Programs (Listed Alphabetically)
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Winter 2018 Undergraduate Calendar
Not all courses listed will necessarily be offered each year. All courses are three hours a week unless otherwise indicated.
48-100. Understanding Social Life
Understanding society through the exploration of contemporary social issues. (48-100 is intended as a course for students who are not major
or minoring
in Sociology, Criminology, Anthropology, and Family and Social Relations programs.) (Students who complete 48-100
subsequently enroll in 48-110 for credit.)
48-110. Foundations of Social Life
This course will introduce students to the key concepts, theories, and methods appropriate to Sociology, Anthropology, and Criminology. Focus will be on application of issues important to studying social life using multiple perspectives while exercising the sociological imagination. Topics may include discussion of culture, gender, social stratification, race and ethnicity, family, and crime and deviance. (Open only to Program Majors
and Minors
in the Department of Sociology, Anthropology, and Criminology). (48-110 is a prerequisite for all 200 level courses and above in the Department). (Students who complete 48-110
may not
bsequently enroll in 48-100 for credit). (Credit may not be obtained for both 48-110 and 48-101/48-102.)
48-204. Sociology of Families
Sociological perspectives on cross-cultural variations and changes in family forms. Topics may include discussion of marriage, kinship, family structure and organization of intimate relationship
s. (Prerequisites:
third semester standing.)
48-205. Sociology of Sexualities
An analysis of sexual differentiation, sex role acquisition, sexual attitudes, sexual behaviour, and the sex structure of Canadian society. (Prerequisites: third semester standing.)
48-213. Perspectives on Culture
An examination of the emergence, development, meaning, and idea of culture. The different ways the concept is used in applied anthropology and sociology, ethnographic research, and popular discourse are discussed.
(Prerequisites: third semester standing.)
48-214. Gender, Culture, and Power
A feminist exploration of how sex/gender system intersects with other organizing categories to frame masculinity and femininity and people’s roles and status in Canada and globally. It will examine how gender works in areas such as: popular culture, family, marriage, education, work, crime, migration, globalization or politics.(Prerequisites: third semester standing.)
-215. Principles of Physical Anthropology
A biocultural perspective of human genetic and phenotypic variation in an evolutionary context including but not limited to: comparisons to other primates; identifying sources and nature of variation in living humans and critique of race; investigations of illness in the past and present; and the study of extinct species (Prerequisite: third-semester standing.)
48-216. Education and Society
This course employs sociological perspectives on education as central to social reproduction (in the transmission of knowledge, skills and values), as well as its place within broader social struggles and the creation and maintenance of social inequalities. Central theories are reviewed in light of empirical studies. Topics may include: schools as agents of socialization, stratification in education, social mobility, schooling and the labour market, cross-cultural educational practices, alternative forms of schooling, peer group influence, higher education, teacher-student relations, apprenticeships, arts-training, and the challenges associated with school violence. (Prerequisites: third semester standing.)
48-217. Religion and Society
This course investigates religion as a social institution, examining beliefs, symbols, relations and practices. Central theories and methods are reviewed in light of historical and cross-cultural variations. Interactions with culture, education, family, community, the economy, and politics are considered. Topics may include: the sacred and the profane, secularization, myth, totemism, cults, fundamentalisms, integration, exclusion, violence, new religions and/or new age movements. (Prerequisites: third semester standing.)
-218. Principles of Archaeology
A survey of the history, theory, and methods of anthropological archaeology. Emphasis is placed on archaeology's role as a social science, aimed at documenting and explaining past human cultural behaviour.
(Prerequisites: third semester standing.)
48-220. Social Dilemmas: Social Science Perspectives
This course will examine major sociological issues facing countries today, such as economic inequality, political polarization, racism and racialization, immigration, human rights, education, media, globalization, incarceration, precarious work, gender and family, and climate change. It will explore how social science research measures and tracks changes in these areas. It will examine, for example, how different ideologies, ethical frameworks, and political positions on these issues address these issues, and how public policies, popular media, and politicians use social science research. (Prerequisite: second-semester standing).
