Fall 2019 Graduate Calendar


The following requirements are supplementary to the University's general requirements as set out by the Faculty of Graduate Studies.


Faculty of Engineering

Master of Engineering (MEng) Degree in Civil Engineering, Civil Engineering with Co-op/Internship, Environmental Engineering, Environmental Engineering with Co-op/Internship, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering with Co-op/Internship, Industrial Engineering, Industrial Engineering with Co-op/Internship, Mechanical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering with Co-op/Internship, and Engineering Materials, Engineering Materials with Co-op/Internship. For the MEng Mechanical Engineering - Automotive Option with Co-op click here and or go to: http://www.uwindsor.ca/professional/384/master-engineering-mechanical-engineering-automotive-option.

1. General
    The Master of Engineering (MEng) degree offered at the University of Windsor is a course work professional program open to students who satisfy the admission requirements. The MEng Program takes three to five semesters to complete but is structured in such a way that it may be completed in one year by a full-time student. The minimum period of full-time registration for the MEng degree is three semesters and the maximum allowable time is five semesters. For part-time students, the minimum period of registration for the MEng degree is eight semesters and the maximum allowable time is fifteen consecutive semesters. Practical work-experience placements are available for full-time students only, but cannot be guaranteed.
2. Degree, Course and Credit Requirements

Students in MEng Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Materials and Industrial Engineering must take
Eight (8) courses, equivalent to 24 credits, including:
    (a) four (4) mandatory courses, equivalent to 12 credits, including GENG-8000 (Engineering Technical Communications),* GENG-8010 (Engineering Mathematics) and GENG-8020 (Engineering Project Management) and GENG-8555 (Computational Methods and Modeling for Engineering Applications) equivalent to 12 credits.
    (b) four (4) major courses, equivalent to 12 credits, one of which may be taken from the 4000-level courses related to the major
    *Engineering Technical Communications can be waived (i.e., replaced by another graduate course of equal or greater credit value approved by the program coordinator,) at the discretion of the department pending an evaluation of the student’s communication ability by the department.

    Full time MEng students in Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Materials and Industrial Engineering can only register in a major course under one of the following conditions:
    1- Successfully completed four mandatory courses (GENG-8000, GENG-8010, GENG-8020 GENG-8555 ),
    2- Successfully completed three mandatory courses (GENG-8000, GENG-8010 GENG-8020 ) and simultaneously registered in the fourth mandatory course (85-555) and a major course.

    Full-time Co-op MEng Students in Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Materials and Industrial Engineering can enroll in a maximum of two courses in their first semester and three courses in their second semester.

    Full-time non-Coop MEng students in Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Materials and Industrial Engineering should take maximum of two mandatory courses in their first two semesters, while in the second semester they can add an extra graduate course from their host program.

    Part time MEng students should complete all four mandatory courses (GENG-8000, GENG-8010, GENG-8020 , GENG-8555 before registering in a major course.

    Students in MEng Civil Engineering and MEng Environmental Engineering must take eight (8) courses, equivalent to 24 credits, including:
    (a) three (3) mandatory courses, equivalent to 9 credits: GENG-8000(Engineering Technical Communications)*, GENG-8010 (Engineering Mathematics), and GENG-8020 (Engineering Project Management)
    (b) five (5) major courses, equivalent to 15 credits, one of which may be taken from the 400-level courses related to the major.

    *Engineering Technical Communications can be waived (i.e., replaced by another graduate course of equal or greater credit value approved by the program coordinator,) at the discretion of the department pending an evaluation of the student’s communication ability by the department.

    Full-time MEng students in Civil Engineering and Environmental Engineering can only register in a major course under one of the following conditions:
    1- They have successfully completed three mandatory courses (GENG-8000, GENG-8010, and GENG-8020); or
    2- They have successfully completed two mandatory courses (selected from GENG-8000, GENG-8010, and GENG-8020 ) and are registered in a third mandatory course.

    Full-time MEng Students in Civil Engineering and Environmental Engineering can take a maximum of two courses in their first semester.

    Part-time MEng students in Civil Engineering and Environmental Engineering should complete all three mandatory courses (GENG-8000, GENG-8010,GENG-8020) before registering in a major course.

    2.1 A candidate, with the permission of the host Department, may register for at most one senior undergraduate course (4000-level) in the MEng Program. All courses must be for credit only.

    2.2 The candidate must obtain a pass in all courses credited to her or his program, with a minimum overall average of 70%. A grade of less than 60% in any course counts as a failure.

    2.3 Co-op/Internship – Work Term Option
    MECH-8071. The work term is offered on a pass/fail basis. It provides the opportunity for students to enhance academic learning with valuable industrial experience, and to develop transferable skills in an applied setting. Students must apply for admission to the Co-op/internship option in their first study term (Prerequisite: Departmental permission). Students can complete a four (4) month work term.

