Winter 2016 Undergraduate Calendar


General BA in Women's and Gender Studies
Honours BA in Women's and Gender Studies
Combined Honours Women's and Gender Studies
Combined Honours Women's and Gender Studies when taken with Criminology
Honours Bachelor of Social Work and Women's and Gender Studies (Combined Honours)
Certificate in Women's and Gender Studies
Major and Minor Concentrations - Bachelor of Arts and Science
Minor in Women's and Gender Studies

Additional Information: Women's and Gender Studies Emphasis Courses

General BA in Women's and Gender Studies

Total courses: thirty.

Major requirements: ten courses, including
(a) 53-100, 53-301;
(b) 53-200/43-251;
(c) at least one of 53-201/48-251, or 53-202;
(d) one of 53-300/34-359, or 53-305;
(e) at least two of 53/54-206, 45/53-211, 53-230, 53-260, 53-310, 53-320/48-353, 53-330, 53-340;
(f) three Women's and Gender Studies or Women-Emphasis courses.

Option requirements: six courses including
(a) two courses from Arts;
(b) two courses from Languages or Science*;
(c) two courses from any area of study, excluding Social Sciences.

Other requirements:
(a) 01-150, 01-151;
(b) six courses from any area of study, including Women's and Gender Studies (53-);
(c) six courses from any area of study, excluding Women's and Gender Studies (53-).

*53-220 will satisfy a Science requirement for non-Science majors for students in the Faculty of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences.

BA Honours in Women's and Gender Studies

Total courses: forty.

Major requirements: twenty courses, including
(a) 53-100, 53-202, 53-301, 53-400, 53-410;

(b) 53-200/43-251;
(c) 53-201/48-251;
(d) 53-300/34-359 or 53-305;
(e) at least two of 53/54-206, 45/53-211, 53-230, 53-260, 53-310, 53-320/48-353, 53-330, 53-340;
(f) one Women's and Gender Studies or Women-Emphasis course at the 100-level;
(g) nine additional Women's and Gender Studies or Women-Emphasis courses

Option requirements: six courses, including
(a) two courses from Arts;

(b) two courses from Languages or Science*;
(c) two courses from any area of study, excluding Social Sciences.

Other requirements:
(a) 01-150, 01-151;
(b) six courses from any area of study, including Women's and Gender Studies (53);
(c) six courses from any area of study, excluding Women's and Gender Studies (53-).

*53-220 will satisfy a Science requirement for students in the Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences.

Combined Honours Women's and Gender Studies

Program Regulation:
Students in combined programs must complete the major requirements for both subject areas, and 01-150 and 01-151. They must also complete the Option requirements, in the order presented, followed by any additional requirements under Other requirements, to a total of forty courses. Example: If the total course requirements add up to 43 once the major requirements for the second subject area are included, then section (c) of the Option requirements and one course from section (b) of the Option requirements should be excluded from the degree requirements.

Total courses: forty.

Major requirements-Women's and Gender Studies: fourteen courses
(a) 53-100, 53-202, 53-301, 53-400, 53-410;
(b) 53-200/43-251;
(c) 53-201/48-251;
(d) 53-300/34-359 or 53-305;
(e) at least two of 53/54-206, 45/53-211, 53-230, 53-260, 53-310, 53-320/48-353, 53-330, or 53-340*;
(f) one Women's and Gender Studies or Women-Emphasis course at the 100-level;
(g) three additional Women's and Gender Studies or Women-Emphasis courses.

Major requirements-Other Subject: as prescribed by that area of study.

Option requirements: six courses, including
(a) two courses from Arts;
(b) two courses from Languages or Science**;
(c) two courses from any area of study, excluding Social Sciences.

Other requirements:
(a) 01-150, 01-151;
(b) additional courses from any area of study a total of forty courses.

*Any course(s) not taken in category (e) can be taken in category (g) (except any cross-listed course numbers).
**53-220 will satisfy a Science requirement for students in the Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences.

