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Undergraduate Calendar
Upcoming Calendar - Fall 2011

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Pre-Service courses may extend over one or two terms.

80-199. Teaching and Learning Part I
The course provides students with directed field experiences in a grade 4-6 (French Concurrent), or grade 9 or 10 classroom (Science and Mathematics Concurrent) during each of the Fall and Winter semesters. The Faculty of Education Field Experience Office will arrange the Field Placements. Workshops and seminars will provide students with an orientation to schools, with a focus on school culture and school community and introduce students to the Professional Year Applicant Portfolio as a means of documenting and reflecting on professional learning and practice in the teaching profession. (Open only to second-year students in the French, Science and Mathematics Concurrent Education programs).

80-200. Religious Education in Roman Catholic Schools
This course is provided for those preparing themselves for the ministry of teaching in the Roman Catholic Schools of Ontario. This course is open to all Education students.This course offers prospective teachers the opportunity: 1) to reflect, in an adult context, upon the significance of their faith and faith growth for themselves and their students; 2) to gain a theological background for an introduction to Religious Education. (16 hour course.)

80-201. Human Development and Differentiated Instruction
An introduction to concepts, principles and theories of learning and human development as they apply to teaching and learning, with particular attention to the field of special education, focusing on background knowledge needed by teachers to address diverse learning needs in inclusive classrooms and highlighting methods of differentiating classroom instruction to meet individual needs. (48 hour course)

80-202. Educational Foundations and Instructional Design
An integrated approach to educational foundations designed to develop students’ knowledge, skills and attitudes in critical areas of instructional design (assessment and evaluation, planning and preparation, classroom management, motivation, learning environments) and provide a context for examining provincial legislation and policies and the significance of professional learning and ethical conduct. Through exploring a range of educational philosophies and pedagogical approaches, students will develop an authentic, reflective and progressive approach to classroom practice. (48 hour course)

80-203. Psychology in Education
Psychology applied to teaching: child growth and development, the learning process, mental health, learning and adjustment problems in the environment. (32 hour course.)

80-204. Differentiated Instruction for Students with Special Needs

This course provides an introduction to the field of special education in the Canadian context, focusing on background knowledge needed by teachers to address diverse learning needs in inclusive classrooms. The course surveys the learning needs of children and adolescents with both high and low incidence exceptionalities, and highlights methods of differentiating classroom instruction to meet their individual needs, as well as approaches for remedial assistance for specific learning difficulties. (32 hour course.)

80-205. Educational Foundations, Law and Ethics

This course focuses on provincial legislation and policies and explores the significance of professional learning and ethical conduct that involves understanding a range of educational philosophies and pedagogical approaches. (32 hour course.)

80-207. Contemporary Social Issues in Education
An introduction to critical reflection and analysis of educational issues. This course addresses the varieties of students who enter the classroom in terms of their diverse social origins, cultures, identities, and social status (lived and perceived). It engages participants in an examination of the purposes of education, education policy, and teachers’ responsibility to work productively with school colleagues and other adults to achieve equitable access, experiences, and outcomes for all students. (24 hour course)

80-251. Beginning Time Teachings: Aboriginal Education and Training
This course provides opportunities for teacher candidates to acquire the uniquely shared knowledge of the Original Peoples of North America. The Original People of North America have passed on their languages, their belief systems, cultural knowledge, histories, as well as ceremonies using the oral teaching modality. Teacher candidates will participate fully with the oral method of learning, as well as attend an Anishinaabe cultural camp to develop their awareness of “indigenous pedagogies” of the land: learning through listening, watching, and doing, while being on the land in community with others. (Open only to students in the PJ division) (24 hour course)

80-252. Supporting EAL Learners in the Classroom
This course addresses issues teachers face in multilingual and multicultural classrooms with a focus on how to support and teach English language learners in the mainstream classroom. Students will gain a deeper understanding of the process of second (additional) language acquisition and their role as teachers in that process. (Open only to students in the PJ division) (24 hour course)

80-253. Teaching for Ecological Literacy, Sustainability and Stewardship
This course engages learners in the study of environmental education issues, concepts and pedagogy. It provides opportunities for teacher candidates to reflect critically on and apply key environmental concepts, including conservation, preservation, sustainability, stewardship, ecology, environmental justice, environmental activism, and sustainable development. The course explores pedagogies, resources, experiences and activities for teaching environmental education across the school curriculum and includes non-western ecological epistemologies. The course will involve a blend of traditional classroom experiences and outdoor experiential learning and will utilize authentic assessment tasks. (24 hour course)

