It is highly recommended that students take English ENGL-1001 (Composition) as students in Computer Science should develop good oral and written communications skills, besides technical proficiency in the basic science.
In selecting courses to meet the requirements of the programs outlined below, the following general regulations also must be observed:
1) A student registering in a course without having successfully completed the prerequisite course(s) will be required to drop that course unless the consent of the Director of Computer Science (or her/his designate) is obtained.
2) If two or more courses cover essentially the same material, only one may be taken for credit.
3) The prior approval of the Director of Computer Science (or her/his designate) must be obtained in order to substitute any courses for required ones.
4) Statistics courses other than those specifically listed as being required for the degree, or ones for which the required statistics courses are themselves prerequisites, may not be taken for credit.
5) In general, Computer Science courses offered in other areas may not be taken for credit. COMP-1047, COMP-2067, COMP-2057, COMP-2077, COMP-2707, and COMP-3057 may not be used to satisfy the major requirements of any degree program in Computer Science, or in joint programs with Computer Science, unless permission is obtained from the Director of Computer Science (or her/his designate).
The Co-operative Education Program is available for the following degrees:
Bachelor of Computer Science (Honours)
Bachelor of Computer Science (Honours Applied Computing)
Bachelor of Science (Honours Computer Information Systems)
Bachelor of Science (Honours Computer Science with Software Engineering Specialization)
The Co-operative Education Program offers students the opportunity to combine their classroom experiences with related work experiences. Students who apply and are accepted into the Co-operative Education Program must successfully complete at least three paid work experiences interspersed throughout the four-year Honours program. The experience gained while participating in these structured and supervised work placements is viewed as an integral component of the student's educational program.
All Co-op positions must be full-time, paid, related to the degree program and approved by the University. The process of securing a co-op position is competitive. Co-op students will apply for work opportunities as advertised by the Centre for Career Education using an Internet-based software program and employers will make interview and hiring decisions. Students are also encouraged to seek co-op employment outside of the advertised postings by completing a guided job search process facilitated by the Centre for Career Education.
Computer Science Co-op students must maintain full-time academic status and satisfy the following:
(a) Must maintain a minimum average of 60%, and
(b) Must maintain a minimum major average of 65%,
(c) Must not have more than one grade below 50% on their transcript, and;
(d) Must maintain a minimum major average of 65% during the one semester probation period.
Withdrawal from the co-op program will be granted on an exception basis only as it must be determined that the student has no outstanding commitments to employers. Students who wish to withdraw must meet with a Co-op Coordinator and complete a withdrawal form. However, the only time a student may withdraw from an undergraduate co-op program without further co-op fee payment implications is by the 1st Friday of classes after their first co-op work term. Students who withdraw from Co-operative Education at any other time will be liable for paying the co-op fee for the term in which they are dropping and one additional term. This will help offset the costs of developing another student for placement.
In the interest of building solid partnerships with employers, students who have accepted a co-op employment offer (either by ranking a position in round 1 of the job competition or by accepting a position either verbally or in writing in later rounds) must honour that commitment. Therefore, once students have accepted an offer of employment for a work term, they will be considered registered in the appropriate work term course and must remain in the co-op program until they have completed their work term requirements. Failure to honour these commitments and/or to complete all work term requirements will lead to being required to withdraw from the co-op program and will result in a failing grade on his/her transcript for that work term.
Year of Study | Fall Semester | Winter Semester | Summer Semester |
Year 1 | Study | Study | Off |
Year 2 | Study | Study | Work |
Year 3 | Study | Work | Study |
Year 4 | Work | Study | Work |
Year 5 | Study |  |  |