Combined Honours Women's and Gender Studies when taken with Criminology

Program Regulation:
Students in combined programs must complete the major requirements for both subject areas, and 01-150 and 01-151. They must also complete the Option requirements, in the order presented, followed by any additional requirements under Other requirements, to a total of forty courses. Example: If the total course requirements add up to 43 once the major requirements for the second subject area are included, then section (c) of the Option requirements and one course from section (b) of the Option requirements should be excluded from the degree requirements.

Total courses: forty.Major requirements-Women's and Gender Studies: fourteen courses
(a) 53-100, 53-301;
(b) 53-200/43-251;
(c) at least one of 53-201/48-251 or 53-202;
(d) at least one of 53-275 or 53-375; (please note that these courses are in development; they are currently being offered under special topics course codes)
(e) 53-300/34-359 or 53-305;
(f) at least one of 02-350, 53-330, or 53-345;
(g) at least one of 53-400 or 53-410;
(h) at least two of 53/54-206, 45/53-211, 53-230, 53-260, 53-310, or 53-340;
(i) one Women's and Gender Studies or Women-Emphasis course at the 100-level;
(j) three additional Women's and Gender Studies or Women-Emphasis courses.

Major requirements-Other Subject: as prescribed by that area of study.

Option requirements: six courses, including
(a) two courses from Arts;
(b) two courses from Languages or Science**;
(c) two courses from any area of study, excluding Social Sciences.

Other requirements:
(a) 01-150, 01-151;
(b) additional courses from any area of study a total of forty courses.

*Any course(s) not taken in categories (c), (d), (f), (g), or (h) can be taken in category (j) (except any cross-listed course numbers).
**53-220 will satisfy a Science requirement for students in the Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences.

Certificate in Women's and Gender Studies

Total courses: ten.

(a) 53-100 and 53-200 (or 43-251);
(b) at least one of 53-201 (or 48-251) or 53-202;
(c) at least one of 53-300 (or 34-359 or 53-305)or 53-301;
(d) at least one of 53-211 (or 45-211), 53-260, 53-310, 53-320 (or 48-353), or 53-390:
(e) five Women's and Gender Studies or Women-Emphasis courses, with at least one at the 100-level.

Major and Minor Concentrations - Bachelor of Arts and Science (BAS)

Major Concentration: 53-100, 53-200 or 43-251, 53-201 or 48-251, 53-202; at least one of 53-300, 34-359, 53-305, or 53-301; at least two of 53-211, 45-211, 53-260, 53-310, 53-320, 48-353, 53-340, or 53-390; , one Women's and Gender Studies/Women-Emphasis course at the 100-level or above, one Women's and Gender Studies/Women-Emphasis course at the 200-level or above, three Women's and Gender Studies/ Women-Emphasis courses at the 300-level or above.

Minor Concentration:six Women's and Gender Studies (53-) courses, including 53-100; and one Women's and Gender Studies (53-) course at the 300- or 400-level, no more than one other course may be at the 100-level.

Minor in Women's and Gender Studies

Requirements: six Women's and Gender Studies (53-) courses, including 53-100 and one Women's and Gender Studies (53-) course at the 300- or 400-level; no more than one other course may be at the 100-level.

Women's and Gender Studies Emphasis Courses

Program requirements in Women's and Gender Studies make reference to Women-Emphasis courses. These currently include: English 26-128, 26-301; Languages, Literatures and Cultures 08-262, History 43-249, 43-250, 43-336, 43-361, 43-362; Psychology 46-240, 46-440, 46-445; Social Work 47-458; Sociology 48-204, 48-205, 48-214, 48-306, 48-329, 48-351, 48-352, 48-408, 48-409, 48-450, 48-461, 48-465; Nursing 63-241; and Kinesiology 95-405.

Various areas of study from time to time offer courses dealing specifically with women under specific course titles or general titles such as, "Special Topics", "Directed Readings", or "Seminars". Information regarding such courses will be available from a program advisor in Women's and Gender Studies and they may be taken with permission of the program.