80-254. Language and Cultural Engagement
This course is designed to enrich the learning and teaching experiences of teacher candidates from diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds who may have limited knowledge of the culture of the Canadian classroom and for whom English may be an additional language. Strongly recommended for candidates educated in a language other than English. (24 hour course)

80-255. Leadership Experiences in Academic Directions (LEAD)
This course is designed to introduce pre-service candidates in the Intermediate-Senior division to Ministry of Education Student Success initiatives. During their practica, candidates will become part of the Student Success Team in participating schools to develop a foundation for mentoring and an understanding of pathways to success for secondary students designated 'at risk'. The LEAD course will provide teacher candidates with opportunities to work directly with vulnerable youth within a service learning framework. (Open only to students in the JI and IS divisions) (24 hour course)

80-256. Urban Education
This course provides teacher candidates with the foundation of educational theory and practice that will prepare them to explore strategies for becoming active members of schools within lower socioeconomic or urban working-class communities as they learn, as an integral part of learning to teach, about the school’s needs and strengths. As such, the course supports the Faculty’s Urban Education Partnership with local school boards. (Open only to students in the PJ division.) (24 hour course)

80-257. Teaching and Student Success in Secondary Schools
This course is designed to engage IS teacher candidates in a study of the challenges facing students, teachers and administrators in secondary schools in Ontario. These challenges include, but are not limited to, learning skills development, student success and learning to 18, credit recovery, career education, pathways to success, mentoring, bullying, poverty, and mental health. Teacher candidates will learn about the impact of social and economic factors and lived experiences on student academic outcomes and develop strategies for implementing curriculum expectations and reaching all students. (Open only to students in the IS division.) (24 hour course)

80-260. Topics in Elementary Curriculum and Methodology
An introduction to the growth, development, and learning of children from Junior Kindergarten to grade 6 with an emphasis on instructional practices and curriculum planning. Several sections of this course will be offered each year with different foci, for example dance, drama, early learning, and enrichment in core curricular areas. (12 hour course) (May be repeated for credit if topic is different. Open only to students in the PJ division.)

80-299. Community Service Education
This course provides students with directed experience in a community service organization such as a service club, a youth club or group, a national park or conservation area, or a science museum. Students in the French concurrent program may meet the requirements of this course by participating in the Ontario/Rhône-Alpes student exchange or pursuing studies in French at the Université du Québec à Montréal at the undergraduate level, for one or two semesters. The Faculty of Education Field Experience Office will arrange the Community Service Field Placements, where applicable. Workshops and seminars will prepare students for the Community Service Field Placements and assist students in developing their Professional Year Applicant Portfolio.(Open only to third-year students in the French, Science and Mathematics Concurrent Education programs (Prerequisite: 80-199).

80-311. Visual Arts Methodology
An introduction to the growth, development, and learning of children from Junior Kindergarten to grade 6 with an emphasis on instructional practices and curriculum planning for teaching visual arts. (16 hour course.)

80-312. Learning with Technologies
This course explores a range of digital technologies in educational settings. Focusing on teaching, learning and inquiry, students will evaluate digital educational resources, critically discuss and assess uses of new media in school-based contexts, gain hands-on experiences with various digital tools, and develop various multimedia instructional tools with the aim of building an intelligent and thoughtful disposition towards the use of learning technologies within their own classroom and school contexts. (16 hour course)

80-313. Health and Physical Education Methodology
An introduction to the growth, development, and learning of children from Junior Kindergarten to grade 6 with an emphasis on instructional practices and curriculum planning for teaching health and physical education. (16 hour course.)

80-314. Language Arts Methodology
An introduction to the growth, development, and learning of children from Junior Kindergarten to grade 6 with an emphasis on instructional practices and curriculum planning for teaching language arts. (32 hour course inConsecutive; 24 hour course in Concurrent.)

80-315. Mathematics Methodology
An introduction to the growth, development, and learning of children from Junior Kindergarten to grade 6 with an emphasis on instructional practices and curriculum planning for teaching mathematics. (32 hour course in Consecutive; 24 hour course in Concurrent.)

80-316. Music Methodology
An introduction to the growth, development, and learning of children from Junior Kindergarten to grade 6 with an emphasis on instructional practices and curriculum planning for teaching music. (16 hour course.)