48-222. Morals, Markets, and Myths
An introduction to economic sociology, anthropology, and criminology; this course examines how markets and forms of exchange are embedded in social institutions, are regulated by morals and suffused with moral tales (concerning debts, gifts, and taxes for instance), and depend on specialized knowledge and technology. Topics covered may include: consumerism, debt, the financialization of everyday life, market formation and regulation, corporations, capital accumulation regimes, the critical consideration of assumptions in economic research and social policy, struggles for tax justice, workers' organizations, the gendered division of social labour, digital commerce, charity, black markets, and the impacts of economic crises on societies. (Prerequisite: Third semester standing or above.
225. Work and Organizations
An examination of the changing world of work from a variety of theoretical perspectives. The
course examines workplace organization, including management strategies and workers' responses. Special topics include: work in the automobile, clothing, or other specific industries, contemporary changes in work organization and organizational issues involving class, ethnicity, and gender. (Also offered as Labour Studies 54-225.) (Prerequisites: (Prerequisites: third semester standing.)
48-227. Globalization, Development and Social Change
This course examines such issues as the impact of colonialism on global poverty and trade policies, global restructuring, neoliberal policies, global governance, poverty alleviation efforts, cultural resistance, gendered patterns of development, population displacements and popular responses to globalizat
(Prerequisites: third semester standing.)
48-228. Class, Wealth and Power in Canada
The study of structured social inequality. The existence of class and power stru
ctures and their effects on the lives of Canadians. The relation of different forms of inequality based on class, ethnicity, and gender. The various strategies people employ to respond to inequality.
(Prerequisites: third semester standing.)
48-240. Introduction to Race and Ethnicity
An introduction to race and ethnic relations, with global and Canadian perspectives, which may draw on both sociological and anthropological literature. Topics may include Canadian cultural, indigenous, ethnic and racial identities; multiculturalism; im/migration and integration; separatist movements; pursuit of collective rights; transnationalism and diaspora. (
Prerequisites: third semester standing.)
48-251. Gender, Sexuality and Social Justice
This course examines the personal and cultural meanings of women’s sexual identities in Canada today. Students consider how these identities are created and experienced in conjunction with other identities such as race/ethnicity, social class, and (dis)ability and how women challenge the personal, social, political, and economic inequities that continue to be based on these identities. Students are encouraged to analyze how their beliefs and behaviours are shaped by heterosexual privilege.(Also offered as Women's and Gender Studies 53-201.) (Prerequisites: 48-100 or 48-110/101 and 53-100)
48-260. Introduction to Criminology
Theories and research in crime causation, the nature and extent of crime, and policy responses. (Prerequisites:
48-100 or
48-262. Introduction to Criminal Justice
This course will examine the creation and administration of law and justice. Topics may include: legal systems, legal and justice professionals, civil and criminal law, courts and sanctions. Focus of the course will vary by instructor. (Prerequisites:
48-100 or
48-290. Researching Social Life
Introduction to social research with focus on guiding students through the research process. This includes: constructing a research problem; conducting a literature review; evaluating journal articles; understanding research ethics; and becoming familiar with quantitative and qualitative research methods. At the end of the course, it is expected that students will obtain a Research Ethics Certificate (TCPS2). (Prerequisites: 48-110/101;
students must be in semester 3 of their program to register for this course
48-291. Theorizing Social Life
This course
introduces students to theoretical work by focusing
on classical
social theorists such as Marx, Weber, and Durkheim and showing
how classical approaches inform contemporary
ocial analysis
. Students learn how to
interpret and persuasively appropriate theory,
think conceptually,
reflect on the basic assumptions of social analysis, and assess explanations. Topics covered typically include approaches to social order and change, modernity, ways of conceptualizing society and social life, methodology, institutional dynamics, class, inequality, and culture
(Prerequisites: 48-110/101 students must be in Semester 3 of their program to register for this course).
48-301. Sociology of Childhood
This course explores the experience of childhood as a moment within the human life cycle, yet one subject to great variation according to the family and social context. Students will become familiar with ongoing debates about the nature of children and childhood, the concept of socialization, the role and place of children in family, social, and economic life, as well as children’s own agency in shaping their lived experience. (Prerequisites:
48-204 and semester 5 or higher standing.)
