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CALENDARS (Undergraduate and Graduate) (2008-Current)
Fall 2020 Graduate Calendar
Communication and Social Justice (MA)
Communication and Social Justice (MA)
Admission Requirements
Applicants should submit a portfolio consisting of : (i) a completed application form; (ii) a personal profile in accordance with the format prescribed by the Program; (iii) a C.V.; (iv) an official transcript of grades attained in undergraduate courses; (v) two letters of reference; and (vi) a sample of writing from undergraduate courses. Normally, successful applicants will have an Honours B.A. in Communication or a cognate discipline; however, students lacking this formal requirement but having equivalent qualifications (for example, significant experience with a social justice agency or having engaged for a significant time in social justice related activities) are also encouraged to apply. Students lacking formal admission requirements may be required to enroll in a make-up year.
Program Curriculum Structure
Students must complete five courses, three of which must be CASJ-8500, CASJ-8501, and CASJ-8502. They must also prepare a major paper which may evolve from one of the courses. The presentation of the major paper defense will be open to all faculty and students. Students completing a thesis must take four courses, three of which must be CASJ-8500, CASJ-8501, and CASJ-8502. The thesis option is available only with faculty recommendation. (Courses taken in other programs may be counted for credit with the prior permission of the Graduate Coordinator