80-317. Science Methodology
An introduction to the growth, development, and learning of children from Junior Kindergarten to grade 6 with an emphasis on instructional practices and curriculum planning for teaching science. (16 hour course.)

80-318. Social Studies Methodology
An introduction to the growth, development, and learning of children from Junior Kindergarten to grade 6 with an emphasis on instructional practices and curriculum planning for teaching social studies. (16 hour course.)

80-319. Issues in Education
An introduction to critical reflection and analysis of social, cultural and political issues in education. (16 hour course.)

80-321. Visual Arts Methodology
An introduction to the growth, development, and learning of children from grades 4 to 8, with an emphasis on instructional practices and curriculum planning for teaching visual art. (16 hour course.)

80-322. Learning with Technologies
his course explores a range of digital technologies in educational settings. Focusing on teaching, learning and inquiry, students will evaluate digital educational resources, critically discuss and assess uses of new media in school-based contexts, gain hands-on experiences with various digital tools, and develop various multimedia instructional tools with the aim of building an intelligent and thoughtful disposition towards the use of learning technologies within their own classroom and school contexts. (16 hour course.)

80-323. Health and Physical Education Methodology
An introduction to the growth, development, and learning of children from grades 4 to 8, with an emphasis on instructional practices and curriculum planning for teaching health and physical education. (16 hour course.)

80-324. Language Arts Methodology
An introduction to the growth, development, and learning of children from grades 4 to 8, with an emphasis on instructional practices and curriculum planning for teaching language arts. (24 hour course.)

80-325. Mathematics Methodology
An introduction to the growth, development, and learning of children from grades 4 to 8, with an emphasis on instructional practices and curriculum planning for teaching mathematics. (24 hour course.)

80-326. Music Methodology
An introduction to the growth, development, and learning of children from grades 4 to 8, with an emphasis on instructional practices and curriculum planning for teaching music. (16 hour course.)

80-327. Science Methodology
An introduction to the growth, development, and learning of children from grades 4 to 8, with an emphasis on instructional practices and curriculum planning for teaching science. (16 hour course.)

80-328. Social Studies Methodology
An introduction to the growth, development, and learning of children from grades 4 to 8, with an emphasis on instructional practices and curriculum planning for teaching social studies. (16 hour course.)

80-331. Visual Arts Methodology
An introduction to the development and learning of students in grades 7 to 8 with an emphasis on instructional practices and curriculum planning for teaching visual art. (12 hour course.)

80-332. Learning with Technologies
This course explores a range of digital technologies in educational settings. Focusing on teaching, learning and inquiry, students will evaluate digital educational resources, critically discuss and assess uses of new media in school based contexts, gain hands-on experiences with various digital tools, and develop various multimedia instructional tools with the aim of building an intelligent and thoughtful disposition towards the use of learning technologies within their own classroom and school contexts. (16 hour course)

80-333. Health and Physical Education Methodology
An introduction to the development and learning of students in grades 7 to 8 with an emphasis on instructional practices and curriculum planning for teaching health and physical education. (12 hour course.)

80-334. Language Across the Curriculum
An introduction to the development and learning of students in grades 7 to 8 with an emphasis on instructional practices and curriculum planning for teaching language arts across the curriculum. (24 hour course, one semester.)

80-335. Mathematics Methodology
An introduction to the development and learning of students in grades 7 to 8 with an emphasis on instructional practices and curriculum planning for teaching mathematics. (12 hour course.)

80-336. Music Methodology
An introduction to the development and learning of students in grades 7 to 8 with an emphasis on instructional practices and curriculum planning for teaching music. (12 hour course.)

80-337. Science Methodology
An introduction to the development and learning of students in grades 7 to 8 with an emphasis on instructional practices and curriculum planning for teaching science. (12 hour course.)

80-338. Social Studies Methodology
An introduction to the development and learning of students in grades 7 to 8 with an emphasis on instructional practices and curriculum planning for teaching social studies. (12 hour course.)

80-352 to 80-380. Junior - Intermediate, Intermediate - Senior Methods
These courses provide a more detailed study and application of the aims and teaching procedures of specific subjects in the Junior-Intermediate and Intermediate-Senior concentrations. Intermediate-Senior candidates must select two courses from the Table of Options. Junior-Intermediate candidates must select one. (48 hour course.)