    All Co-op/Internship positions must be full-time, paid, related to the degree program, and approved by the University. The process of securing a Co-op/Internship position is competitive. Co-op/Internship students will apply for work opportunities as advertised by the Centre for Career Education using an Internet-based software program and employers will make interview and hiring decisions. Students are also encouraged to seek Co-op/Internship employment outside of the advertised postings by completing a guided job search process facilitated by the Centre for Career Education. All Co-op/Internship students must, in the first and second semester of their program, register and pass three (3) graduate courses for their program.

    Withdrawal from the Co-op/Internship program will be granted only under exceptional circumstances .For example, it must be determined that the student has no outstanding commitments to employers. Students who wish to withdraw must meet with a Co-op Coordinator and complete a withdrawal form. However, the only time a student may withdraw from an graduate Co-op/Internship program without further Co-op/Internship fee payment implications is by the 1st Friday of classes after their first Co-op/Internship work term. Students who withdraw from Co-operative Education at any other time will be liable for paying the Co-op/Internship fee for the term in which they are dropping and one additional term.

    In the interest of building solid partnerships with employers, students who have accepted a co-op employment offer (either by ranking a position in round 1 of the job competition or by accepting a position in later rounds (either verbally or in writing)) must honour that commitment. Therefore, once students have accepted an offer of employment for a work term, they will be considered registered in the appropriate work term course and must remain in the Co-op/Internship program until they have completed their work term requirements. Failure to honour these commitments and/or to complete all work term requirements will lead to being required to withdraw from the Co-op/Internship program and will result in a failing grade on his/her transcript for that work term.

    Master of Engineering co-op/internship students will be registered in a work term course for the four month term of their placement. This course will be evaluated on a pass fail basis. In order to receive a passing grade, students must: · Submit learning objectives at the beginning of the 4 month work term
    Receive a satisfactory mid work term assessment from supervisor
    · Submit and receive a passing grade on a work term report (guidelines prepared by faculty and report evaluated by faculty)
    · Complete and receive a satisfactory post-work term presentation (evaluated by Co-op Coordinator and Faculty)
    · Receive a satisfactory final work term performance evaluation by employer
3. Schemes of Study
    The Master of Engineering may be taken by full-time students or those who wish to study on a part-time basis while remaining in full-time employment. All applicants for the MEng program are expected to be entirely self-funded and no financial assistance will be provided by the Faculty of Engineering or the University of Windsor. International students are admitted as full-time students only.

    3.1 Full-Time Students will be:
      3.1.1 required to register for a maximum of three courses per semester,
      3.1.2 required to register for a minimum of two courses per semester,
      3.1.3 expected to complete all degree requirements within 5 academic semesters.

    3.2 Part-Time Students will be:
      3.2.1 required to register for a maximum of one course per semester,
      3.2.2 required to complete all degree requirements within 15 academic semesters and should not have more than two semesters of continuous "inactive" status
4. Admission Requirements
    MEng applicants shall be recommended for admission by the Faculty of Engineering Coordinator. Official admission to any program of graduate studies is in the form of a "Letter of Acceptance" issued by the Faculty of Graduate Studies. Please note that the following are minimum requirements and do not guarantee admission.
    4.1 Undergraduate degree (BASc / B.Sc. in Engineering / B.Eng. degree or equivalent*) with at least 73% average over the last two years. International applicants are advised to refer to the specified minimum admission requirements, listed by country, at the Faculty of Engineering’s Professional and Graduate Studies (FEPGS) website and the Faculty of Graduate Studies website.

    Students whose undergraduate degree programs do not provide them with sufficient background in Design, Applied Science and Professional/Technical communications are required to enter a qualifying program of courses at the undergraduate level before admission to candidature for the MEng degree. Students entering and successfully completing the MEng qualifying program may receive an Advanced Certificate in Engineering.


    4.2 Successful completion of an Honours Certificate in one of the available programs at the Faculty of Engineering, with a minimum average of 77%.

    4.3 A candidate who has not fulfilled the minimum requirement of 73% average may be admitted to the MEng Program as a probationary student** provided that he/she has

    achieved at least 77% overall standing in the Final Year of the graduation. Note: there is no guarantee of admission even if an applicant meets the minimum requirements.
    **Such candidates will be required to achieve a grade of at least 70% in the first two MEng courses to be regularized in the MEng Program.

    4.4 The language of instruction for the MEng courses is English. Applicants will be required to provide certification of English language proficiency, if he or she has:

    4.4.1 not completed three or more years of post-secondary work at a Canadian institution or in a country where the official language is English. or
    4.4.2 not been employed for a similar period of time in a position in which English was the primary language of business.

