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Winter 2016 Graduate Calendar
Full-time graduate students in research-based programs may receive funding from three main sources: scholarships (internal and external), Graduate Assistantships (GAs), and Research Assistantships (RAs). This latter category is Department or even supervisor specific. Eligibility for the first two, scholarships and GAs, are subject to constraints dictated by the funding sources and, in the case of GAs, by the Collective Agreement.
One of the constraints upon funding eligibility is temporal and depends upon continuous registration. Support from the University of Windsor at the Master's level can be offered within the first two years from the first term of registration at the Master’s level (M2). Support from the University of Windsor at the Doctoral level can be offered within the first four years from the first term of registration at the Doctoral level (D2). While external awards are administered according rules defined by the source agencies, and these can differ slightly from program to program, their rules regarding eligibility are similar to the above listed.
In order to retain support once it is awarded, students must maintain continuous full-time registration; rare exceptions can be made to accommodate a Leave of Absence for medical, maternity or paternity leave. Where leave is granted for other reasons, the term(s) on leave will diminish the number of terms that a student was eligible to receive support.
Failure to register by the posted late registration deadline for each semester will result in forfeiture of support for that semester. Students who are eligible to apply for external awards are obliged to do so, or they may forfeit their funding from the University of Windsor.
For up-to-date detailed information on the funding available to graduate students, please refer to the website of the Faculty of Graduate Studies (