80-386. Curriculum Development for Technological Studies Part I
An introduction to the theory and practice of curriculum development for Broad-Based Technology programs in secondary schools. The course uses a constructivist approach to promote integrated learning and broad-based technology approaches through activities that lead to the development of unit plans, a course of study, a project outline, a student learning module and a course portfolio. Thematic and project-based strategies are used to address the learning expectations outlined in curriculum guidelines and policy documents and provide a variety of student learning styles, teaching approaches, and assessment and evaluation strategies. Shop safety and workplace safety are themes infused throughout the course. (Offered in two parts in successive summers, 32 hour course.)

80-387. Curriculum Development for Technological Studies Part II
An introduction to the theory and practice of curriculum development for Broad-Based Technology programs in secondary schools. The course uses a constructivist approach to promote integrated learning and broad-based technology approaches through activities that lead to the development of unit plans, a course of study, a project outline, a student learning module and a course portfolio. Thematic and project-based strategies are used to address the learning expectations outlined in curriculum guidelines and policy documents and provide a variety of student learning styles, teaching approaches, and assessment and evaluation strategies. Shop safety and workplace safety are themes infused throughout the course. (Offered in two parts in successive summers, 32 hour course.) (Prerequisite: 80-386.)

80-388. Principles and Methods of Teaching Technological Studies Part I
This course is an introduction to the methodology and processes of facilitating learning in the Broad-Based Technological Education classroom. The course will provide opportunities to apply pre-instructional planning, instruction and classroom management skills, ongoing and post-instructional assessment and evaluation strategies. Emphasis is on course activities that will focus on teaching and learning theories, the dynamics of team and group learning, and the development of written and oral communication skills. Course activities include lesson planning, team practice teaching, report writing, seminar presentations, and the development of video and print student learning modules. (Offered in two parts in successive summers, 32 hour course.)

80-389. Principles and Methods of Teaching Technological Studies Part II
This course is an introduction to the methodology and processes of facilitating learning in the Broad-Based Technological Education classroom. The course will provide opportunities to apply pre-instructional planning, instruction and classroom management skills, ongoing and post-instructional assessment and evaluation strategies. Emphasis is on course activities that will focus on teaching and learning theories, the dynamics of team and group learning, and the development of written and oral communication skills. Course activities include lesson planning, team practice teaching, report writing, seminar presentations, and the development of video and print student learning modules. (Offered in two parts in successive summers, 32 hour course.) (Prerequisite: 80-388.)

80-399. Teaching and Learning Part II
This course provides students with directed field experiences in a grade 7 or 8 (French Concurrent), or grade 11 or 12 classroom (Science and Mathematics Concurrent) during the Fall semester. The Faculty of Education Field Experience Office will arrange the Field Placements. Workshops and seminars will provide an orientation to teaching and assist students in completing their Professional Year Applicant Portfolio. (Open only to fourth-year students in the French, Science and Mathematics Concurrent Education programs.) (Pre-requisites: 80-199 and 80-299).

80-497. Internship
The Internship consists of 100 hours of skills upgrading along with a number of assignments related to the selected discipline. It allows candidates to deepen and broaden their skills and knowledge in their selected area of technological education. A technology skills profile will be used to track the range and level of skills of each candidate. The Program Coordinator for the Technological Education program will work with Board-based Technological Program Consultants across the province to select teacher advisors who will support teacher candidates during their Internship period. The Technological Program Consultants will be responsible for evaluating teacher candidates during their Internship.

80-498. Practicum
The practicum consists of two main components: orientation to schools, with a focus on school culture and school community; and classroom practice related to the candidates specific discipline. Teacher candidates are assigned, during Fall and Winter practicum sessions, to schools or other settings approved by the Ontario College of Teachers, for a minimum of sixty days of combined observation and practice related to these components. As well, candidates will do 100 hours of pedagogical workshops, courses or seminars, offered by the Board. The Technological Program Consultant will sign off on this training. Candidates would be required to visit schools that offer their discipline. The Technological Program Coordinator will set up the school visits and the Board will pay for teacher coverage during their absence from regular teaching.

80-491, 492, 493, 494 and 499. Practice Teaching
Directed observation and practice teaching is provided through a series of field experiences. Primary-Junior candidates will normally be placed in Grades K to Six inclusive; Junior-Intermediate candidates will normally be placed in Grades Four to Ten inclusive; Intermediate-Senior candidates will be placed in Grades Seven to Twelve inclusive.