University Slogan - The degree that works
Graduate Calendar
Spring 2009

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While there is no guarantee of financial support for individual students, the University of Windsor is committed to supporting and encouraging graduate studies. Each program and the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research are available to assist in the preparation of a strong and complete application for funding.

The main sources of funding for graduate students at the University of Windsor are:
(a) National (Canadian) and provincial (Ontario) scholarship awards (i) tenable at Windsor, or (ii) tenable elsewhere;

(b) Internal scholarships and bursaries;

(c) Internal graduate teaching assistantships and research assistantships; OSAP (Ontario Student Assistance Program), which generally provides loans;

(d) Discipline-specific or designated awards (awarded by departments or external donors).

International students ("visa students") are also eligible for certain scholarship support.

For up-to-date detailed information on the funding available to graduate students, please refer to the website of the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research (