48-305. Sexuality and Health
Contemporary topics in sexuality and health examined from Canadian and international perspectives, such as HIV and AIDS, sexual health movements, and the social construction of sexual dysfunction. (Prerequisite: 48-205 and semester 5 or higher standing)
48-306. Sociology of Women
An overview of the economic, educational, familial, political, and religious factors affecting the position of women in society. A socio-historical analysis of the change in the roles and status of women in Canada and internationally with a view to understanding the nature of their impact upon major societal institutions. (Semester 5 or higher standing).
48-308. Intermediate Statistics
Basic inferential statistics, including estimation, confidence intervals, and hypothesis testing. Also included is the application of computer packages to selected statistical problems.
(Prerequisite: 02-250, 48-290/210
(or equivalent),
and semester 5 or higher standing
.) (Credit can only be obtained for one of 46-313 or 48-308.) (2 lecture hours, 1 laboratory hour a week.)
48-321. Formal Organizations in Comparative Perspective
An examination of the organization of work in national and cultural contexts. The focus is on the influence of societies, including their traditions, languages, and institutions on the organization of work. This course examines organizations in
comparative perspective, looking at Japanese or other managerial strategies in industrialized and newly industrializing countries.
48-225 or 54-100 and semester 5 or higher standing)
-323. Forensic Anthropology
An overview of anthropological methods as applied to death investigations. Topics may include detection, recovery, and examination of human remains; problems of identification and individualization; and the reconstruction of events that occurred around the time of death. (Prerequisite: 4
and semester 5 or higher standing
48-326. Jobs, Careers, and the Labour Market
An examination of occupations and the changing labour market. This course examines the ways people choose occupations and develop careers, the nature of professions and professionalization, unemployment and its consequences, and the influence of occupations on individuals and society in a wider sense. Special topics include the impact of technological change on the occupational structure of younger and other populations. (Prerequisites:
48-225 or 54-100 and semester 5 or higher standing
(Also offered as Labour Studies 54-326.)
48-327. Social Movements
An examination of theories and case studies of world revolutions, class struggles, and various social movements, such as the feminist, gay and lesbian, labour, native, ecological, and other movements. (Also offered as 54-327
) (Prerequisites:
48-110/101 or 54-100 and
semester 5 or higher standing) (
Credit can only be obtained for either
48-327 or 54-327).
48-329. Contemporary Families
Examines the empirical sociological literature on families and their formation in the context of postwar change with emphasis on the Canadian experience, including key demographic trends such as the rise of cohabitation and two-earner families, and changes in divorce rates. (Prerequisites: 48-204
and semester 5 or higher standing
48-332. Labour and the Industrialization Process
The development of Canadian industry and workers' responses to industrialization are examined. Special topics may include early industrialization and its effects, the development of monopoly capitalism, the emergence of service and other new industries, the impact of new technologies, changes in the division of labour, the impact of globalization and economic restructuring, the development of new management approaches such as lean production, changes in women's work, the development of labour unions, and the role of women, youth, and minorities at work. (Prerequisites:
48-225 or 54-100
and semester 5 or higher standing).
(Also offered as 54-332; Credit may not be obtained for both 48-332 and 54-332.)
Crimes of the State: Genocide, War Crimes and Ethnic Cleansing
This course examines complex issues related to genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing and other related crimes of the state in comparative contexts and considers the possibilities and constraints of international law and humanitarian intervention in detecting and preventing future mass atrocities. (Prerequisites: 48-240 and semester 5 or higher standing.)
48-336. Healing, Illness and Bodies
A survey of the social, cultural and political dimensions of health, drawing on both anthropological and sociological perspectives. The course provides a global perspective to address multiple issues in the study of health and illness, including relations between culture and health, the political economy of health, and globalization and health. Topics may include: specific health issues, different models of health, critical analysis of Western medicine/health models, and HIV/AIDS studies.
(Prerequisites: 48-291/202 or 48-213,
and semester 5 or higher standing
48-338. Stuff: Seeing Culture Through 'Things'
Why do we need so much stuff and how has it changed over time?
