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Graduate Calendar
Fall 2016

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The PhD program, focusing on health outcomes and health services research, will involve four years of full-time study. It will combine coursework, comprehensive exams and a dissertation. This program will prepare graduates to assume leadership roles in academic and practice settings. Research and scholarly activities will prepare graduates to contribute to nursing practice, the design and delivery of health care, and policy development.

Admission Requirements

Applicants must have a completed Master’s degree normally with thesis from a nursing and/or nursing related program. Applicants must be registered or eligible for registration with the College of Nursing of Ontario. Applicants must also submit three letters of reference, a statement of academic interest and professional plan, and a CV.

A minimum 77% average in their Master’s program is required. For international students, successful completion of an English Language Proficiency Exam is required.

The Ph.D. program will normally involve four years of full-time study consisting of course work (most of it in Year 1), a comprehensive exam (normally in Fall of Year 2) and a dissertation. The dissertation requires independent, original research and makes up at least two thirds of the time normally required for the program.

Total courses:
Minimum of four courses prior to beginning dissertation proposal.

Degree requirements:
63-610. Philosophy of Science in Nursing
63-625. Advanced Perspectives on Quantitative and Qualitative Research Methods
One of the following: 63-620. Applied Biostatistics for Nursing and Health Research; or, 63-630. Qualitative Data Analyses for Health Research
One graduate level course
63-600. Seminar Course
63-741 Comprehensive Exam
63-798. Dissertation

Description of Comprehensive Process:
The comprehensive exam process is designed to be completed in one term. Students will have been assigned an advisor/supervisor upon acceptance into the program. Students may request a supervisor when they apply to the program but ultimately, the supervisor will be determined by the Graduate Coordinator, based on faculty who meet the advising criteria and who have expertise in the student’s area of research interest. Upon successful completion of the comprehensive oral and written exam the student will proceed to register for the dissertation.

Comprehensive Exam Process:
a.) Within the first week of the term in which the student has registered for the comprehensive exam the student will meet with his/her supervisor/advisor and discuss a research topic and potential committee members (i.e. one nursing faculty member and one faculty member external to Nursing but internal to the University). The final committee composition will be approved by the Graduate Program Coordinator.
b) Once the Comprehensive Exam committee members have been confirmed, the student will meet with the Committee to identify the research topic. The student will then spend time researching the topic.
c) Within a 2 – 3 week period the student will prepare and present to the committee a 1-2 page outline describing his/her research topic and potential methodology. The comprehensive paper topic will be mutually agreed upon by the student and committee members.
d) The student will prepare 1 paper on methodology or content (approximately 20 - 25 pages (excluding references and appendix)). The student has 6 weeks to write the paper. As this is an exam the student will not receive guidance as the paper is written.
e) The oral exam date will be pre-booked 2 weeks after the written submission due date. A Chair for the defense will be assigned from the Faculty of Nursing graduate faculty.
f) After reading the comprehensive exam paper the committee members will prepare questions for the oral defense.
g The student is deemed to have passed their Comprehensive Exam upon successful completion of both the oral and written components.
h) If students are unsuccessful with the written exam they do not move forward with the oral exam. They have the option to resubmit the paper within a 3 week time period, or if major corrections are required, they register for another term and redo the paper. If a student fails the oral exam, a second exam will be given within 3 weeks.

Description of Dissertation process:
The composition of the dissertation committee will be confirmed within the first term of registration in the dissertation. The comprehensive exam committee members may also serve on the student’s dissertation committee, with the addition of another nursing faculty member.

1) Proposal Development: Student engages in independent reading and analysis of the theoretical, empirical, and methods literature to develop dissertation research proposal under the guidance of an approved doctoral committee, as per the Faculty of Graduate Studies regulations. This phase involves regular consultation and feedback from the student’s supervisor and advisory committee and should normally be completed in a maximum of 2 terms of study. It will be guided by a proposal development process with expectations and timelines.
2) Proposal Approval: Student will submit a hard copy of the full proposal to each committee member by the due date negotiated. Committee members will independently review the proposal and meet to determine if the proposal is well-designed, feasible, and appropriately grounded in the relevant research literature. Upon committee agreement, the student will proceed to the Dissertation Proposal Oral Examination within a four week time frame. If agreement is not reached that the proposal is satisfactory, feedback will be provided to the student, who will be given an opportunity to revise and resubmit the proposal within a maximum of one term.
3) Proposal Oral Examination: Student who passes the proposal development proceeds to the oral examination of the dissertation proposal. A student who achieves PhD candidacy on successful completion of the Oral Examination then proceeds to ethics review of the proposal and the dissertation research.
4) Dissertation Defense: Upon approval of the completed written dissertation by the Committee, the student proceeds to oral examination of the dissertation research. For the final oral defense the committee will be supplemented by an independent, external examiner in accordance with the Faculty of Graduate Studies regulations.