructor. (Prerequisites: PSYC-1150, PSYC-1160, four additional courses in Psychology, including courses as specified by the instructor. ) (May be repeated for credit if content changes.)
PSYC-4150. History and Systems of Psychology
The emergence and development of psychology as a science. A review and evaluation of major systems of psychology, such as structuralism, functionalism, behaviourism, Gestalt psychology, and psychoanalysis. Emphasis will be placed on the contributions of the systems to contemporary theoretical conceptions and trends. (Prerequisites: PSYC-1150, PSYC-1160, and four additional courses in Psychology.)
PSYC-4210. The Psychology of the Family
An analysis of theory and research examining the impact of family context on individual development throughout the life cycle. (Prerequisites: PSYC-2230; restricted to 4th year Psychology/Developmental Psychology majors).
PSYC-4220. Advanced Developmental Psychology: Emotional Development
This seminar examines issues related to emotional development from infancy through adult years. The experience, expression, and regulation of emotion will be discussed from various historical and academic perspectives. (Prerequisite: PSYC-2230 or PSYC-2240.)
PSYC-4230. Advanced Developmental Psychology: Cognitive Development
An examination of current theories, research methods, and findings in the area of cognitive development. (Prerequisite: PSYC-2230 or PSYC-2240.)
PSYC-4240. Advanced Developmental Psychology: Social Development
This seminar examines established and newly-emerging theories of development and their impact on social development research. Emphasis is placed on describing social developmental outcomes (e.g., gender, emotion, morality), and the influence of biological factors (
temperament) and socialization agents (
parents, media) on such outcomes. (Prerequisite: PSYC-2230 or PSYC-2240.)
PSYC-4250. Seminar in Developmental Psychology
Focus on a particular topic within the area of developmental psychology. Topics will vary from term to term. (May be repeated for credit.) (Prerequisites: PSYC-1150, PSYC-1160, PSYC-2230 and three additional courses in Psychology.)
PSYC-4270. Methods of Behavioural Change
Survey of theories and methods of behavioural change, including behavioural assessment and analysis, relaxation training, graduated exposure, contingency management, and cognitive restructuring. (Prerequisite: PSYC-3350 or PSYC-3530 or PSYC-3580.)
PSYC-4280. Practicum in Developmental Psychology
Supervised practicum in learning-based behaviour change strategies. Students will practice behavioural assessment and systematic remediation of clinical problems through application of operant techniques in community placements.
(A 6.00 credit hour course.)
(Restricted to 4th year Developmental Pschology majors with cumulative and major averages of at least 70%.) (Prerequisites: PSYC-4270 and consent of instructor.) (Antirequisite: PSYC-4290.) (1.5 lecture hours and 8 practicum hours per week.)
PSYC-4290. Practicum in Psychology
Supervised practicum in a university or community setting. Students will consolidate and enhance their knowledge about psychology and skills in connection with a specific project, activity, or task. The practicum experience may include the opportunity to be involved in some aspect of community change, peer counselling, or research, among other possibilities. (A 6.00 credit hour course.)(Prerequisites: consent of instructor; restricted to 4th year Psychology majors with cumulative and major averages of at least 70%.) (Antirequisite: PSYC-4280.) (1.5 lecture hours and 8 practicum hours per week.)
PSYC-4300. Clinical and Counselling Psychology
The principles and techniques underlying clinical interviewing and modern psychotherapeutic methods. Emphasis will be placed upon the application of clinical interviewing and modern psychotherapeutic methods, as well as the application of clinical methods in clinics, hospitals, schools, mental health settings, and community agencies. (Prerequisites: PSYC-3330.)
PSYC-4320. Community Psychology
An examination of societal and environmental influences on the community and individual community members, the development of the community mental health movement, and current issues in theory, research, and practices in community psychology. Emphasis will be placed on prevention, crisis intervention, and effecting social change. An overview of community-based professional and volunteer services will be presented. Community responses to issues such as homelessness, suicide, and violence against women will be considered. (Prerequisite: PSYC-2360.)