An examination of the representation and interpretation of the material artifacts of culture in a global context, including theoretical approaches to objects and cultural products
way artifacts and objects are interpreted, used and represented in our social and economic institutions, our everyday lives and in a global context. We ask: What is the function of objects in contemporary capitalist societies? To what degree do we ‘need’ things to make our way in the world? How do objects inform our social identities? The course draws on a variety of theoretical approaches to explore the meaning, circulation and production of objects, including the relationship of objects to consumption.
Topics may include cultural products and commodities,
consumption and technologies, places and museums, media and visual displays, (Prerequisites: 48-213 48-291/202
or 48-220 and 48-291
and semester 5 or higher standing). (Credit may not be obtained for both 48-338 and 49-338).
Refugees, Borders, and Human Rights
Who are refugees, illegal migrants and asylum seekers? Where do asylum seekers come from and why? What do states do about them? Which agencies, actors and interest groups engage with refugees? What are the links between refugees and nationalism and racism, borders, immigration policies and attitudes, state sovereignty, diaspora and transnationalism, human rights and cultural identities? How do we understand borders, boundaries, and biopolitics in our contemporary world? This course provides the student with the analytical skills to interpret historical and contemporary claims, vested interests and local, regional and global complexities of these issues. (Prerequisites: 48-213, 48-227 or 48-240, and semester 5 or higher standing).
48-340. Food and Global Sustainability
This course offers a comparative examination of the emergence of a global food system and its implications for culture, environment, working conditions, health, and population movements. (Prerequisite 48-227
and semester 5 or higher standing
48-341. Human-Animal Studies
A sociologically-informed examination of the growing field of human-animal studies, focusing on the effects of social, legal, political, economic, technological, and cultural change on our relations with and representations of nonhuman animals. Topics covered may include examining the socio-political constructions of animals, policies governing the (ab)use of animals, consumptive practices involving animals, use of animals for leisure and entertainment, and intersectional conceptions of social, environmental and species justice.
(Prerequisites: semester 5 or higher standing
48-350. Practical Strategies for Social Change: Intervening to P
revent Sexual Assault
This course provides male and female students with an introduction to sexual violence as a social problem. The course addresses how this social problem manifests, why it matters, how it persists, and finally, how it can be changed. The importance of personal and community responsibility for social change is emphasized. This course also provides students with the background knowledge that is needed to successfully teach sexual assault prevention education sessions for fellow students, using the
Bringing in the Bystander® In Person Prevention
workshop. Selected students will deliver the workshop by taking Practicum in Social Change (02-450/46-450/47-450/48-451/53-450) the following semester. Restricted to students who have attained a cumulative GPA of 66% or higher at the time of application. (Prerequisite: Semester 4 standing or above and permission of the instructor by online application at (Also offered as 02-350, 46-350, 47-350, and 53-351.)
48-351. Ga
y and Lesbian Studies
A multidisciplinary review of critical issues in the social organization and representation of same-sex bonding, including discussion of: cross-cultural studies, historical constructions of homosexuality and romantic friendship, coming out and identity, relationships and family, theories of homophobia and sexual repression, the development of communities and social movements in modern societies, the impacts of AIDS, and the emergence of queer theory.
(Prerequisites: 48-205 and semester 5 or higher standing
48-352. Citizenship, Rights, and Social Justice
An examination of the impact of the ‘global’ on social and economic processes, human rights and struggles over rights in specific locales worldwide. Topics may include: gender-based violence, poverty and ‘development’, children’s rights, changing labour practices; human rights principles and institutions; and cultural and political struggles for rights in European, North American, and post-colonial settings (Prerequisite:
48-213 or 48-291/202,
and semester 5 or higher standing
48-353. Women, Power, and the Environment
This course focuses on environmental issues as they affect women across cultures. It provides a feminist critical analysis of the power relations in modern societies that cause environmental degradation and examines the theories, policies, and institutions that contribute to unsustainable practices. Emphasis is placed on the women-nature debate within various environmental social movements and the historical role women have played as activists. (Also offered as Women's and Gender Studies 53-320.) (Prerequisite: Semester
standing and one course at the 200-level or above from Women's and Gender Studies.)
