All graduate courses are seminars. Enrolment is limited in these courses, because considerable contribution is expected from each member of the seminar. For such courses, the corresponding undergraduate survey course, or an acceptable equivalent, is ordinarily a prerequisite. This condition may be waived only by agreement of both the program coordinator and the professor offering the seminar. The specific topics of individual courses may vary, depending upon the interests and needs of professors and students. It is thus impossible to list in detail the many topics that may from time to time be offered. The schedule below lists only the major periods or forms of literature in which special topics courses may be available. Special topics courses having the same course number may be taken more than once providing the course content is different and with the permission of both the program coordinator and the professor offering the course. More than one seminar or course numbered in sequence in any of the listed areas may be offered in a given term.
ENGL-8000. Scholarship and the Profession
ENGL-8010. Tutorials
ENGL-8050. The English Language and Linguistics
ENGL-8100. Literature of the Old English Period
ENGL-8150. Literature of the Middle English Period
ENGL-8200. Literature of the Renaissance
ENGL-8250. Renaissance Drama
ENGL-8300. Literature of the Restoration Period
ENGL-8350. Literature of the Eighteenth Century
ENGL-8400. Literature of the Romantic Period
ENGL-8450. Literature of the Victorian Period
ENGL-8500. Literature of the Twentieth Century
ENGL-8550. Literature of the United States
ENGL-8600. Literature of Canada
ENGL-8650. Post-Colonial Literature
ENGL-8700. Literary Genres: Poetry
ENGL-8750. Literary Genres: Drama
ENGL-8800.Literary Genres: Fiction
ENGL-8850. Literary Genres: Criticism/Cultural Studies
ENGL-8910. Creative Writing Seminar A
The Creative Writing Seminar A is the capstone in Windsor's English program in Creative Writing. Its aim is to assist you, who have been chosen to participate in it as highly talented serious students, to become writers of distinction. The seminar will be run primarily as a workshop, where we read and discuss work-in-progress. There will also be occasional assigned reading and writing exercises, and guest speakers, for your challenge and inspiration.
ENGL-8920. Creative Writing Seminar B
The Creative Writing Seminar B is a continuation of Seminar A as the capstone in Windsor's English program in Creative Writing. (Pre-requisite: ENGL-8910 or portfolio approval).
ENGL-8930.Composition Pedagogy: Theory and Practice
(Required for Graduate Assistants assigned to teach ENGL-1001.)
ENGL-8940. Creative Writing Project
ENGL-8970. Thesis/Project