PSYC-4330. Seminar in Law and Psychology
Issues in the interaction between law and psychology; discussion of the use/misuse/nonuse of behavioural sciences in the law; emphasis on how psychology can best be applied to family, criminal, and civil law. (Prerequisites: PSYC-1150, PSYC-1160, and four additional courses in Psychology.)
PSYC-4360. Seminar in Psychopathology
Focus on a particular topic within the area of abnormal behaviours. Topics will vary from term to term. (Prerequisites: PSYC-3330 and PSYC-2280)
PSYC-4400. Seminar in the Psychology of Women
An examination of the feminist critique of mainstream psychology research of the last century, of feminist approaches to research and theorizing, and applications of feminist psychology to the study of a number of topics in the psychology of women (
mental health, violence against women, sexuality). (Prerequisite: PSYC-2400 or consent of instructor.)
PSYC-4410. Special Topics in Health Psychology
This specialized course is designed for students who wish to pursue their interests in health psychology in greater depth. The course will focus on a particular topic within the area of health psychology, and topics will vary from term to term, depending on the emphasis of the instructor. Possible special topics could include Women's Health, Personality and Health, and the Social Psychology of Health. (Prerequisite: PSYC-3390.)(May be repeated for credit if content changes.)
PSYC-4450. Stereotyping, Prejudice, and Discrimination
Psychological theory and research on stereotyping, prejudice, and discrimination; their formation and function; the role of individual and sociocultural factors in their development and maintenance; individual responses and psychological interventions. (Prerequisite: PSYC-2360.)
PSYC-4500. Practicum in Social Chang
Supervised practicum in a university setting. Students consolidate and enhance their knowledge of sexual assault and bystander intervention. Students co-facilitate the
Bringing in the Bystander® In Person Prevention
program for one or more small groups of students on campus. The practicum experience equips students to deliver educational content on sensitive issues. (Prerequisite: SOSC-3500/PSYC-3500/SWRK-3500/SACR-3500 and permission of the instructor.) (Also offered as SOSC-4500, SWRK-4500, SACR-4500, and WGST-4500.)
PSYC-4570. Comparative Cognition
Evidence of general and specialized cognitive processes in human and non-human organisms will be investigated. Topics to be covered include perception, attention, and memory, concept formation, ecological and evolutionary bases of cognitive processes. Current research on these and other topics will be reviewed and discussed in a seminar format. (Prerequisite: Any two of the following undergraduate courses or their equivalents from other universities: PSYC-3530, PSYC-3580 or PSYC-3350.) (Also offered as BIOL-8470.)
PSYC-4750. Popular Literature in Psychology
A forum for critical examination and analysis of popular literature written by psychologists or others functioning in the role of counselor or lay expert. The main goal is to identify both traditional and novel criteria for assessing the validity of popular literature and its contribution to knowledge. (Prerequisites: PSYC-1150, PSYC-1160, and four additional courses in Psychology.)
PSYC-4960. Thesis: Seminar
Experience in conducting psychological research is viewed as necessary for graduate work in psychology. This course is designed to provide such experience through planning, developing, and writing a research proposal under individual faculty supervision. Group sessions on research ethics, procedures, writing, and data analysis. (Prerequisites: PSYC-2300; PSYC-3130 or equivalent; PSYC-3310;
a cumulative
of at least 75%;
a major average of at least 78%;
consent of Undergraduate Program Chair.) (Prerequisites for B.Sc. Honours Behaviour, Cognition and Neuroscience students: PSYC-2300; PSYC-3130 or equivalent; PSYC-3350, PSYC-3530, and PSYC-3580; an average of
78% or higher in Psychology courses;
consent of Undergraduate Program Chair.)
PSYC-4970. Thesis: Research
Students will conduct and write an undergraduate thesis under individual faculty supervision. (The thesis is developed and begun while taking PSYC-4960). (Prerequisite: PSYC-4960.)