48-354. Gender, Space, and Time
An examination of sociological and anthropological approaches to the study of space-time relations within the field of gender studies, including a focus on the development of gendered environments and cultural practices.
(Also offered as Women's and Gender Studies 53-354.
) (Prerequisites:
48-214 or 53-100 and semester 5 or higher standing
48-356. Cultural Theory
Through a selective examination of social theory, this seminar examines key ideas that inform identities and reflect contemporary issues. Topics may include: race, culture and ethnicity, colonial and post-colonial theory. (Prerequisite: 48
and semester 5 or higher standing
48-361. Youth in Conflict with the Law
The course covers theories of delinquency causation, the youth justice system, Youth Criminal Justice Act, prevention, and treatment programs. (Prerequisites: 48-260, 48-262,
and semester 5 or higher standing
48-362. Victimology
Victimology is a subfield of criminology that Focuses on victims within the study of crime. Topics explored may include: victimology patterns, the process and aftermath of the victimization experience, the involvement and treatment of victims in the criminal justice system, legal remedies and services available to victims, restorative justice initiatives, and victims' rights. (Prerequisites: 48-260, 48-26
, and semester 5 or higher standing
48-363. Penology
Study of the correctional institution including the impact of prison on inmates, the prison subculture, prison architecture, and administration, special institutions, and the assessment of education, occupational, recreational, and treatment programs. (Prerequisites: 48-260, 48-262
, and semester 5 or higher standing
48-365. Green Criminology
This course will introduce undergraduate students to green criminology, a new and growing sub-field within criminology examining harms (criminal and otherwise) perpetrated against the environment and human and non-human animals. It examines the conceptual and theoretical developments within this field, as well as specific substantive harms, the various layers of actors involved, and the potentials and limitations of regulation. (Prerequisites: 48-260, 48-262
and semester 5 or higher standing
White Collar Crime
This course focuses on
criminal and non-criminal harms perpetrated by powerful individuals, organizations, and institutions.
Topics covered may
corruption, genocide, environmental crime,
workplace injury and death,
stock market manipulation
and various other kinds of fraud. The development and enforcement of criminal,
and civil law will be examined along with different theoretical perspectives on
this specific type of
criminal behaviour. (Prerequisites: 48-260, 48-262 and semester 5 or higher standing)
48-368. Policing and Security
This course will provide an overview of the development of public policing and security in Canadian society. Topics will include the history, development, organization, role and mandate of public policing. The course will also introduce students to the concept of security and will cover interpretive models for assessing how policing and security are governed and practiced both in Canada and internationally (Prerequisites: 48-260, 48-262,
and semester 5 or higher standing)
48-370. Selected Topics in Criminology
Course content varies by instructor and can be taken more than once if content changes. Details about the course will be made available through the department. (Prerequisites: 48-260, 48-262,
and semester 5 or higher standing
48-371. Drugs and Society
Using a sociological perspective, this course aims to provide a foundation for the critical understanding of drugs and society. In particular, this course explores the various processes (i.e., social, cultural, political, economic) that shape our understanding of and policies towards drugs and drug use in historical and contemporary society. (Prerequisites: 48-260, 48-262,
and semester 5 or higher standing
48-373. Contemporary Criminological Theory
A review of modern theoretical approaches in criminology. (Prerequisites: 48-260 and 48-262
and semester 5 or higher standing
48-374. Crime, Media and Culture
This course explores the relationships between crime, crime control, media and popular culture by focusing on the theoretical understanding of the interplay between crime, media and culture, how crime and crime control are represented through various forms of media, and the potential effects of various media on crime and crime control policy. Focus and topics may vary by instructor. (Prerequisite: 48-260; 48-262;
and semester 5 or higher standing
48-375. Social Justice and Global Change
An examination of issues of social justice arising from the intensification of social and economic inequalities within an increasingly globalized world. Topics may include the emerging international human rights framework, national and transnational struggles to bring about social change, and post-colonialism.