    4.5 Where applicable a student’s certification of English language proficiency can be demonstrated by a minimum score set by the department. For minimum requirements in other equivalent exams, information is available on the Faculty of Graduate Studies website. The Faculty of Engineering and the Faculty of Graduate Studies reserve the right to require further demonstration of English Language proficiency.

    4.6 The Department may consider for admission to its degree programs students from outside Canada who have excellent academic preparation, but who do not meet the usual standards of English language proficiency. Successful completion of the English Language Improvement Program (ELIP) will be considered as a means to gain admission to the Department for such students.

    4.7 Students who do not meet the academic requirements outlined above may be considered for admission to a transitional, probationary or qualifying program depending on their academic background.

    4.8 Students seeking admission to the Department’s MEng programs must also complete the Department’s Graduate Student Information Form and the Faculty of Graduate Studies Admission Reference form.
5. Degree Program Transfers (MEng, MASc and PhD)
    5.1 The MEng is a course-based professional degree and does not require a research thesis. As admission to the Department’s PhD program requires a demonstrated record of research capabilities, MEng graduates are not eligible for direct admission to the PhD program, see 5.2.

    5.2 On successful completion of the MEng degree with an overall average of at least 77%, a student may apply for admission into the Department’s MASc (fast-track) program, see section 6.

    5.3 A full-time MEng student may apply for admission into the MASc research degree track after successfully completing 4 MEng courses with an overall average of at least 77%. A maximum of two courses from their major (excluding GENG-8XXX courses) may be granted advanced standing towards the requirements of the MASc degree. Applications for admission to the MASc from the MEng program must conform to the general regulations for admission to the MASc program. Admission to the MASc program also requires that a faculty member in the department is able and willing to act as a research advisor. Admission is not guaranteed. MEng students, once admitted to the MASc Program cannot transfer back to the MEng Program. They will be required to re-apply to the MEng Program. If admitted to the MEng Program a student may receive advanced stanging for a maximum of 4 (four) graduate level courses

    5.4 While strongly discouraged, a full-time MASc student may apply for admission into the MEng degree track. A maximum of two courses of advanced standing may be granted towards the requirements of the MEng degree provided the courses are on the Department’s approved MEng course list. Applications for admission to the MEng from the MASc program must conform to the general regulations regarding admission to the MEng program. Admission is not guaranteed. Students transferring from the MASc research degree to the MEng course based degree will be expected to be self-supporting and can expect no financial assistance from the Department or University during the remainder of their studies.
5.5 MASc students transferring to the MEng must relinquish their research student office and will be required to return any computer equipment provided for their use as an MASc research student.

6. MEng-MASc Fast-Track Program
    6.1 As described in section 5.2 above, on successful completion of the MEng degree with an overall average of at least 77%, a student may apply for admission into the Department’s MASc program. Applications for admission to the MASc from the MEng program must conform to the general regulations for admission to the MASc program.

    6.2 Admission to the fast-track MASc program also requires that a faculty member in the department is able and willing to act as a research advisor.

    6.3 The fast-track MASc program which can only be entered following the successful completion of the MEng degree, as described above, consists of a research project which must be completed within 6 semesters for a part-time student or 3 semesters for a full-time student after completion of the MEng degree. A major paper may be substituted for the research project at the discretion of the Department and the student’s advisor.

    6.4 The MASc thesis must conform to the general regulations regarding Master’s theses as described in the Faculty of Graduate Studies regulations and guidelines. A maximum of two courses of advanced standing may be granted towards the requirements of the MASc degree (subject to the approval of FGS). The nature of the remaining two or more courses is at the discretion of the supervisor.

^Contact the department for the specific courses in Computer Engineering.

Students who have either failed to complete, or cannot continue in, the Degree of Master of Engineering (M.Eng.), and have been accepted into the Honours Certificate may be allowed to retain as credit a maximum of four (4) graduate courses in which they have received a grade of 70% or higher. The transfer of the courses is at the discretion of the Department Head and Associate Dean Academic, Faculty of Engineering. Students who transfer to the HCP from the MEng, and have successfully completed the HCP with 77%, may reapply for admission into an Engineering Graduate program but will not be given credit for any courses they previously transferred to the HCP.

Policy on Grades between 60-69%: Students who obtain grades between 60% and 69% can retain a maximum of two courses with these grades if their overall average is above 70% in the semester in which they received these marks. If the overall average is below 70% in the semester in which they received these grades, the student may be required to repeat the course, take an equivalent course, or may be required to withdraw.
    Policy on Failing Grades: Students who obtain a grade below 60% (failed grade) may be required to repeat this course or replace it with an equivalent course. Students receiving a failing grade (below 60%) in more than one course may be required to withdraw from the program.