48-227 or 38-101
and semester 5 or higher standing).
48-382. Surveillance and Society
The course provides an overview of surveillance in contemporary society. Substantive topics may include surveillance in relation to national security, covert police activities, social media, consumers, workplace, biometrics and inequality, social sorting, privacy, and privacy law/regulation. Focus of the course will vary by instructor. (Prerequisites: 48-260; 48-262; and semester 5 or higher standing).
48-390. Qualitative Approaches to Social and Cultural Research
An exploration and application of interpretive research strategies. Student will be taught to employ various techniques as they bear on real world issues and research questions. Techniques may include for example, participant observation, historical comparative analysis, oral histories, interviewing, cultural and discourse analysis. Students are expected to hold their TCPS certificate and learn to apply ethical issues specific to the interpretive and qualitative methodologies employed in the course. (Prerequisites: 48-290/210 (or equivalent), 48-291/202, and semester 5 or higher standing)
48-391. Contemporary Social Theory
Investigates influential contemporary approaches to understanding and explaining social life. Emphasis is placed on epistemology, ontology and normativity, and on critically evaluating and creatively using theory. Theories covered may include Symbolic Interactionism, Structural-Functionalism, Phenomenology, Structuralism, Neo-Marxism, Psychoanalysis, Feminism, Postmodernism, and Postcolonialism among others. (Prerequisite: 48-291/202,
48-290/210 (or equivalent),
and semester 5 or higher standing
48-397. Selected Topics in Sociology
Course content will vary by instructor. This course may be taken more than once if content changes. (Prerequisites:
semester 5 or higher standing
48-403. Advanced Seminar in
Culture and Ideology
The study of the influence of social location on human understanding, including the social organization, creation, and distribution of knowledge. Topics may include how social practices shape scientific knowledge, the origins of common sense and conventional wisdom, how politics affect medical definitions, and cultural constructions of class, gender, race, and sexuality. (Prerequisite: 48-391/302
or 48-356 or 48-373; 48-390/310 (or 48-355), 48-308 and semester 7 or higher standing,
or consent of instructor.)
48-405. Advanced Seminar in Social Theory
An exploration of contemporary social theory as it bears on sociology and related disciplines. Theoretical approaches examined will vary by instructor. (Prerequisite: 48-391/302
or 48
-356 or 48-373; 48-390/310 (or 48-355), 48-308 and semester 7 or higher standing,
or consent of instructor.)
48-408. Advanced Seminar in Feminism
This course explores contemporary feminist thought; it includes the application of feminist theories to the understanding of social issues, political engagement and cultural struggles. Key topics may include diversity and identities, globalization, the politics of pleasure, reproductive politics, gender, sexualities, and social movements. (Prerequisite: 48-391/302
or 48
-356 or 48-373; 48-390/310 (or 48-355), 48-308 and semester 7 or higher standing,
or consent of instructor.)
48-409. Advanced Seminar in
Family, Gender and Culture
A critical examination of key issues and debates in multiple family forms and relations in contemporary society. The course will adopt a cross-cultural approach examining and analyzing family forms and processes with emphasis on the intersectionalities of gender, culture, age, ethnicity, and class. (Prerequisites: 48-204, 48-391/302
or 48
-356 or 48-373; 48-390/310 (or 48-355), 48-308 and semester 7 or higher standing,
or consent of instructor.)
-412. Human Skeletal Variation
This course is an advanced critical review of theories and methods for collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data from human skeletal remains in bioarchaeological (paleopathology, paleodemography, etc.) and forensic contexts. Students will learn to pursue a biocultural approach for the study of human skeletal variation. (Prerequisite: 4
-323, 48-391/302
or 48-356 or 48-373; 48-390/310 (or 48-355), 48-308 and semester 7 or higher standing,
or consent of instructor.)
48-415. Advanced Seminar in Culture, Power, and Globalization
A critical and substantive examination of culture in a global context, including cultural practices, political economy and culture, culture and representation and culture and identity. Topics may include: material culture, commodities and cultural products; colonialism; globalization; ideas of place and time; transnational networks. (Prerequisites: 48-391/302
or 48-356 or 48-373; 48-390/310 (or 48-355), 48-308 and semester 7 or higher standing,
or consent of instructor.)
48-416. Survey Research Capstone
The design, implementation, and analysis of sample surveys of topical and timely issues related to social life. (Prerequisite:
(or equivalent),
48-308, and three 200 or 300-level courses; a minimum of 73% in the program;
semester 7 or higher standing,
and permission of the instructor
) (3 lecture hours, or 2 lecture hours, one tutorial/laboratory hour a week.)
Engaged Scholars and Public Life
Contemporary approaches to “real world” problems, political struggles, and social debates. Questions about the role of anthropologists, sociologists and other scholars (as advocates, activists, applied researchers and writers) are explored within the shifting contexts of global and community dynamics. Students will consider how ethnographic knowledge informs contemporary publics. Topics may include: identity politics, post-colonial struggles, development and health research, social policy, and popular culture. (Prerequisites: 48-391/302
or 48
-356 or 48-373; 48-390/310 (or 48-355), 48-308 and semester 7 or higher standing,
or consent of instructor.)
48-421. Special Topics in Sociology and Criminology
Topics may vary by instructor; consult the departmental website for details. (Prerequisites: 48-391/302 or 48-356 or 48-373; 48-390/310 (or 48-355), 48-308 and semester 7 or higher standing, or consent of instructor.) (May be repeated for credit if content changes.)
48-422. Advanced Seminar on Race and Ethnicity
This course explores theoretical approaches to race and ethnicity with a focus on political and cultural struggles and issues encountered by racialized and ethnic minorities. Topics may include: multicultural politics, anti-racist strategies, transnational and diasporic mobilization, and in intersectionality. (Prerequisites: 48-240
; 48-391/302
or 48
-356 or 48-373; 48-390/310 (or 48-355), 48-308 and semester 7 or higher standing,
or consent of instructor.)
48-425. Social Life in the City
The course is designed to give advanced students the opportunity to engage in qualitative research projects on social issues and cultural practices in the Windsor-Essex Region. (Prerequisites: a 73% in the program, 48-391/302 or 48
(or 48-355);
and semester 7 or
higher standing
and permission of the instructor).
48-428. Advanced Seminar in Labour and Globalization
An examination of the impact of contemporary globalization on work life and working class economic and political mobilization. Particular emphasis is placed on a comparative study of labour movement strategies with a view to understanding the nationally specific and cross national character of these responses. (Prerequisites: 48-326; 48-391/302 or 48-356; 48-390/310 (or 48-355), 48-308 and semester 7 or higher standing, or consent of instructor.)
48-429. Advanced Seminar in Family Studies
Discussion of major themes in family theory, which may include explanations for family forms, functioning, processes and structure. (Prerequisites 48-204,
or 48
-356 or 48-373; 48-390/310 (or 48-355), 48-308 and semester 7 or higher standing,
or consent of instructor.)
48-447. Social Justice Practicum
This course offers students the opportunity to apply their academic knowledge within community organization settings. Students will be given the opportunity to learn about the day-to-day operation and structure of a participating social justice agency through observation of, and discussion with, staff and executive members. Students will be assigned a major project to carry out for the agency under the supervision of the course instructor and an on-site practicum supervisor. Students will be expected to meet regularly with the course instructor and to provide oral and written reports on their experience during the term.
(Prerequisites: 48-391/302
or 48
-356 or 48-373; 48-390/310 (or 48-355), 48-308 and semester 7 or higher standing
.) (Course enrollment is limited and a letter of application is required.)
48-450. Advanced Seminar in Sexualities and Identities
A critical engagement with the historical, contemporary and newly burgeoning sociological approaches to sexualities and sexual identities. The course will adopt a cross-cultural approach in examining and analyzing human sexualities, with emphasis on the intersectionalities of other forms of inequality such as gender, race, ethnicity, disability, and class. Topics may vary from year to year. (Prerequisite: 48-205, 48-391/302 or 48
-356 or 48-373; 48-390/310 (or 48-355), 48-308 and semester 7 or higher standing, or consent of instructor.)
. Practicum in Social Change
Supervised practicum in a university setting. Students consolidate and enhance their knowledge of sexual assault and bystander intervention. Students co-facilitate the
Bringing in the Bystander® In Person Prevention
program for one or more small groups of students on campus. The practicum experience equips students to deliver educational content on sensitive issues. (Prerequisite: 02-350/46-350/47-350/48-350/53-351 and permission of the instructor.) (Also offered as 02-02-450, 46-450, 47-450, and 53-450)
48-460. Advanced Seminar in Constructions of Deviance
This course explores theory and research concerned with constructions of deviant behavior and social issues. It involves the application of constructionist theory to a variety of behaviours and issues including the role of moral entrepreneurs, symbolic crusades and the medicalization on deviance. Substantive topics will vary by instructor. (Prerequisites: 48-260, 48-391/302 or 48-373; 48-390/310 (or 48-355), 48-308 and semester 7 or higher standing; at least one 300-level course from the 300 level criminology course selection, or consent of instructor.)
48-461. Advanced Seminar in Law and Social Policy
This course explores theory and research concerned with legal and government policies and their impact on individuals, social institutions and society. Substantive topics will vary by instructor. (Prerequisites:
or 48-373; 48-390/310 (or 48-355), 48-308 and semester 7 or higher standing; at least one 300-level course from the 300 level criminology course selection or consent of instructor.)
48-464. Advanced Seminar in Sociology of Law
An investigation of theory and research in the sociology of law. Topics may include the social construction of law, the legal profession, law and social change, legal consciousness, law as governance, legal avoidance, moral regulation, and popular representations of law. Criminal and other forms of law will be discussed in relation to these topics. Focus of the course will vary by instructor. (Prerequisites: 48-391/302
or 48-373; 48-390/310 (or 48-355), 48-308 and semester 7 or higher standing; at least one 300-level course from the 300 level criminology course selection; or consent of instructor
48-465. Advanced Seminar in Gender, Law, and Crime
This course will examine the ways gender intersects with the law and crime. It focuses on the importance of taking gender into consideration in understanding offending and victimization, the development and impacts of legislation, and the work of the criminal justice system. Focus of the course will vary by instructor. (Prerequisites: 48-391/302 or 48-373; 48-390/310 (or 48-355), 48-308 and semester 7 or higher standing; at least one 300-level course from the 300 level criminology course selection; or consent of instructor.)
48-467. Criminology Professional Development Practicum
This practicum provides students in the Criminology program with the opportunity to apply learned concepts and theory to a practical setting and to become further familiarized with an area related to Criminology. Students will be placed in organizations in the Windsor-Essex region related to their area of interest within Criminology (
the law, corrections,
.) and will be expected to dedicate a total of 100 hours to both the in-class learning and practicum components of the course. Additionally, students will be required to complete assignments as assigned by the instructor. This course is open to Criminology majors only. (Prerequisites:
48-260, 48-262, 48-373 or 48-391/302,
emester 7 orr higher
and minimum major average of 73%.)
48-491. Advanced Seminar in Criminology
This course exposes students to advanced criminological topics through the lens of the instructor’s current research. Practical and/or theoretical implications of the research within local, national, global and/or cyberspace communities will be examined. Topics will vary by instructor. (Prerequisites:
48-260; 48-262;
or 48-373; 48-390/310 (or 48-355), 48-308 and semester 7 or higher standing; at least one 300-level course from the 300 level criminology course selection; or consent of instructor
48-496. Honours Essay
Independent research or internship conducted under the supervision of an individual faculty member. (Prerequisites: 48-
or 48-356 or 48-373,
/310 (48-355)
and semester 7 or higher standing;
or consent of instructor.)
49-111. Introduction to Physical Anthropology and Archaeology
An introduction to the biological evolution of humanity and the cultural evolution of human society, including a consideration of the significance of humanity's evolutionary past for an understanding of the contemporary world.
49-112. Culture in Comparative Perspective
An introduction to the variety of human cultures throughout the contemporary world. An examination of the significance of cultural anthropology for overcoming the barriers preventing the understanding of other cultures and ourselves.